Tao Quantum Healing Services
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About Tao Healing Services
Focus areas
What is Tao healing?
Tao soul healing involves connecting to a postive freqency which gently changes and nourishes your vibrational field, unlocking parts of your soul that are holding you back. I specialise in increasing self-compassion, helping clients get 'unstuck' in their lives and reconnecting to their true self.
What you can expect
Using non-invasive methods, I will work with you to transform and rebalance your painful emotions on the soul level, the effect which show up in daily life. This means your soul will start to lead you instead of your mind and when you are no longer restricted by other's expectations, enormous power comes through in decision-making and meeting your needs. Anxiety and stress rapidly decrease as you trust yourself, your path and the flow of life.
- Are you feeling the pull to move into your authentic higher self?
- Do you feel like you are living the life you 'should' and your emotions are overwhelming?
- Would you like to be deeply present and loving to yourself whilst the alchemical shift in the depth of your soul is unfolding?
Appointment details
You can access/enjoy soul healing in person or online.
Each one hour session costs $150 AUD. For 3 or more sessions purchased at once, a 20% discount is applied ($120 for each 1 hour session).
About me
Hello, I'm En-En. I have been a Tao Healing Practitioner for over 8 years for clients across Australia and Internationally. I am also an Artist who is inspired by Tao quantum transformation - felt as a shower of Light. I am passionate about the inner and outer dimensions to the work of reuniting people, the living world, and the sacred.
With compassion and connection, I provide soul healing. I look forward to sharing the innovative Tao Healing Practices and ancient wisdom of Dr and Master Sha with you.
My Tao healing session with En-En came at just the right time for me when I was dealing with some heavy feelings and conflict. I was troubled by the anxious and angry feelings I was experiencing, these felt like a burden and were giving me physical pain as well as making it difficult for me to focus.
En-En listened to me and I felt she had a good sense of the core issues I described. She used this information to guide me through a sequence of processes in a calm and safe way.
During the session I had a number of visions, received personal messages of guidance and felt an immediate sense of lightness, a lifting of my burden.
I gained insights into my life purpose and the best way to move through the current conflict in ways that are in keeping with my values and my preferred ways of being in the world.
The session had a lasting effect that has stayed with me during the week that has now passed. I have felt more at peace, calmer, happier, more able to focus and be present with others, and more grateful for the beauty and joy in life.
This has given me strength to flow with integrity and openness through challenges that I have been facing.
I can recommend En-En's Tao healing as a gentle, safe and helpful practice, especially useful for shifting energy that feels stuck, heavy or painful.
Thank you En-En.
Dr Carla van Laar - Victoria
My intention for my session with En En was to gain more insight and understanding of my chronic physical pain. We began by breath and sound work to help me to connect with my body. Once connected to my body I was able to be in my heart space and bring awareness to my physical pain. En En was able to hear what I already knew about my pain and she was able to integrate this into the session; I found this to be a supportive offering from her.
I received a Tao healing blessing for my water and metal element to heal grief. This helped my heart space to open and to ground my energy. En En then facilitated a forgiveness practice and I was able to receive a flow message from my own soul. This aspect of the session was particularly powerful for me. I could sense an internal softening and I began to tap into the emotional charge behind the concept of forgiveness for myself and for those who have come before me.
En En gave me practical suggestions on how to sit with my pain when it next comes. I found this deeply moving and supportive...like I am able to create a new relationship with my pain to support my own healing.
The session with En En supported me to meet my body, pain and soul with compassion and gratitude.
Jess, Melbourne
Thank you so much En-En. Your healing came at the perfect time for me. Through the process I released grief as you opened up a very real presence and connection with my first unborn child with whom I shared much healing and love in the session. Also, I felt a powerful blessing as my heart swelled with a pearl like angel I saw with me. The chronic sinusitis I came to you with has eased since and your connection of this with the qualities of courage and grief - the metal element - made so much sense. The messages and image you conveyed from tuning in to Akashic records will guide me further as I continue with my healing after the session. I am very grateful for your gentle, loving blessings, prayers, songs and beautiful presence. Thank you so much.
FH, Melbourne.
1 hour personal consultation with Tao Hands Blessing
1hrThis can be for any area of your life, health, relationship, stress relief, balance the emotional body including depression, grief, sadness, anxiety, fear, worry; balance the mental body, balance the 7 soul houses and finances.
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