Angel Wings Healing
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About Michelle
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Michelle is an Amazon #1 Bestselling Author for Embraced by the Divine - The Emerging Woman's Gateway to Power, Passion and Purpose.
Through Michelle’s writing and angel-guided healing work she co-creates transformational energetic shifts in people, especially women, to dissolve limiting beliefs and energetic blockages so they can step fully into their power, passion and purpose. Both the angelic realms and the Divine Feminine energies of Love and compassion are strongly present in her work. Since 1995 she has been in private practice at Angel Wings Healing in Melbourne, Australia,, seeing clients around the world in person and via Skype.
Although Michelle has a wealth of successful experience in treating issues such as self-esteem, confidence, anxiety, reactive depression, stress, grief, phobias, migraine, relationship issues, insomnia and stop smoking, her passion is working with people awakening on a spiritual path and helping people to find and enjoy more of their potential.
She has been interviewed on numerous radio shows and telesummits, such as You Can Heal, Activating Compassion and Soul 2 Soul.
Michelle is a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Accredited Goulding SleepTalk® Consultant, holds a Bachelor of Science degree and diplomas in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Holistic Healing, as well as Certificate IVs in Counselling and Conflict Resolution and also Disability. Her many healing gifts, intuitive insight and breadth of knowledge have developed progressively since commencing the private healing practice in 1995.
She is a Full Member of IICT (International Institute of Complementary Therapists). She has also organised and facilitated annual Spiritual Egypt Tours to sacred sites and Reiki Workshops set in pristine Tasmanian rainforests, as well as co-created vibrational essences at these sacred sites.
Many of Michelle's healing gifts were discovered as the result of her profoundly life-changing experiences living and working on the tiny, remote equatorial island of Nauru in the Central Pacific Ocean in 1993 and 1994, including a near death experience.
Michelle is also an Accredited Goulding SleepTalk® Consultant working with children – especially sensitive ones and those on the Autism Spectrum – and has recently done fascinating research into the use of SleepTalk® principles with adults with an Acquired Brain Injury. Her dedicated SleepTalk® website is
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