Movement Made Easy
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“Movement is life. Life is a process. Improve the quality of the process, and you improve the quality of life itself.”
Moshe Feldenkrais
About Tanya Saxon
Servicing area
BrisbaneFocus areas
Human movement
Stress Management
Nervous system
Movement patterns
Tanya first became interested in Feldenkrais in 1982, when working as a Physiotherapist in Rehabilitation.
Her first experience had an enormous effect on her personal organisation, enabling her to learn to move gracefully, and more important, comfortably. It provoked her ongoing curiosity about how our habitual movement patterns can lead to stress, pain and injury, and how the plasticity of the human brain can be harnessed to learn new patterns of action, enabling movement with ease, grace and efficiency.
Tanya graduated from the first Australian Feldenkrais Professional Training Program in Sydney in 1990, going on to become an Assistant Trainer in 2000. She has always had a private practice, but has also worked part time in Pain and Stress Management Clinics, Rehabilitation and Aged Care.
Over the years Tanya has been asked to speak at conferences about the FeldenkraisMethod. She has also run workshops for various interest groups.
Tanya has been working in Brisbane's inner north western suburbs for the past 20 years, and has recently moved to new larger rooms which are wheelchair / stroller accessible. She enjoys working with clients of all ages in the areas of neurological and orthopaedic rehabilitation, chronic pain, poor balance, mobility difficulties, and posture/acture (posture in action).
She runs weekly classes, and sees clients for private sessions by appointment.
For more information or to make a booking, call or click on one of the links below.
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