Dr Neupane & Dr Bhandari
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Highly-qualified Ayurvedic massage therapists with years of experience dealing with all types of people & health issues.
Ayurvedic Massage: Abhyanga, Kalari, Herbal Ball & Remedial
Servicing area
Burleigh Heads, West End, Brisbane & Gold Coast QLDFocus areas
We offer several types of massage which you can book for 60, 90 or 120 minutes. Within the duration you choose, you can add specialised treatments that target parts of the body and particular health conditions.
At Vibrant Ayurveda, all our therapists are highly qualified with many years of experience working with all types of people and health requirements.
Types of massage therapy
Abhyanga Massage (Traditional Ayurvedic Treatment)
Abhyanga is the traditional ayurvedic full body massage using herbal oils selected to suit your mind-body constitution (dosha) and any presenting symptoms or imbalances. The therapist practices abhyanga with an acute awareness of the energy points in the body (marmas and chakras).
The massage moves energy into your body at the same time it loosens toxins from your tissues and stimulates your body’s natural ability to heal.
The treatment benefits both your nervous and endocrine systems, enhances blood and lymphatic circulation, improves muscle tone, and reduces free radical activity within your body.
Remedial Massage
Remedial massage uses specific techniques to stretch and lengthen muscles and connective tissue. It releases toxins, tightness, stiffness, knots and pain from your joints, muscles and tissues. It improves circulation and stimulates the skin and nervous system. It reduces bodily pain and discomfort, increases mobility, and promotes relaxation and wellness.
A regular program of remedial massage is ideal for managing stress as you experience both mind and body relaxation.
Kalari Massage
The benefits are incredible! Kalari massage releases tension and tightness from the muscles, relieves pain, and promotes circulation and healing. This massage will definitely leave you feeling lighter, fresher and revitalised
Herbal Ball Massage
The traditional herbal bag massage uses a warmed and oiled bag of special herbs chosen for their anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent and antioxidant properties. The massage therapist uses the herbal bag (pindasweda) to soothe sore and overworked muscles while giving the body’s energy reserves a huge boost.
It induces deep relaxation, relieves stress and fatigue, boosts emotional and physical well-being, assists alignment and postural integrity of the body, improves circulation of blood and lymph, and stimulates the internal organs.
Book now to feel the relaxation and relief caused by Ayurveda.
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