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Become empowered to make the changes your body needs to heal, through relaxing, therapeutic, reflexology treatments.
Treat Your Feet Reflexology
Servicing area
Greenwood, Padbury, Craigie, Duncraig, Hamersley, Westminster, Marmion, Stirling, Wangara, Perth WAFocus areas
Chronic health issues
Stress Management
Digestive disorders
What is Reflexology?
Reflexology works at the physical level through a reflex action of stimulus and response but it also works at the deeper more subtle levels of the mental, emotional and spiritual. By focusing my attention on underlying patterns of disease rather than the physical symptoms, whilst working on the feet, it is possible to help bring about permanent changes for my clients, assisting them in their own healing process.
What Can Reflexology Treat?
Reflexology is a holistic therapy promoting the body to heal itself, so in theory it can help with almost all conditions and problems, however, listed below are some conditions and problems that reflexology has had success treating:
- Anxiety
- Arthritis
- Back pain
- Chronic illnesses - diabetes, MS
- Depression
- Digestive disorders
- Fertility
- Hormonal imbalances
- Migraine
- Relaxation
- Sinusitis
- Sleep disorders
- Stress
- Stress related conditions
I tailor the care to meet your needs.
- 1st appointment – Foot spa and client info session followed by a reflexology treatment. Duration of appointment: 1 hour
- Subsequent appointments – Reflexology treatment. Duration of treatment 35-45 minutes.
I also offer
- Brazilian Toe Massage treatments. (Balancing of the energy meridians in the body) Duration of treatment 15-20minutes.
- TMJ Reset treatments. (Rebalancing the energetic imbalances in the Temporomandibular joint.) Duration of Treatment 45 minutes, allow for 1 hour for the appointment.
About me
I first came into contact with Reflexology in 1995 when I desperately needed relaxation. All I knew about it then was that it was a foot massage and that sounded relaxing. Well, I came to the realisation fairly quickly that reflexology was much more than that.
I studied Reflexology in South-Africa in 1999, focusing on the medical model, and gave up my teaching career to have my own practice. My husband was transferred a few times for work and we moved from one small town to the next. I then became a mother and devoted my life to our children. I had a few clients but, as I am sure most of you can relate, my boys kept me quite busy. In 2007 we immigrated to Australia. My love for Reflexology urged me to start up with it again once the boys were settled in the new country and going to school full time. In 2011 I studied Reflexology again at the Reflexology Academy of Western Australia under the very knowledgeable, Bert Davis, this time focusing more on the emotional model. I am constantly looking for ways on how to improve my service to my clients and will keep on doing courses in the field of alternative health therapies to enhance the experience for them.
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Muscle pain
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