Angel Wings Healing
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The SleepTalk® for Children process is safe, ethical and drug-free, and it works if you follow it as taught and stick with it.
Angel Wings Healing
Focus areas
Bed-Wetting – Sibling Rivalry – Hyperactivity – Sleep Issues – Appetite – Separation Anxiety – Bullying – Co-Operation – Aggression – Confidence – Trauma – Not Talking – Body Image … and many more behavioural and emotional issues, including some issues on the autism spectrum.
The Goulding SleepTalk® for Children process is a wonderful, non-invasive, safe and fast (2 minutes) process that you, the parent or guardian, conduct with your child in your home after your child has gone to sleep.
SleepTalk® is about teaching parents to work with their own child(ren) while they sleep and when they awaken children have a more positive mind set. It only takes parents about 2 minutes per evening and the changes last for life. Parents talk – children listen – waking up bright and happy. Parents use this auto-suggestion technique with children up to the age of around 16 to speak with the subconscious mind while they sleep. All our beliefs are stored there and it’s from these beliefs that children will act for the rest of their lives. Life-affirming beliefs instilled through SleepTalk® of feeling loved, lovable and safe result in a firm foundation of high self-esteem and emotional resilience for life. (Children who received SleepTalk® over 30 years ago are now using the SleepTalk® process with their own children!)
No matter what the presenting issue, whether children have special needs or not, across the board SleepTalk® consistently shows children to be happier, more relaxed, more engaged, more focused and symptoms of anxiety or aggression subside completely or at the very least, lessen substantially. These have also been the results for children on the autism spectrum. The process works if it is followed exactly as taught and parents stick with it. The Goulding SleepTalk® Process appears to activate neuroplasticity (Norman Doige MD, The Brain that Changes Itself).
Empowering parents:
- The Goulding SleepTalk® process empowers parents to help their children achieve self-confidence and inner strength.
- Goulding SleepTalk® empowers parents to give their children positive suggestions to help with general and specific issues in their lives.
- This process is a safe, ethical and non-intrusive process suitable for any family and lasts for life.
- Children’s healthcare professionals have been using the The Goulding SleepTalk® process for over 30 years.
- The Goulding SleepTalk® process gives parents a second chance to undo the possible harm caused by unkind words they may have said to their children during a busy day.
It has been successful in resolving all the issues mentioned above, sometimes in as a little as a few days, and has been used effectively by thousands of families around the world over the last 40 years since its founders, Joane and Jim Goulding, developed the process for their daughter with astounding results.
Even if your child has none of those issues but you want to ensure s/he feels deeply loved and secure and confident and is growing up with all the right beliefs to live an empowered and productive life, then SleepTalk® is also for you.
The 6 month Private Consulting Package with Michelle Mayur includes:
- 3 x 2 hour 1:1 meetings in person, via Skype or phone during which we focus exclusively on you and your child.
- Plus unlimited email and phone contact between sessions so that you feel fully supported.
This process is safe, ethical and non-invasive, and it works if you follow it as taught and stick with it.
The NEW ONLINE SleepTalk® for Children Parental Edition is NOW AVAILABLE.
Goulding SleepTalk® Online Parental Edition logoGumroad is a well-known, successful video streaming portal which now hosts Joane Goulding's world-acclaimed SleepTalk® for Children Process. For the first time ever, parents can now gain access to The SleepTalk® Process and learn how to deliver SleepTalk® to their children in comfort and convenience on the devices of their choice, at their own pace and at the times of their choice.
More Information at
Through the Goulding SleepTalk® process, which incorporates the ‘Top Hat’ technique, the subconscious mind of a child redefines its belief structure and accept alternate suggestions which upon awakening becomes their truth and reality. Not all children need this process but it’s a given that they will all benefit from it.
Children are our future and as parents we need to recognise this with a sense of urgency. If we are to take care of the children, we need to take care of the now. It’s not what we leave to our children that matters, it’s the knowledge that we leave within their minds.
This two minute gift creates changes that last a lifetime.
The Goulding SleepTalk® process is for children with difficulties, and children with none. It’s for every parent who wants their children to reach their potential, whatever that potential may be.
Visit my website to learn more or CONTACT ME to see how SleepTalk® can benefit your child and most likely the family dynamics as well.
What parents say
“My children have become calm again and the household is happier, thank you for giving me back my child.”
“I have been presenting the SleepTalk® with my son who is 9 yrs of age for 6 months and I have a new boy! He’s back to being my loving, caring and helpful son who has found his self-esteem and self-worth again. I am so proud of him and a huge believer in the SleepTalk® miracle. It is amazing. Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou!!!”
“Initially I didn’t think SleepTalk® would have the potential to work on my 3 year old daughter; however after trying the technique I found my 3 year old to be calmer and more settled with her bedtime routine. The SleepTalk® process was very easy to follow and manage. It has been a worthwhile contribution to my daughter’s very healthy sleeping routine.”
“Since starting the SleepTalk® process, the whole family has noticed an improvement in my son’s behaviour. It is hard to believe that with so little time and effort our daily lives have improved so much. My son is a much calmer boy now and has less tantrums, in fact it is now a rare occurrence that we have to send him to his room for time out (it used to be a couple of times a day at weekends). It is also a lovely time for me to go into his room at night and whisper to him which is a nice end to the day regardless of it being a good day or not. He is definitely waking up ‘bright and happy’ these days – we love it!”
“We have been continuing doing our SleepTalk® and have observed some pretty great developments with ‘N’ which are more obvious since his return to school. He seems to have acquired a whole new work ethic and is participating in school work activities and seems to be generalizing this knowledge outside of his school environment and is even doing some academic work ‘just for fun’! Oh My Goodness, I am so very thrilled about this!!”
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