Lewanna Janine Newman therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2016

Lewanna Janine Newman

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Offering a range of Yoga and Meditation classes suitable for children & adults. Private tuition and small groups specialist.

About Vital Yoga

Focus areas

Rehabilitation Movement Adults Relaxation Joy Wellness

Welcome to Vital Yoga

Who are we?

Vital Yoga has been in practice for over 20 years and has been in the hands of its principal teacher/owner Lewanna Janine Newman. Lewanna has extensive national, local and international experience and an immense knowledge of the physiological body to the limitless power of the mind.
Yoga is a truly invigorating and inspiring journey of self-development and self-discovery. It is not only what you do on the yoga mat but it is also how you can incorporate the practice into everyday living. Let us share the ancient wisdom of yoga with you!

Who am I?

In the year 1993 I developed Vital Yoga. I would then experience the profound healing of yoga after giving birth at 8 and a half months to a stillborn baby. Yoga enabled me to heal mentally, physical and spiritual and turn my life into serving humanity utilising this effective tool to discover stillness, serenity and silence within.

I have a degree in Teaching Human Movement and have studied with many masters of meditation and yoga. Ashtanga yoga is my personal practice and have studied in India with the late Pattabi Jois. I’m a registered Senior Yoga Teacher with Yoga Australia and fully insured.

For more information about the best services for your needs or to organise an appointment - just give us a call!


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