Transcendental Meditation therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2012

Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental Meditation

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Transcendental Meditation [TM] HEALTH . HAPPINESS . CREATIVITY . SUCCESS . CLEAR THINKING . About us

Transcendental Meditation

Focus areas

Creativity Anxiety Stress Management Mantra Self-confidence Wellness

A simple effortless technique to reduce stress and anxiety, increase creativity and efficiency, and promote high level health and wellness.

How TM Can Change Your Life
The benefits of Transcendental Meditation are immediate, and increase over time - you will notice results starting from your very first meditation, and these benefits continue to grow with regular practise of the technique.

The practical benefits of Transcendental Meditation have been verified by hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific research studies, which have been conducted at over 200 independent medical schools and research institutions throughout the world. TM is easy to learn and enjoyable to practice, making its wide-ranging benefits accessible to people of all ages, and all walks of life.

Benefits Include:
  • Greater creativity
  • Clarity of mind
  • Reduced stress, anxiety and tension
  • Improved memory
  • Better sleep
  • Increased energy and motivation
  • Improved ability to focus
  • Better health
  • More self-confidence
  • A sense of balance and inner calm

Research Shows:
  • Slows biological ageing
  • Decreases hospitalization rates & doctors visits
  • Provides deep physiological rest
  • Promotes coherent brain functioning
  • Decreases substance abuse
  • Improves workplace productivity
  • Increases IQ
  • and much more

Transcendental Meditation Research - Mind

Greater Creativity

This study used the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking to measure figural and verbal creativity in a control group and in a group that subsequently learned the Transcendental Meditation technique. On the posttest 5 months later, the Transcendental Meditation group scored significantly higher on figural originality and flexibility and on verbal fluency.

Increased Perception and Memory
College students instructed in Transcendental Meditation displayed significant improvements in performance over a 2-week period on a perceptual and short-term memory test involving the identification of familiar letter sequences presented rapidly. They were compared with subjects randomly assigned to a routine of twice- daily rest with eyes closed, and with subjects who made no change in their daily routine.

Increased Ability to Focus
Field independence has been associated with a greater ability to focus, greater organization of mind and cognitive clarity, improved memory, greater creative expression, and a stable internal frame of reference. The results show that practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique develops greater field independence. This improvement in Transcendental Meditation meditators is remarkable because it was previously thought that these basic perceptual abilities do not improve beyond early adulthood.

Increased IQ
Students at Maharishi International University in Fairfield, Iowa, who regularly practiced Transcendental Meditation, increased significantly in intelligence over a 2-year period, compared to control subjects from another Iowa university. This finding corroborates the results of two other studies showing increased IQ in Maharishi International University students.

More Coherent Brain Waves
EEG coherence increases between and within the cerebral hemispheres during Transcendental Meditation. EEG coherence is a quantitative index of the degree of long-range spatial ordering of the brain waves. The chart on the left shows that for a 2-week meditator, EEG coherence increased during the period of meditation. The chart on the right, of a 2-year meditator, shows high levels of coherence even before meditation began, spreading of coherence to high and lower frequencies about half way through the meditation period, and continuing high coherence even into the eyes-opened period after meditation.

Mantra and Transcendental Mediation explained

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