Rachel Vines
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Rachel provides Breathwork Therapy and Birth related services in Canberra including Doula services! Conscious Parenting and Soulful Mothering Programs available.
The Birth Yurt
Servicing area
Wanniassa, Australian Capital TerritoryFocus areas
Pregnancy support
Postnatal support
Doula support
After 10 years of practicing as a Doula, birth still never ceases to amaze me. I am wonder filled at every single birth, through every breath of the labour journey and every first welcoming of new life. It is, and will always be a wonderful miracle, a blessed event and an honour to be witness to each and every individual journey.
I am pleased to offer a wholistic Doula service to Mums and couples in Canberra and surrounds. My birth philosophy is simple. I agree to be ''present', be supportive, and be witness to Mums in their pregnancy and birth. I will hold a space for Mums to explore, to fully participate, to be curious and to feel absolutely safe, secure and confident in their labour and birth. My wish is for all births to be joyous, safe and loving.
The benefits of Doula support - for you and your family
Hiring a Doula is a personal choice. Yet there are many significant and proven benefits to hiring a doula for your pregnancy and birth. And really, why not? Below are some of the benefits you may experience by hiring a Doula.
- Improved natural birth outcomes for mum and bub
- Reduction in the need for c-section or pain medication
- Birth education and planning tailored to your needs
- Provision of up to date information on pregnancy, labour and babies
- Significantly reduced tension, stress and fear around labour and birth (or babies)
- The benefit of on-call support at anytime during your pregnancy and birth
Pregnancy and Postnatal Support
I offer private pregnancy, labour preparation and Postnatal Support. Guided, nurturing and honest support is essential in labour and in preparing for parenthood. Similarly, de-briefing, understanding, and letting go of birth stories, birth (or other) trauma and any fears and concerns is important.
At the Birth Yurt, support is tailored to your needs and those of your family.
- Therapeutic Support: Relaxation and Fear Release; De-briefing and Art; Breathwork Therapy, Breathing Techniques and Guided Meditation.
- Information: Understanding your body, the physiology of birth; and Birth Planning.
- Group work: Soulful Mothering; Calmbirth and Calmbirth Relaxation groups; Group Breathwork
About my journey.....
For more than a decade I have supported individuals and couples through life transitions, including birth. Originally trained in Anthropology, I have always been intensely interested in ‘community’. I have a long interest in family and cultural systems, community and personal beliefs, traditional roles and practices, and how these support individuals through important life stages, such as birth, childhood and relationships. Thirteen years ago I shifted my attention to women’s spirituality and birthing, focusing on traditional birth practices, and I worked with Aboriginal women in Queensland in order to research and understand the practice of women’s business in their community.
As a mother, Doula, Doula Trainer, I am very pleased that I am able to share my passion for conscious birthing and soulful parenting with Canberra families. As a Doula I am witness to the journey of life as it unfolds gradually during pregnancy, birth and beyond. It is about standing present to families as they grow, and being a solid reference point for gentle guidance, love and understanding during this process. Being a Doula I am a companion to mothers and fathers as they navigate new or worn territory; it is a work of love and honour and deepest respect for families and their individual choices.
Through the practice of Breathwork Therapy and through my most recent study in Psychotherapy I feel that my journey has come full circle. I find myself reflecting on the concept of community and on what this means in terms of creating, delivering and growing ‘life’. We are all responsible for growing and supporting healthy bubs and healthy parents and I am honoured to be part of this process.
My belief is that birth is an important journey for all members of the community. It is the becoming of mothers, and becoming of fathers. It’s the moment of ‘I can’ and ‘I will’. It’s the first breath of one full life, whatever that path takes. It can be healing, it can be fearful or it can be with love. Birth is the emergence of the baby from the mother and the emergence of parents – of a growing community.
My wish is for the safe, nurturing and loving birth of all new life; as well as the rebirth and growth of safe, healthy and soulful parents in our community. I am looking forward to connecting with you! x Rachel Vines
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