Kim Hardaker
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The METATRON Bioresonance scanning machines tunes into the disturbance of the harmonic synchronisation in any biological object. This can be used to assist to locate any imbalances on an emotional, psychological, or physical level.
Metatron Bioresonance Scanning
Servicing area
Perth MetroFocus areas
Would you ike the opportunity to scan your body system and energy field to analyse what is affecting you on a cellular & energetic level and then have the opportunity to have balancing frequencies for your specific healing?
Well you can with The Metatron Bioresonance System
It tunes into any disturbances of the harmonic synchronisation in the body. It locates any imbalances on an emotional, psychological, and physical level. It's more that just diagnostic software, it is a healing tool as well. It does this via frequency and sound - it helps to disspell negative emotions causing blocks of energy in your body as well as recalibrating any viruses or bacterias that are reeking havoc in the background.
The applications of this device not only provides a perspective of the human body like no other device - METATRON elicits your current emotional state, allergens or bacterias that may be in affect, individualises specific food types, herbal supplements, and lifestyle choices that would be of most benefit for you based on your current state of health. This not only assists in obtaining the root cause of any issues but it suggests recommendations and remedies for treatment and is truly a holistic approach.
We are all made from energy, light and frequency and moving forward this metatron system is a part of the quantum realm and is the way of the future for healing.
You will feel like you have just quantum leaped to another level of health & wellness for your life!
Kim is the founder and owner of Mandala Personal Coaching & Crystal Healing. She is a Master NLP Coach and Practitioner as well as a Crystal Healing Practitioner. Kim has extensive experience working within an array of different industries and over the years has developed and embraced many life skills.
Since October of 2017, Kim has been the owner and operator at the Vivacious Living Centre in Ardross. A Centre dedicated to the holistic health and wellness industry. With many different practitioners in varied modalities working at the Centre throughout the year.
Kim takes pride in being a part of this of this ever-evolving industry and gets great satisfaction in seeing the benefits of her coaching and of those others at Vivacious Living Centre to their clients.
Her latest and very exciting addition to the Centre is a Metatron Bioresonance Treatment machine, it is currently the only machine of it's kind in Western Australia.
Contact Details
Kim Hardaker
Phone: 0412 227 922
Email: info@vivaciouslivingcentre.com.au
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