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"I want to give you the depth and the strength which is yours... the original you." Yogi Bhajan
Small Blessings Yoga - About Jai Ram
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Classes in PalmyraFocus areas
Jai Ram is an accredited and experienced Kundalini yoga teacher who has been teaching Conscious Pregnancy Yoga and Postnatal Yoga as well as open Kundalini Yoga and Yoga for Women classes since 2006. From Perth originally, she has 3 children, all born in Germany, where she lived with her German husband for 9 years.She is also a certified Conscious Pregnancy Teacher Trainer.
"I have found in Kundalini Yoga a guide that can take me through all of the changes in my life and through all of the phases. Throughout my pregnancies, in preparing for and giving birth, in becoming a mother with all of the major changes that brings, through the growth in my relationships and through discovering ever more about myself.. Kundalini Yoga and the teachings of Yogi Bhajan have been of immeasurable value - a true raft in all types of waters.
It is a great pleasure to me to be able to share from these teachings with others who come to me and to witness their growing glow and inner strength. In the smallest blessings the greatest love. Welcome.
Jai Ram
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