Jenny Lai therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2006

Jenny Lai


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  Some Helpful Information To Guide You


Servicing area

Bankstown, New South Wales

Focus areas

Gastrointestinal (GI) health Musculoskeletal pain Pain management Holistic health Skin problems Psycho-emotional

How long does each acupuncture session take?

This varies and depending on individual conditions. For standard acupuncture treatments, it can take up to 60mins; and for weight loss acupuncture it can take up to 80-90mins.

How often do I have to come back for a treatment?

Generally, the standard consultation/treatment is once a week unless specified by the practitioner which can be up to twice a week in severe cases.

How many sessions do I need before I see some improvements?

How many sessions you need depends on how long the condition has been lingering for and how severe the condition is, for example, if you suffer from a condition since childhood and it’s been 20-30 years, it is very unlikely 1 or even 6 treatments is going to make a big difference as compare to someone who suffer a condition for 6 months only. The earlier you get it treated, the sooner you will recover. Most people generally would feel some form of differences after the first treatment such as feeling ‘lighter’, ‘relax’ and ‘not much pain’.
To recover sooner and effectively also requires certain changes to your diet and lifestyle to prevent further worsening and repeated patterns to your condition.

What do I need to do before and after my treatment with acupuncture?

It is important that you have something to eat and not come to treatment with an empty stomach as this will make you feel weak due to the movement of energy. 30-60mins intake of food before treatment is ideal. After treatment, it is recommended that you don’t have any icy-cold drinks or food as this impedes the function of the spleen and stomach energy. Warm water or warm food is ideal. Generally, give yourself a couple of days rest for healing to take place before you do any strenuous activities to prevent further injury or worsening of your condition.

Why is warm water and food good for us?

Our stomach requires warmth to burn the food we eat; warmth generates movement; and movement generates energy. When you consume too much cold drinks and food, this slows down the spleen and stomach’s energy to metabolize, transfer and transport the nutrient to other parts of the body; and in the long run, digestive symptoms such as bloating, food stagnation, diarrhea or constipation will occur. It is important that you incorporate warm water and food to your daily life if you want to have a healthier lifestyle.

If I have cupping, how long would it take for the colour on my back to disappear?

The colour appearing on the back after a cupping session indicates how long toxin or stagnation has been in your body. It depends how d ark it appears – the darker the colour, the longer it will take the colour to disappear and usually can take up to a week for it to diminish.

What do I need to do to improve my well-being and prevent further worsening of my condition?

Depending on what your condition is, there may be certain food and drinks you need to avoid, or certain exercises you need to stop so that healing can take place. This is usually noted during the consultation. Most importantly, understand that moderation of food consumption and exercise must come hand in hand.


Business Hours

We're open 4 days.


10:00 am To 5:30 pm


10:00 am To 5:30 pm


10:00 am To 5:30 pm


10:00 am To 5:30 pm


  • Bachelor of Health Science In Traditional Chinese Medicine

Professional Membership

  • ATMS - Australian Traditional Medicine Society

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