Tristen Pritchard
Tristen Pritchard Hypnotherapist
Tristen Pritchard Hypnotherapist
Focus areas
I’m Tristen Pritchard, a clinical Hypnotherapist. I’m also a fiction writer and musician. I’ve written three novels, and have played in countless bands and produced music for others. I’ve lived in London and New Zealand through different parts of my life.
Right now, Melbourne is home for myself and my wife, our pug Geoff, and two cats, Battles and Thackery. I have always been interested in a lifestyle that involves helping or inspiring people. I find Hypnotherapy a very ethical industry, as there are so many ways we can heal ourselves and treat ourselves naturally, without the need for pharmaceuticals.
I love seeing the transformation in people that come to see me and want to continue to help people in any way I can for the rest of my life. During my time so far as a Hypnotherapist, I have helped people overcome phobias, anxiety, anger issues, stress, addiction, weight issues and more.
I have helped people overcome serious phobias and anxiety in four or less sessions (most smokers only need to see me three times for life-long freedom from addiction), which is only a collective few hours of deeply relaxing therapeutic engagement to equal a lifetime of positive change!
I would love to have the opportunity to help you manifest the changes you want in your life! I see too many people coping with things, or even suffering from issues that they certainly do not deserve. It is my mission to help others understand their potential and tap into it, to live the life they truly want to live, and manifest every dream into a reality.
Here are most of -but by no means all- the things I treat:
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Phobia
- Weight loss
- Addiction
- Depression
- Certain medical issues (stroke recovery, fertility, physical performance sport, sexuality)
- Migraines
- Dermatological issues
- Insomnia
Introduction to Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy is all about working with the creative unconscious mind.
Once we access the infinite resources that lie deep within all of us, rapid and astounding change can take place. Barriers will disintegrate, unhealthy patterns will be interrupted and dispelled. New solutions will come surging forth, and a brand new you will emerge.
Despite how gentle and relaxing Hypnotherapy is, the effects are rapid compared to more mainstream therapies. This is because we do not work with one part of the self. We work in bringing all parts of you together, understanding and integrating issues rather than battling them, bringing both minds -conscious and unconscious- into a harmonic communication process where upon issues are understood on a deeper level where the conscious mind is not the ruler, but a curious and innocent participant welcomed into the healing and change process.
But if there is something you might think I can help you with that isn’t in the above list, please don’t hesitate to contact me! If the mind agrees, the body will respond!