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Kerrelee Lummis
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Touch for Healing
Servicing area
Bicton, Western AustraliaFocus areas
Discounts for Students and Pensioners apply.
Touch For Healing is a private home based practise situated in a quiet, aestheticaly pleasant environment to promote relaxation and comfort.
Kerrelee is qualified in several modalities. Kerrelee has over 30 years experience as a Counsellor. She has a Social Work Degree and is a trained and experienced bodyworker, qualified in Bowen Technique, Therapeutic massage, Reflexology, Reiki. Currently she is stuydying Ortho-Bionmoy a tecnique develpoed by an Osteopath.Kerrelee is also an Intuitive Tarot Reader and gives readings which incorporate her psychic insights with supportive counselling.
Her extensive experience in these modalities enables her to support people in the healing of both their physical and emotional health.
If you are looking for ease for muscular aches and pains and injuires the gentle but very effective techniques of Bowen or Ortho-nomy treatments can help relieve pain and calm your nervous system leaving you relaxed and rebalanced.
Thank you for visiting our website today, I wish you good health and happiness!
Opening Hours
Monday to Thursday 9am till 5pm and Saturday morning.
Hours can vary with my family comittments. I will try to find a suitable time thats works for you.
For more information about the best services for your needs or to organise an appointment - just give us a call!
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