Karen and Steve Emans therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2006

Karen and Steve Emans

Sunshine Coast Kinesioloigy and Homeopathy

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Our extensive training and experience are available to help you today! Kinesiology, Homeopathy and Nutrition may assist you with Anxiety, Back pain, Headaches, Digestion, Natural Fertility, Fat Loss, Energy and more. Health Fund Rebates available

Calamvale Kinesiology & Natural Medicine

Servicing area

Parkinson, Calamvale

Focus areas

Love Emotional wellbeing Intolerance Motivation Purpose Joy

A Healthier Happier You in 30 days!
........ Would you like us to help you achieve some of these changes?

- More Energy
- Be free of Pain
- Improve my Health
- Fat Loss
- Overcome Anxiety
- Better Relationships
- Understand Myself

Find out how you can increase your sense of happiness and wellbeing, raise your energy levels, and live the life you want.

Have you been told there is nothing wrong with you -
Or that its all in your head, yet you feel quite unwell,
or have unusual symptoms?

Through working with the energetic systems of Kinesiology we can often help to unveil hidden stresses that may not be easily picked up through conventional methods. If you are in this situation give us a call to discuss your situation
Ph: 0408 748 532

Your Practitioners

Karen Emans has been working in the natural medicine field for over 20 years and brings sensitivity and understanding as well as technical expertise in the fields of Homeopathy, Nutrition and Kinesiology to support you in your quest to live a fuller life.

Steve Emans specialises in Kinesiology to help you promote physical, emotional, & spiritual balance in your life. He has been using Kinesiology to help his clients for about 10 years and many of his clients have overcome debilitating headaches, migraines & back pain after injuries or stress.

How can Kinesiology help me?

When you come for an appointment, you may not know what is causing your problem. Kinesiology allows us to access your body intelligence to identify stressors & find what is behind your pain or ill health. It is like a form of biofeedback accessed by testing your muscles.

For example back pain is a particularly frequent symptom of unresolved stress. When we apply kinesiology techniques to help your body return to balance, it usually means not only the resolution of physical symptoms, but return to a positive experience of vitality and enjoyment of your life.

Would Homeopathywork for me?

In a Homeopathic consultation we match your symptoms to an individually chosen Homeopathic medicine, which aims to stimulate your body's own innate healing power. The Homeopathic medicine is a specially prepared microdose of a natural substance such as a plant or mineral. Usually you will take this as drops in water. They are tasteless, gentle & can be safely prescribed for children & babys as well as you. This provides you with a very gentle and easy to use healing catalyst which is deep acting and effective.

Help my BACK is killing me!!

When you experience a physical injury or emotional stress, the muscles often contract in self-protection resulting in structural imbalance & corresponding pain. We have also found that in some people food sensitivity reactions can cause back pain. Perhaps this could be the cause of your pain.

Discover how using Kinesiology and Homeopathy can help you recover from injuries faster, & relieve pain by aiding the body’s innate healing ability. We specialise in applying kinesiology techniques and nutritional solutions to your problems so you can get back to your normal life faster. Here is the experience of one of our clients:

"After 18 years as a concreter I had almost constant back pain when I first came to Steve. With regular kinesiology treatments my back has improved more than I ever expected, and now I only need to come for a tune-up once a month to stay pretty well pain free.''

After 22 years’ service in the Defence Forces I retired with shoulders that ached constantly. I could not lift anything above shoulder height and getting a good night’s sleep was near impossible. The Defence Forces answer to this was to put up with it as long as possible and then have surgery. That’s when my wife sent me to see Steve. Over a number of visits Steve was able to reduce the pain in my shoulder so I could finally get a good night’s rest, and soon I could do things that previously would have left me in great pain. That was over 10 years ago – I haven’t had shoulder surgery and the pain in my shoulders is at an all-time low. I visit Steve once a month as part of my overall health management plan and couldn’t be happier with the results. I would encourage anyone to visit Steve and make Kinesiology part of your health management plan

Need to overcome job related STRESS?

According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health:
• 40% of workers said their job was stressful
• 25% view their jobs as the number one stressor in their lives
• 75% believe they have more job stress than a generation ago

Problems at work are more strongly associated with health issues than any other life stressor, including financial or family problems. If you want to find a new way to respond to these life situations come and discover how Kinesiology can help you. Call now and make an appointment that could help you change your life for the better - 0408 748 532

I want my ENERGY back!!

Imagine how it would be to wake up each morning full of ENERGY!
To be clear headed & actually looking forward to your day!
To go about your activities feeling enthusiastic & purposeful…..

Does this seem like a dim memory? Do some of the following describe you better?
• Are you tired a lot?
• Is your brain in a fog?
• Do you look for sugar, lollies, chocolate or coke?
• Is your tummy bloated?
• Are you irritable & cranky?
• Do you feel 10 years older than you are?
• Do the doctors say there is nothing wrong with you?

Sound familiar?
This is the common experience of people who have gut and liver toxicity, often combined with food sensitivity.
The good news is..... you are not crazy, and something can be done!

We can apply our training and experience to help you identify which foods cause stress to your system, and use kinesiology, homeopathy & an individually designed eating program to help your body re-establish internal balance.

Natural FERTILITY Program
One in 8 couples in Australia has difficulty becoming pregnant.
An often unrecognized fact is that male infertility is the underlying reason in 40% of these cases. Female fertility issues also account for around 40% of cases, and in the remainder the cause is unknown.

Reasons for infertility include:
• Age - Fertility falls dramatically after 37 years old
• Low sperm count, poor motility or abnormal sperm
• Smoking increases infertility by 300%
• Poly Cystic Ovaries
• Endometriosis
• Blocked tubes

What can be done?
To help restore your fertility you must optimize health in both partners.
We support you with an individually tailored Natural Fertility Program using nutrition lifestyle changes and homeopathic medicine.
This program is implemented over 4 cycles.
If you have been trying to conceive for 12 months.....
NOW is the time to make some simple healthy changes.

I had a history of an ectopic pregnancy & 4 unsuccessful IVF attempts when I went to see Karen. After 3 months of taking the Homeopathic drops and the nutritional supplements she prescribed, I returned to my IVF doctor who was able to extract 18 viable eggs - wonderful since previously the most we could get was 6 eggs. Before I knew it I was pregnant - could hardly believe it was so easy this time. Now I have a beautiful 18 month old baby boy who is the joy of my life. Being a mother is everything I dreamed it would be and more,
I feel like being with him is such a privelidge. When I was ready to have my second child I went back to Karen again, and this time I conceived naturally.

Learning Difficulties
Through Kinesiology, we aim to support the child’s ability to learn.
We will let two of our clients share their experience here:

I just wanted to thank you Steve for what you have done for my daughter Faith. She came after her teacher told me she would not cope with the level of schooling she was in. With every session she had with you we could see improvement in different areas. Faith has enjoyed going to these sessions as they were relaxing and fun for her. Now at the end of the year she is coping well at school and is even interested in her school work. I would recommend anyone who has a child struggling at school or even with confidence or behaviour to try this method as we have had tremendous results.

I would like to share my joy about the changes I have witnessed in my granddaughter since she has been treated with your kinesiology Steve. She had a real aversion to anything that related to reading. Now she loves to read. We now read together and it is lovely.

Testimonials from our Clients!

“Awesome session Steve! I feel incredibly calm and ready to face work again (as opposed to dreading it). All the emotional issues the balance exposed were spot on as usual. Also I went for a walk with my husband this evening, as I suddenly had my energy back, so many thanks.”

"Thank you is not a big enough word to express how I feel for everything you have done to transform my life. When I first came to you late last year I was physically and mentally exhausted, DEPRESSION had consumed me. Over the last year my life has changed from seeing in black and white to living colour again, today is filled with happiness and I know my future is bright because of you. So many people have come and gone in my life, but Karen you are the one person who has touched my heart. Thank you for your patience, your kindness, your knowledge and your care."

When I first started seeing Steve I was very unwell and also very stressed - the changes in my life have been dramatic. My health has improved tenfold, and I also have the answers as to why I was so unwell. No issue seems too big or too small for him to address. I have been to many health practitioners over the years, and Steve is the real deal. He is truly gifted at what he does and I am happy to receive help in a way that has such real and lasting results.

“When I got so desperately unhappy in my job that I couldn’t stand it for one more day, Karen was my guide out of the darkness. During the 6 months that I saw her regularly, I recovered my ENERGY & INTEREST IN LIFE, gained insight and understanding into myself, and dissolved many of my limiting physical and psyche issues. When Karen was done with me I was well, healthy and empowered …I got my life back. I don’t know what I would have done without her.”

When our youngest child was approaching two she was NOT WALKING. She was unable to stand unassisted, and was not using the furniture to pull herself up. After her first session with Steve where he released the stress linked to a very traumatic birth, she stood up by herself that afternoon for the very first time. The day after her second session she started walking and has never looked back. I cannot recommend Steve’s practice highly enough. Now our whole family sees him and we are collectively healthier, happier and more centred.

"At age 45years I was working full time, managing a household and my two adult children who were living at home. I was CONSTANTLY TIRED and needed to have a sleep every afternoon after work. I was overweight and felt bloated most of the time. Karen identified a number of FOOD INTOLERANCES that were badly affecting my health, & treated me using some very helpful supplements and a change of diet. The difference in my wellbeing was astonishing in quite a short time, I lost 10 kgs in weight and my VITALITY IS RESTORED. I have been seeing Karen on a regular basis for past three years, she changed my life.”

When our second child was born, a severe dermatitis appeared on my arms, shins and chest area, and for years I saw a variety of doctors, specialists and naturopaths all to no avail. Three years later I mentioned it to Steve, not really expecting he could help me with it, and after the first treatment the rash improved. After the second treatment it disappeared completely and has not returned. The relief was absolutely amazing.

"Since our last balance I have been MOTIVATED & MOVING FORWARD. More than that, the motivation encouraged me to write my story for a website, & in doing this it became so apparent just how much I have changed. I truly believe it’s in seeing you that these changes have occurred. You have helped me change the person I was, and now looking back at that person, I don't think I could ever thank you enough. But I have to try, so THANKS.”

I had been seeing a physio for a frozen shoulder and after many visits he could do no more for me. Just a few sessions with Steve brought great success with my shoulder & I could move it normally again. Over the last 5 years he has also helped me with my back pain and stomach complaints with amazing success. I have found kinesiology to be safe and very rewarding, I can honestly recommend it.

I have spent years struggling with bad ASTHMA and when I found out I was pregnant I decided I had had enough of having to use my inhaler anywhere up to 15 times a day. After my appointment with Karen I learned that with a combination of diet change and an easy to take homeopathic remedy everything could be easily managed and now I'm breathing like everyone else! My deepest thanks Karen

I began seeing Steve in 2003 for fertility issues I was having. He not only helped me with these issues – I now have a healthy toddler, he also helped me with my overall health and wellbeing. I see Steve regularly for health maintenance now, and have never felt better. Steve has a profound knowledge base and experience, and he is kind, patient, trust worthy and non-judgemental. I would highly recommend him to anyone wanting to improve your overall health and wellbeing.

Thank you so much Karen for all your help. My MENOPAUSAL NIGHT SWEATS haven’t returned at all since your treatment, and I’m still luxuriating in the deliciousness of sleeping in a dry bed! The daytime hot flushes have reduced dramatically too, and I have my ability to focus back, along with my intention to reclaim my daily schedule (to include exercise, healthy eating, and meditation)

"I have experienced an increase in energy and a RENEWED JOY and HAPPINESS in life with Steve's treatment. Physical ailments such as HEADACHES, MUSCLE PAIN, and a bladder infection have disappeared. I had been having other treatments before with little relief. I have also had many realizations about myself and how I interact with others. Kinesiology has changed my negative responses to people and situations allowing me to experience loving, fulfilling relationships. I have been having Kinesiology treatments with Steve for several years and found the treatments gentle and non-invasive whilst Steve creates a safe, relaxed atmosphere. Kinesiology has changed my life by changing me. It just simply happened without any conscious effort. Life is better now."

I had suffered from HAYFEVER on & off for about 30 years, but in May it became quite bad and along with it came a heavy productive COUGH which was very distressing. At this point I consulted Karen and she advised a change of diet and gave me a homeopathic medicine for my condition. Almost immediately my symptoms improved and after a few weeks had almost disappeared. Now there is no sign of either problem, and as a bonus I lost 8 kilos.

Seeing Steve has changed my life. When I first came to him I was suffering terrible back pain after the birth of my 4 month old baby, and prior to the pregnancy had consumed large amounts of alcohol and cigarettes with a very poor diet. My partner was an alcoholic so life was chaotic. I noticed improvements after my very first visit to Steve, and as my back pain was getting better so were my emotional problems, I was amazed. Today 4 years on I feel fantastic, I have not had another cigarette, very rarely drink and am fit and healthy. I am a single mum and half way through studying kinesiology. I love my life more than I ever have, and feel I have the coping mechanisms to get through anything now. I will always be grateful to Steve for supporting me along this wonderful journey.

"A number of years ago I sought Karen’s help in improving my general health as I seemed to be continuously recovering from something and then coming down with something else. Karen worked with me to improve my immune system and things were getting better. I was then diagnosed with MUSTIPLE SCLEROSIS which answered a lot of the questions. Karen has worked to assist me with my total wellbeing. Changes to my diet have made a huge impact to my health but Karen has also helped to identify and change BELIEFS & ATTITUDES that affect my health. It is an ongoing process but with Karen’s assistance I continue to improve.”

Initially I came to Steve after years of seeing a chiropractor for the pain in my head and back. The techniques Steve uses have been very effective for this. Lots of issues have been resolved along the way that I was not even aware were contributing to the pain condition. I think the most amazing result I have had from Steve’s work has been the relief from anxiety – from being in a very bad place I now feel back to my old self again. I have only the highest praise for Steve and his work

Would you like to make an appointment?
Give us a call today on 0408 748 532. We will be happy to talk to you about your situation, and make an appointment for you to come in for your first consultation.

Health Fund Rebates apply when you have natural health cover.

For your convenience, appointments are available
Tuesday to Saturday.

Let’s work together so you can GET MORE OUT OF LIFE!!

Call us now on 0408 748 532

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