Sue Dalby therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2016

Sue Dalby

Sue Dalby Counselling

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Hi I am Sue Dalby I am a Counselling Psychologist, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Teacher. I have worked in many different settings over thirty years in clinical practice both here and in the U.K.

Sue Dalby Counselling

Servicing area

Newcastle and Lake Macquarie

Focus areas

Joy Stress Management Motivation Grief Anger Anxiety


I am the Director and Principal Counselling Psychologist at Sue Dalby Psychology and Women in Mind. I created the practice after moving to Australia from the UK in 1988 where I worked as a counsellor for medical staff and patients in hospital settings. Previous to this I was a registered nurse. Upon arrival, circumstances offered the opportunity to convert my qualifications and in 1996 I received a Masters Degree in Psychology from Macquarie University.

Who Am I, Sue Dalby Counselling Psychologist

I am still passionate about learning and research and regularly review approaches and undertake continuing professional development. I am also a teacher and have provided educational services at universities, colleges and in the workplace. I also run private groups providing information and education concerning several  human conditions including depression.

When not working as a psychologist or teacher I enjoy being with family and friends. I have over 30 years of experience working in health and education  has presented me with an abundance of opportunities to help guide people to living a more satisfying life. I have probably dealt with most issues that life presents. I have a special interest in working with people who have experienced trauma and grief. I am also committed to working with women in all phases of life transitions  from puberty, pregnancy, and birth, to approaching old age and everything in between! This branch of my business is called Women in Mind which I established in 2000 and was originally  dedicated to providing women with a more positive attitude towards themselves by questioning societal beliefs concerning gender and gender roles.Helping mothers and daughters through the adolescent years is part of this platform. Power struggles are more evident at this stage and with support, this very special and essential relationship can provide the healthy environment for mutual respect and communication

Over the last sixteen years I have been asked by a growing number of men for help in redefining the narrow view of masculinity and in particular fathering role models. This has resulted in a series of workshops called Stress- Less Parenting. These workshops help parents to put events into perspective and have proven very popular and useful.

I am also a writer and a photographer.


I run three types of groups. All Change! A group helping peri and post-menopausal women with depression and anxiety and other mood disorders, Stress-Less Parenting and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. (MBSR).

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

This series of classes helps you to create the calm objective space of mindfulness and then allows you to notice old patterns of behaviour that keep you stuck in uncomfortable places. As a meditation teacher I have found that mindfulness alone frequently does not address the driving issue or faulty self-belief. Mindfulness without awareness is useful but behaviours and thinking need to be examined so that old patterns maintaining anxiety, depression or anger for example have a possibility of change. This core skill is essential and an integral l part of all of the classes that I teach. The neuroscience research to support this approach repeatedly provides evidence of its efficacy.

"All Change!"

A group reframing negativity of mood depression anxiety and self-perception for women at peri and post menopause including surgical menopause. Women and men from the day we are born have to learn how to negotiate social and cultural stereotypes. Conforming to the hypnosis of current societal beliefs about gender can have a huge impact upon mental health as can rejecting the stereotypical behaviour. It’s a bit of be damned if you do and be damned if you don’t situation.. However we may not be able or desire to change circumstances but we can change the way we view our lives and internal experiences. The approaches I use are effective generally for depression and anxiety and particularly within this group of women.

Stress-Less Parenting

This is a series of classes to help you become more proactive in relation to your children’s behaviours. Parenting is a demanding and sometimes thankless job and understandably at times we let our own feeling get in the way, which sometimes results in unfortunate behaviour. As parents we beat ourselves up for not being perfect and feel embarrassed that we did not react in a more effective way. Because we judge ourselves as not good enough this all too often leads to attempting to keep the behaviour a secret. This then leads to the behaviour becoming the focus to be avoided and thereby creating anxiety resulting in further more frequent episodes making us feel wretched and out of control. This group looks at how we keep the distressing cycle going. We take into account stages of development and different children’s ways of behaving. We look at sibling relationships. We also examine how as adults we are thinking. We are in effect learning to watch what we experience and how the child is behaving and how we react. It is a bit like watching yourself from the sidelines. This objectivity provides us with options to respond in more appropriate way for both child and parent.

There is a lot of information provided in this course which runs over eight weeks. There is also a lot of experimenting with new behaviours at home which is the engine that drives the change. Without your willingness to attempt to change nothing happens. So bring your willingness along with your motivation! I wish this had been around when my children were young! This was one of my reasons for creating this course.

I cover most issues in private counselling such as anxiety depression grief post-natal depression. I usually say I cover life death and everything in between! As a Psychologist I am covered by Health Funds and Medicare but I also charge a gap fee. I do not bulk bill. You can self-refer or see a Doctor if your symptoms are causing significant problems in your life.

For further information or call 0484855779 for all enquiries

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