Sue Kira
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Naturopathy and Nutrition for Mental Health, Pyrrole, Thyroid, Autoimmune and Sleep disorders
Servicing area
Mooloolaba, Maroochydore & Sunshine Coast QLDFocus areas
Naturopath Sue Kira combines the knowledge of more than 40 years (28 as a naturopath) combined experience in naturopathy, nutrition, pathology, research, forensic medicine, lecturing and writing with the wisdom from consulting with more than 18,000 individual clients.
Sue’s approach to healing is to thoroughly investigate what caused the problem in the first place to get to the root of the problem, rather than only look at the condition in isolation.
Sue is a fully qualified naturopath and nutritionist. Apart from these modalities, Sue’s background is in health sciences including pathology, forensic medicine, research and pathology laboratory testing. She is a member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS), 4624 and a certified MINDD practitioner.
Specialties include Mental Health (Anxiety/Depression), Pyrrole Disorder, Thyroid and other Auto-Immune conditions, Gut healing, Sleep disturbances, Cardiovascular system support, Dementia and Alzheimer's support, DNA screening, Detoxification and Wellness
A path of true healing may include any of the following:
- Discussion on causes of imbalances
- Nutritional supplementation
- Herbal medicine
- Live Blood Screening
- Iridology & Sclerology
- Organic Acids Testing
- Heavy Metal & Mineral Screening
- Leaky gut/Microbiome testing
- Allergy & Intolerance testing
- Pyrrole urine testing
- Detoxification program
- Hormone tests (Dutch test) and charting cycles
- Dietary modification & advice
- Urinalysis testing
- Rofes (German Bioresenance testing) Body systems testing
- Pulse oxyimeter - blood oxygen saturation level and pulse reading
Referrals to other practitioners and laboratory testing as needed
Please visit the main website www.truevitality.com.au for more details, articles, inclusions and for bookings. Or book via 'Natural Therapies Pages' using the link below
Book now and find out what Sue can do for you
1hrIn clinic or online telehealth consultations available
Business Hours
We're open 3 days.
Tuesday |
9:00 am | To | 4:00 pm |
Thursday |
9:00 am | To | 4:00 pm |
Saturday |
9:00 am | To | 2:00 pm |
- Pathology Technician
- Medical Herbalist
- Post Graduate Diploma In Clinical Nutrition
- Advanced Diploma In Naturopathy
Professional Membership
- ATMS - Australian Traditional Medicine Society
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