Sue Anne Fuller
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Emotional Freedom Technique & Tapping FAQs
Servicing area
Gold Coast, QLD. ZOOM sessions available World-wideFocus areas
What is EFT?
It is an effective self-help resource for stress reduction based on evidence. Tapping (EFT) helps you to change the underlying dynamics behind the continuing cognitive and well-being struggles of your life.
What is Matrix Reimprinting?
Karl Dawson has developed the process of Matrix Reimprinting (MRI). The method was adapted from EFT and offers a number of techniques for releasing pain, shifting beliefs and producing results to change lives. Matrix Reimprinting is a procedure that empowers the person to relieve emotional pain and suffering.
Can EFT Clear Trauma & PTSD?
Trauma result from an event real or imagined, where you felt isolated, under resourced, stunned, helpless or stuck.
Tapping is a proven stress reduction technique. It is the tool to deal with unresolved issues, PTSD, trauma, limiting beliefs & a rigid mindset.
Does It Matter Which Hand I Use to Tap?
No, you can use either of your hands on the sides of your face at once.
What Particular Style of EFT Do You Use?
Yes, I use my principal method for clinical trials and research at Bond University in QLD.
Will I Know When I’m Stressed?
You will build a new relationship with your body & nervous system. You will gain knowledge about the different ways your body communicates stress & be equiped to reduce your anxiety.
What are the Main Causes of Stress?
Over stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system or hyper arousal in the emotional centre of the brain. A constant perceived threat of danger, real or imagined.
When is it Advisable to See a Certified Practitioner?
EFT is a self-implemented stress reduction protocol, however, if you've suffered emotional stress, PTSD and pain symptoms over a longer period, it is crucial that you receive the support of an experienced therapist.
Can EFT Used to Diagnose, Treat or Cure a Disorder or Disease?
What is a Limiting Belief?
A limiting belief is a ‘false’ conviction which often derives from an adverse childhood experience. The belief provides a limited perspective of you & the world around you.
Will I Learn How to Use EFT on Myself?
Yes, indeed. I will teach you how to use this technique to reduce stress so that you can use it whenever you feel stress or strain.
Do I Have to Get the Words Correct?
No. One of the first strategies you can learn with me is the basic EFT method of “Tap & Breathe”.
Do I Have to Say the Words Out Loud?
Yes, if possible. Say it like it is! Now is the time for raw emotional honesty.
Do I Need to Drink Water?
Yes. It's a great idea to be hydrated & have water on hand to sip.
What Does EFT Target?
EFT targets a host of ailments of the mind and body.
How Long Did the Results Last?
Clinical studies indicate three to six months after a series of sessions.
What Other Stress Relief Techniques Do I Encourage?
Gentle physical exercise, healthy eating, self-cared, yoga and stretching, tai chi, qi-gong, journal writing, prayer & meditation.
Can EFT be Used for Children?
Yes. Children respond quickly to the stimulation of acupressure epoints on te upper body. EFT can support children with anxiety, learning disorders & ADHD. This is the perfect tool or parfents, childredn & the classroom.
Book now and create sustainable, healing changes to your health & happiness.
The Place of Grace
1hrA 10 wk personalised package to address limiting beliefs & core issues. This life-changing program assists you to make the changes you desire for transformational results in the way you show up in life & business.
Free Discovery Call
25minA free phone or ZOOM call to explore how I can help you ease your stress & change your emotional & physical health
- Certified EFT Practitioner
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