Tania Flack - Bondi Health & Wellness

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Look After Your Health Before, During and After Your Pregnancy, With a Range of Natural Fertility Management Services and Treatments.

Tania Flack - Natural Fertility Management

Servicing area

Bondi Junction and Randwick

Focus areas

Wellness Natural medicine Lifestyle Optimal health Herbalist Reproductive health


Recent studies have found that one in six couples are infertile

With infertility on the rise in Australia there has never been a better time to learn how Natural Medicine can help to balance your hormones, regulate your cycle, improve male fertility and help you and your partner to improve your health and fertility in preparation for a happy healthy pregnancy.

Why Choose To See Tania?

Tania has specialised in fertility and women’s health for more than a decade and loves working with women and couples to achieve their dreams of starting a family.

Tania has furthered her education by completing advanced studies in Natural Fertility Management and has gained further experience in postnatal care through her role as Complementary Medicine Advisor with a leading postnatal care company.

Services On Offer

I offer several innovative Natural Medicine programmes for both men and women to help treat reproductive problems, improve fertility, prepare for a healthy pregnancy and support you during pregnancy and in the postnatal period.

Reproductive Health Care Programme

Reproductive Health Care Programmes provides specific treatments for reproductive problems such as menstrual irregularities, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, fibroids, and other conditions of the reproductive system.

So even if you’re not planning to start a family in the near future, we can help to treat these conditions so when the time is right you can feel confident in your fertility.

Preconception Programme

Preconception Programmes for both women and men helps you to prepare your body for conception and maximise your chances of a successful, healthy pregnancy. We have seen in practice how successful this programme is, making sure you and your partner are in robust good health before you conceive increases your chance of achieving a healthy, active pregnancy and gives you baby the very best start to life. For more information see the Success Stories page on my webstie.

Pregnancy Support Programme

A Pregnancy Support Programme helps you maintain glowing health during your pregnancy while ensuring that you and your growing baby receive optimal nutrition.

Do you know what your nutritional needs will be during pregnancy? Many women don’t realise that their nutritional requirements change throughout the different trimesters of pregnancy as their baby draws on nutrients to grow and develop.

Maintaining optimal nutrition during pregnancy ensures that women give their baby the best start in life and give themselves the best opportunity to recover well after birth and enjoy motherhood.

Infertility Treatments

Infertility treatments aim at addressing problems such as difficulty conceiving, recurrent miscarriage, irregular ovulation, older mums, hormonal problems and male infertility, including low libido,erectile dysfunction, low sperm count and sperm motility problems.

By using gentle and effective natural medicines we aim to maximise fertility and increase your chances of successful conception and pregnancy.

IVF Support

Natural medicine is ideal to help support you through your IVF journey. We ensure that you are fully supported by helping you to achieve optimal nutrition, maintain good health, manage stress to increase your chance of a successful outcome.

Older Mums and Dads Programme

It is common for couples to delay parenthood these days as they establish themselves in their relationships and careers. If you are considering parenthood and are toward the later part of your reproductive years then we can help you by maximising your fertility and supporting you through pregnancy and postnatal period.

Older parents-to-be have special nutritional requirements. Herbal and nutritional medicine helps to improve your chances of achieving a healthy pregnancy.

Postnatal Support Programmes

With the focus so often placed on the pregnancy and birth many women underestimate the importance of health care in the postnatal period on their long term health. Some women become nutritionally depleted during pregnancy which can lead to long lasting fatigue and health problems in the postnatal period.

Natural medicine is the ideal way to achieve a speedy recovery and support breastfeeding so you can enjoy motherhood.

To book your appointment please phone Tania today or use the 'make an enquiry' buttons on this page!



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