Samantha Halls
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The Healing Project
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My name is Samantha Halls and I am based in Townsville, Queensland. I am an Applied Kinesiologist who uses the Forensic Healing technique. I work with people who are suffering from long term, chronic illness and I help them to overcome problems such as pain, fatigue and anxiety.
I have an avid interest in women's and children's health, and in particular like to deal with clients who have been put in the 'too hard basket' by conventional medicine. Some good examples of this are people dealing with depression and anxiety, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue and children who have behavioural and learning problems such as ADD/ADHD, ASD and dyslexia.
I come from a history of science and medicine and I hold an Mmsc (Master of Metaphysical Sciences), Bmsc (Metaphysical Sciences), BSc (Biological Sciences), a Dip FH (Forensic Healing) and I am a certified Member of the International Institute of Complimentary Therapists. I am currently studying for my PhD in Metaphysical Sciences.
My mission is to teach as many people as possible the true nature of illness, why they get sick and what to do to fix it - permanently.
What do I offer that is different? My clinical knowledge, intuition, clairvoyant and psychic abilities and my life experiences combine during a session to give my clients the kind of insight into their lives they have never been given before. My clients leave with new understanding about their illness and how to move forward with it. My whole aim is to empower my clients so they can be free of every illness and live their lives to the fullest.
Who will benefit from working with me? Anyone who is really ready for change. If you are willing to take responsibility back for your own health and to make a commitment to moving forward then this is for you.
“I cannot recommend Sam’s treatments highly enough. I was suffering with depression and anxiety. After seeing Sam just a few times I can finally see light where there was only darkness. I was having suicidal thoughts every day but now I feel happy and hopeful for a bright future. Sam is wonderful.” Jody, Townsville
“I felt like an emotional train wreck. I still feel emotionally drained but in a good way, like a weight has been lifted off my heart and shoulders. I like your thoroughness in finding the problems and your ability to relieve them. I also like being able to talk with no judgement.” Melissa, Townsville
“I really cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for me! Your intuition and nurturing nature have helped to resolve so many life limiting issues, some I never realised I even had! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” Jacqui, Melbourne
Initial Consultation - approx. 2 hours, $165
Subsequent Consultations - approx. 90 minutes, $120
Allergy Testing - approx. 1 hour, $90
Reiki - approx. 1 hour, $90
3 Month and 6 Month Treatment Packages are available.
Applied Kinesiology
Did you know your body can talk? Not only can your body talk, but it knows exactly what is going on inside of it. It knows what symptoms you have, and more importantly, it knows why. In fact, each symptom is your body trying to communicate with you!
Applied Kinesiology uses a series of structured questions to ask your body directly about the origin of your symptoms, whether they be physical, emotional or mental. In this way the root cause of your problems are arrived at quickly and painlessly.
The Forensic Healing system of Applied Kinesiology is a comprehensive, science based method with over 100 healing pathways combining many different modalities and techniques. These include but are not limited to; energy meridian massage and acupressure, muscle release, allergy and toxin testing, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), reflexology, neck, jaw and spinal alignments, vibrational healing, aura and chakra balancing, meditation and guided visionary journeys. I also utilise crystals and essential oils, the Dorn Method of Spinal Realignment, trigger point therapy and myofascial release, clinical hypnotherapy and past life regression therapy.
Case StudyMary came to see me with extreme pain. Western doctors had done many tests and couldn’t determine the cause of her pain. Her symptoms were debilitating and meant she had difficulty doing even basic tasks such as driving the car. The pain came and went and as such Mary had begun to have panic attacks and anxiety about when the pain would come back.
As we began our sessions events from Mary’s early childhood began to surface. She had suppressed a lot of the memories due to the trauma at the time. Mary’s mother had been through a trauma of her own and had simply withdrawn and stopped talking to her 3 year old daughter. Mary had felt emotionally abandoned at a young age. She had stopped speaking and used to spend many hours alone and scared. This had gone on to create patterns of behaviour and beliefs that she was not good enough. Over the next few weeks of treatment Mary began to remember more and more, the emotions she had felt at the time came back too.
Even though the adult Mary was highly educated with a successful career, had a loving husband and children of her own, her feelings of self-doubt persisted. When we, as a team, drew away the final layer of Mary’s symptoms we discovered that her pain was based upon the fear she would do the same thing to her own children as had been inflicted on her young self. She was terrified of abandoning them. This was amplified by her symptoms, as she was convinced she would end up in hospital, unable to look after her family. Had Mary given up we would never have discovered the true source of her intense pain and panic attacks. Although her symptoms improved from the start of her treatments they persisted until we found out the root cause. I am very happy to say that Mary is, to this day, pain and panic attack free, knowing the cause of her symptoms has changed her life.
Note: Name has been changed to protect identity
Energy Healing
Energy Healing is one of the most relaxing and profound modalities you can experience. The electro-magnetic energetic bodies that surround the human body are not static, they constantly expand and contract, responding to our emotional and physical state. I have the ability to both see and feel these energetic layers commonly known as the aura, as well as the energetic centres commonly known as the chakras. Working to smooth and align these layers and to repair any rips or tears that may be present leads to an overall feeling of extreme peacefulness. Many clients report seeing colours around them, hearing sounds or experiencing vivid memories. Some feel tingles and even ‘pins and needles’ whilst others feel heat or cold. The feeling left afterward is that of being lighter, a weight lifting from the body. Many people report a sense of bliss that lasts for hours, even days. Stress and anxiety are reduced, even eliminated. In balancing the chakras and correcting any underactivity or overactivity a sense of balance and recharged energy is felt. As the life force flows evenly up and down the spine the way it should clients report feelings of centeredness and grounding, like they can suddenly think clearly again. Memory and cognitive ability are restored and often tension that lead to symptoms such as headaches goes as well.
I am an experienced Energy Healer, being an initiate in both Reiki and The Reconnection and holding a Masters and Bachelor in Metaphysical Sciences in which I have studied many different methods. I also use crystals and essential oils to enhance my energy healing.
“I now know where my issues stemmed from. I feel like I don’t have a worry in the world. I feel tingles all through my body and like a weight has been lifted that was heavy.” Katrina, Townsville
Holistic Counselling
Sometimes clients just don’t know why they seem to be ‘stuck’ in life. Why situations keep recurring or they just can’t seem to make headway. Perhaps stress, anxiety, overwhelm or grief have played a part in seeking help. Holistic Counselling provides tools and strategies for moving forward, but it does more than that. It gets to the root cause of the underlying problem and teaches the client the real reasons for their being in that situation. It allows clients to clearly see how and why they are creating the life around them and what to do in order to change this and start living the life they want.
I strive to combine Holistic Counselling with other modalities that would best serve each individual client. In this way each situation is addressed uniquely and I use my knowledge from many different areas to custom tailor a plan to help my client.
“I don’t know why seeing you is so different from seeing my psychologist. After I leave there I just want to cry, but when I see you it is like you take the pain out of my heart and put the happiness back in.” Julie, Townsville
Kinesiology (Initial Consultation)
1hr 30minGentle but effective technique to get to the bottom of any problem be it physical, mental or emotional.
- Msc, Bmsc, Bsc, Dip Fh (kinesiology)
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