Wendy Gilchrist
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Need a good massage? One that gets all the right spots, is deep, and yet still relaxes you. Call Wendy today and make an appointment.
Massage For Wholeness
Servicing area
Gordon and surrounding areasFocus areas
Stress Management
Private health
Is it time for a Massage?
Sometimes a good massage is exactly what you need. I am a qualified massage therapist massaging for over 20 years. I am accredited, making it possible to claim for rebates on massage with private health funds.
- Through our work routines or even our general daily routines, certain muscles inevitably become overused.
- When this happens the outside coating i.e. the fascia sets like glue around the muscle and tightens it.
- This in turn slows down the blood flow through the muscle.
- The flow of lymph which flushes waste products out of tissues is also compromised.
- The effect then is to reduce the elasticity hence efficiency of the muscle in allowing movement.
Given any sudden or jarring movement the result can be tearing at the muscle attachment to the bone or worse, the bone itself can be pulled out of its position.
Please avoid these painful outcomes and realize that muscles too need you to take good care of them.
- Furthermore I am familiar with the stress holding patterns in the body and work to release the relevant muscles.
- In so doing flexibility is restored to the muscle and the body relaxes.
- My approach is meditative so at the same time as getting a good deep massage you will possibly chill out for the rest of the day.
- Please keep this in mind when organising your time after the massage.
A gift voucher for a massage or massages makes a thoughtful and appreciated gift for family and friends.
Why do we need massage?
Muscles constitute 40 to 50% of the total body weight. Of skeletal muscle, we have 2 types.
- Postural muscles which maintain upright posture. These have a portion of the muscle contracted at any given time while the other portion is relaxed e.g. the hamstring group on the back of the upper thighs. These muscles shorten when stressed.
- Phasic muscles only contract to produce movement of bones e.g. the rhomboids (between spine and shoulder blade). These muscles weaken when stressed.
Emotional or physical patterns of overuse, compress muscle until it becomes constricted. Examples include holding shoulders elevated; chest constricted; upper back rounded; or lower back strongly arched.
Mild pressure on constricted muscle feels tender. When muscle tenderness reaches its maximum pain level it is known as a trigger point. With sufficient rest the pain of an active trigger point may become less although it will not become fully relaxed.
With practitioner intervention through focused, specific and skilful palpation these muscle restrictions can be alleviated and healthy muscle tissue restored.
$45 subsequent ($50 initial)
Concessions available
$85 subsequent ($93.50 initial)
Concessions available
$125 subsequent ($132.50 initial)
Concessions available
All card payments accepted
Health fund REBATES available as I am accredited with all private health funds. Gift vouchers available- an excellent gift for those who have everything, including stress.
1:30pm - 8:00pm
9:30am - 1:30pm (every second Wednesday until 7:00pm)
10:00am - 6:00pm
- Diploma In Remedial Massage Therapy
Professional Membership
- ATMS - Australian Traditional Medicine Society
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