Eliane Lee-Schneuwly
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Consultations in English or French - Areas of interest: Multiple Sclerosis, auto-immune diseases, chronic degenerative diseases, neurological disorders, integrative medicine (Enhancement of positive effects and/or alleviation of adverse effects of conventional medical treatments)
Valiant Health Care
Servicing area
St Lucia & Brisbane, QueenslandFocus areas
15% discount on nutritional supplements when booking an initial consultation with Valiant health Care
What is Naturopathy?
Naturopathy involves holistic health care, which means that the focus is not only on acute and visible signs and symptoms, but also the treatment of the whole body, the analysis of the interactions between body systems - as well as the underlying causes of a condition.
What happens during a naturopathic consultation?
A naturopathic consultation involves four steps:
- Before consultation: Functional Pathology testing, i.e. Blood test, nutritional DNA test, microbiome test, urine/saliva test.
- During consultation: Review of presenting concerns, family/medical history, in-depth review of all pathology tests’ results, general assessment of major body system conditions and interactions.
- Dietary analysis: and consideration of a weekly dietary plan.
- Rationale & recommendations on supplements:
Why specific nutritional supplements or herbs are recommended? How they work and how they can help?
About the practitionner Elianes fascination for nutritional biochemistry and the complex interactions between food, nutrients and body systems started in the early 1980s after being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) while finishing an Art's degree in French Literature and Modern History, at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. Determined to become a High School Teacher in spite of this condition and her prognosis at the time, she completed a Master of Arts in 1986, followed by a Diploma of Education in 1987. She subsequently taught in Switzerland and overseas for 15 years, but maintained a passionate interest in diet therapy and nutritional treatment, grateful that this knowledge has helped her overcome MS and lead a normal life. In 2001, shortly after migrating to Australia, Eliane decided to formalise her interest in natural health and started a new career by completing the Advanced Diploma in Naturopathy, followed by a Bachelor of Health sciences in Nutritional Medicine at the Endeavour College of Natural Health (previously known as the Australian College of Natural Medicine (ACNM)) in Brisbane. |
Apart from naturopathic and/or nutritional consultation, what can you specifically offer?
I have a keen interest in nutritional biochemistry and interpretation of DNA and pathology lab testing. Lab tests (blood, urine, saliva, stool analysis) can provide an excellent profile of existing or potential biochemical imbalances in the body, which may pin-point or predict suboptimal health in the future. In addition to laboratory test analysis, I offer specific nutritional DNA analysis. In collaboration with NutriPATH pathology, I offer a written DNA report which covers 100+ of the best known and best-researched nutritional genes and analyse their predisposition regarding 10 health modules: Nutrient metabolism and digestion, methylation, hormone metabolism, mental health and cognitive performance, liver detoxification, immune support and inflammation, DNA protection and repair, cardio-vascular health, exercise and athletic performance, fertility.
Why should i do a DNA test?
Regardless of your age and your current health status, I strongly recommend you to do a DNA test. Why?
Epigenetics, the study of how our genes can be switched on or off without changing the DNA itself, has completely changed how we understand the interplay between our environment, lifestyle, and genetics. According to researchers, the vast majority of chronic disease cases can be traced to what are called “epigenetic factors.” If your DNA is your unique “blueprint” for health, then epigenetics is the architect that brings that blueprint to life. This also means that although a person may have a genetic predisposition for a particular disease, it will not express itself unless the right conditions occur for it to do so. This groundbreaking field shows that the choices we make every day can greatly impact our genes, influencing our risk for chronic diseases and our overall health.
A DNA test will tell you which genes are not functioning ‘optimally’, thus what genetic predisposition you may have for various biochemical imbalances (excesses or deficiencies), and various health conditions. While genes themselves don’t change, the expression of these genes can be up or down regulated, thanks to various diet, supplements and lifestyle modifications. You are not at the mercy of your genes. Remember: Prevention is worth a tone of cure and knowledge is power.
Rebates for nutritional consultations available from most Private Health Funds
- Bachelor of Health Sciences (Nutritional Medicine)
- Advance Diploma of Naturopathy
- Post-grad Diploma of Education
- Bachelor of Arts (Hons)
Professional Membership
- ANTA - Australian Natural Therapists Association
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