melinda atha therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2008

melinda atha

urBodi Detox Clinic

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Your colonic hydrotherapist is also a qualified nutritional therapist and can offer you a detailed treatment plan which will give you supplement, diet and lifestyle advice.

urBodiDetox Clinic - Colonic Hydrotherapy

Servicing area

Perth WA

Focus areas

Cleansing Health goals Fitness Far infrared Hydrotherapy Health issues


Colonics Hydrotherapy is similar to having an internal bath using filtered water for your bowel. It is warm, gentle and comfortable. Our therapist is trained and qualified in colonics and will ensure every colonic is a happy experience.


What occurs during the treatment?

When you arrive  for your first appointment we will go over your wellbeing screen, where we will survey your wellbeing issues and search for any contra-indication. We will then talk about your points and explanations behind having the method then settle on your action plan and how we can get the best results for you.

When you have changed into your outfit, we will begin with the colonic treatment. The colonic itself will take anywhere in the range of 30-45mins. You will reap and experience the benefits of a cleansed body and your colon will be clean, hydrated, stimulated and happy.


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3 Services

Colonic Hydrotherapy

Colonic Irrigation
$140 Per session

Closed System Initial Colonic

Follow up colonic

Colonic Irrigation
$130 Per session

If you have previously had a colonic with me, then this follow up colonic is a good option.


  • Advanced Diploma In Colon Hydrotherapy
  • Diploma In Colon Hydrotherapy
  • Advanced Diploma In Leisure Management
  • Advanced Diploma In Nutritional Medicine

Professional Membership

  • IICT - International Institute For Complementary Therapists

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