Alison Lovett Holistic Counselling therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2016

Alison Lovett Holistic Counselling

Alison Lovett Holistic Counselling

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“Where the emotions go, the mind and body follow.” Ian WhiteMention Natural Therapy Pages for 20% OFF your first consult

The Sharing of Wisdom - Australian Bush Flower Essences

Servicing area

Mont Albert North and Balwyn

Focus areas

Essential oils Coping skills Guilt Complementary Stress Management Values

Ian White, Naturopath, Homoeopath and the founder of the Australian Bush Flower Essences. Ian is a fifth generation Australian Herbalist, and as a young boy Ian accompanied his grandmother on trips into the bush, and like her mother, they were taught a profound respect for nature whilst using and researching the medicinal properties of the native plants.

Australian plants have a unique beauty and strength. Not only do we have the highest number of flowering plants, they are also amongst the oldest in the world. This combined with the inherent power of the land, manifests in the Australian Bush Flower Essences.

How do the essences work? They work in an energetic way on the body, as opposed to a chemical way. Each flower has a “unique vibrational healing signature”. The healing power of the flower is indicated by the environment that the plant grows in, the number of petals, the shape and colour of the flower, etc., known as the “Doctrine of Signatures”. They work on the principle that disease can be prevented if emotional issues are alleviated. They are gentle, non-toxic and unlock the body’s natural healing potential.

Combinations: There are presently sixty nine Bush Flower Essences, they work well individually or combined to address the same issue or theme. The majority of essences are to be used for two weeks at a time and whilst taking the essences it is helpful to remember the positive virtues they address. I also make Creams and Mists.

Alison’s Depression Combination: I combine at least five essences depending on the symptoms to make a formula for ongoing depression. The main essence specifically addresses feelings of isolation, abandonment and loneliness. These people have no feeling of connection or sense of belonging and this remedy helps an individual to reach out for help and contact rather than withdraw inwardly. As many clients have been in this state for a long time, this combination will often need to be used for longer periods, sometimes for up to 6-8 weeks without a break. Patience is required; however the results are well worth waiting for.

Grief and Loss Counselling: Dr Elizabeth Kubler-Ross originally introduced the concept of five stages of Grief and Loss; denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. More recently this has been expanded to Seven Stages of Grief; shock & denial, pain & guilt, anger & bargaining, depression, reflection & loneliness, and finally the upward turn; reconstruction & working through to acceptance & hope. This model is a rough guide and helps one to understand the process clients work through.

Today individuals are encouraged to fully feel and express the emotions they are experiencing, and when clients are allowed to express their grief, they move through it, rather than detrimentally repress it. Grief that is continually repressed and held in can become chronic depression. Therefore Alison encourages their feelings of grief and allows it to flow, by speaking into their grief, not around it.

There are three main essences to support Grief and Loss Counselling

  • One helps you to be aware of what you are feeling, to help you express the feelings

  • The second triggers healthy grieving, releasing deeply held grief and sadness

  • The third helps with feelings of alienation, aloneness and the sense of disconnection

Transition Essence: This helps one to cope and move through any major life change.
Alison’s Transition Essence Cream: A very specific blend of essences mixed into a pure (additives free) lotion, for clients to gently massage into their hands, wrists and temples. This remedy eases the fear of all transitional stages in life, as well as helping them come to terms with those changes. This therapy is very soothing, loving and nurturing.

Emergency Essence: Supports all Emergencies and Crisis Intervention Counselling. These seven complementary essences are excellent for emotional upsets, panic, distress or fear. They have a very calming effect during a crisis. If a resident needs specialised medical assistance, this combination will provide comfort until treatment is available; it can be administered hourly or as often as necessary. Emergency Cream: Fantastic for burns, cuts, distressed and fearful people. Emergency Mist: Ideal for spraying on bed linen, pillows, clothes and used as an atomiser to prevent that “out of control feeling” from escalating during any crisis or emergency.

The Purpose of Flower Essences
The purpose of Flower Essences is to promote healing through the release of negative beliefs and by flooding one’s being with the positive virtues. When the negative thoughts and beliefs which caused the problem are dissolved, balance is restored and true wellbeing and harmony occurs.

How to Choose the Most Appropriate Flower Essence
Recognising exactly how you feel is the key to choosing the most appropriate remedy.
Sometimes we find it difficult to be honest with ourselves, as few of us want to be seen in the negative state. Therefore it can be helpful to talk to an objective person, rather than a partner, close friend or relative who may be emotionally involved with your problems.

During a consultation Alison uses great sensitivity and empathy ascertaining a client’s present feelings, attitudes and state of mind, and then matches the appropriate remedy.

“Happiness is not simply a feeling or emotion; it’s a connection to the world, a realization of one’s place in it”
Mark Kingwell

Australian Bush Flower Essences: Introductory Course
formerly known as - ABFE College Course - 16 hours

The Essences really are a wonderful adjunct to any other form of healing - be it Kinesiology, Reflexology, Psychology, Counselling, Hypnotherapy, Life Coaches, Trainers, Homoeopathy, Naturopathy, Nutrition, Herbs, Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Acupuncture/Traditional Chinese Medicine, Massage, Reiki, EFT, Mediumship or any other modality you care to name.

The Bush Essences will always help facilitate and enhance whatever other healing is taking place. If you are a practitioner, you can give your clients a bottle of essences to take away with them.

  • This will lock in whatever healing you have done, if you do body or energetic work

  • If you are a counsellor and have uncovered a trauma or deep emotional response, the
    Essences will help move that through and heal it

  • If you are a herbalist, naturopath or nutritionist, you can work on underlying emotions and attitudes with the Essences to get a deeper level of healing

  • Life coaches and personal trainers have found they can get the emotional or mental breakthrough that is needed faster if they use the Essences, and it sticks better. People really shift whatever it is that has been holding them back

  • In the short term, you are value adding - there is the price of the Essence added to each consultation. This isn’t a huge amount for each client, but at the end of the week it adds up to what you bank as a practitioner

  • But the big advantage for practitioners in using the Essences is that you will get much better healing outcomes with the Essences, and in shorter time frames. This gives a great feeling of satisfaction - that feeling that you are helping make a difference, which is why most practitioners go into healing in the first place

  • It also means satisfied clients. And whatever you have helped them to heal within themselves will always have a positive effect on those around them

  • Also, satisfied clients refer other people to you

  • So it’s very much a win-win situation - absolutely everyone benefits

All the Essences have many healing qualities which we go into during the two days and one of the wonderful things about this College Course is that it is structured around the chakras.

We have eight lessons in the course (Part 1). The first lesson we look at mind-body medicine - how our thoughts and emotions affect our health. We also look at the chakra system and how modern science is now beginning to validate this very ancient philosophy.

The remaining seven lessons each look at one of the chakras and what issues are related to that chakra; emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically, including which Essences address those specific issues.

This course is a number of things:

  • It is a journey through the chakras

  • It is an opportunity to look at your life and transform

  • It is a very comprehensive education on mind body medicine from a scientific, naturopathic and energetic viewpoint.

The Introductory Course is your only opportunity to be introduced to all 69 individual essences from the Australian Bush Flower Essences range in a two day Course.

This is a very accessible course and you don’t need to have studied flower essences or any other form of healing in order to do it. We start with the basics and walk you through the philosophy and the essences so that by the end of it you are confident and competent to use the essences either in a clinical practice or on yourself, your family and friends.

The two day Introductory Course and the two day Practitioner Skills Course together makes up the complete Certified College Course, and if you are a Practitioner both these courses will count towards your Professional Development Points.

Continuing Practitioner Education - CPE Points: for Australia only
Both the ABFE Introductory and Practitioner Skills Courses accrue the following points with these nationally recognised Professional Practitioner Bodies -
16 Hour Bush Essences Introductory Course:
ANTA (Australia) 16 CPE hours and ATMS (Australia) 8 CPE points
16 Hour Bush Essences Practitioner Skills Course:
ANTA (Australia) 16 CPE hours and ATMS (Australia) 8 CPE points

Not already in practice? Both these courses are recognised by IICT to help you gain Membership and Insurances to begin; ask Alison for further support to get started.

A complete set of TEACHERS HANDOUTS: I will present you with a complete set of teacher’s handouts in a folder for your convenience, for both the Intro and the Prac Course. I will also duplicate important charts, information, Client Background Information Forms, etc by also sending those electronically. I will take care to ensure you have all that you need.

PRACTITIONER STOCK KIT SPECIAL: The following special is available to you but please note that it is only valid for the duration of the course and up to 1 week after the course date.

The Bush Essences Stock Kit of 69 Essences usually retails for $695 will be on special for the duration of the course for $595 (Save $100). Your new Stock Kit will also include the Small Reference Book, 2 x 15ml bonus dose bottles filled with carrier solution and a set of practitioner labels to enable you to make up a remedy as soon as you receive your kit.

CERTIFICATES: At the conclusion of both the Intro and the Prac Skills Courses you will receive a Certificate of Completion from the Australian Bush Flower Essences if you successfully complete your Assessment; the Assessment/Certificate is not compulsory.

An additional qualification is also available; the Advanced Practitioner Certificate is available after the College Course is completed and upon submission of extensive and detailed case histories. These case histories are emailed directly to Sydney.

Australian Bush Flower Essences: Introductory Course
Formerly known as - ABFE College Course - 16 hours

Venue: Manniche Avenue Mont Albert North, Vic 3129


Start: Saturday July 16th 2016
Finish: Sunday July 17th 2016


Start: Registration from 9.20 for 9.30am
Finish: 6.00pm


$333.00 Early Bird Special if paid by - Monday 4th July
$395.00 thereafter


Alison Lovett: Mobile: 0418 540 789

Thank you for reading the above, and if you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to phone or email me. If you wish to pay via Internet Banking please send me an email or text to confirm your payment and I will issue you with a Receipt and Confirmation of details when the payment appears in my account.

NAB Banking details:

Name: Alison Lovett

For: July Intro

BSB: 083.290

Act: 48.663.0917

I look forward to sharing this course with you and should you need any further information or assistance please feel free to contact me.

With love and respect,
Alison Lovett MACA No 7007, Level 2
Alison Lovett’s Holistic Counselling Services
Bach Flower Remedies Practitioner
Australian Bush Flower Essences Practitioner

2016 Certified ABFE Teacher of the:
Introductory College Course, 2 days
Practitioner Skills College Course, 2 days
Women’s Wellbeing & the ABFE Workshop, 1 day Dowsing & ABFE Workshop, 1 day ABFE Basics Talk - 2 hour overview
M 0418 540 789, E

Professional Membership

  • Australian Counselling Association (ACA)

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