Sue Stevens
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Sue Stevens has been working in the field of Natural Therapies since 1993 and uses cutting edge technology grounded in naturopathic fundamentals to assist you to good health.
Sue Stevens - Handcrafted Health
Servicing area
Neutral Bay, New South WalesFocus areas
Qualifications: Master Human Nutrition, Bachelor Medicines Managment Professinal Honours Complimentary Medicine
Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy, Diploma Botanical Medicine, Diploma Homoeopathy, Diploma Nutrition, Diploma Remedial Therapies, Diploma Sports Therapies, Diploma Remedial Massage, Certificate Counselling, Certificate Touch for Health.
Gift certificates are available and health fund rebates apply.
Clinic hours: I work from Wednesday to Saturday inclusive with late appointments through the week, for enquires and bookings please call on 0416 156563 or go online to www.handcraftedhealth.com.au
Hi, my name is Sue Stevens and I am a fully qualified Naturopath, Homoeopath, Nutritionist, Lecturer, Educator and Massage Therapist and I bring my 19 years of professional and personal insight to a consultation with you so we can work together to correct ill-health and create a new improved you.
I look forward to rediscovering and maintaining your health and well-being on all levels. Health, for me, is not just the absence of disease; it is having a sense of vitality on many levels and the ability to cope with lifes ups and downs with energy and enthusiasm.
I am also happy to have a 10 minute conversation with you prior to booking to make sure a consultation with me is right for you right now.
My Story
I have always loved working with plants, whether working in a florist as a school girl or as a horticulturist after leaving school. I had my own garden and landscaping business for 7 years which I sold to go travelling. Upon my return I decided to look into working with plants in a very different way and started my studies at Nature Care College. Here I learnt from wise and inspiring teachers taking health into consideration from a physical, spiritual and emotional viewpoint. My own health has been improved beyond belief as I applied what I learnt.
I started working at McLaren Street Clinic in 1993 and have been here ever since working first as a massage therapist and then a Naturopath. Over the years I have completed many other courses, such as a counseling diploma, adding to my knowledge base and network of allied practitioners.
At present I have completed my Graduate Certificate in Human Nutrition at Deakin University and I am now completing my Masters program.
I have been teaching since 2010 at Nature Care College, Endeavour College and Torrens University, lecturing final year naturopathic and nutrition students, as well as presenting industry acknowledged practitioner workshops through the Australian Traditional Medicine Society. I also continue private consultations at my clinic in Neutral Bay.
Are you confused about health issues?
- Does the information you read sometimes conflict?
- Are you overwhelmed walking into a health food store?
- Have you tried a few products recommended by a friend that havent made a difference?
- Have you tried all or many of the diets and are still no better off?
- Are you not sure which modality or practitioner to try next? (With my many years in practice I have built up a wide range of practitioners to whom I may refer).
- Would you like a clear plan for your health and well-being as well as symptom relief?
- Would you like a 10 minute conversation over the phone first to see if a naturopathic consult can help you right now?
Call the clinic on 0416 156563 or contact me via email handcrafted.health8@gmail.com to receive it today!
See how these simple tips can help you back to health.
Whats involved in a consultation?
All consultations provide information for those who wish to know more about their diet and have any issues with food in general.
Within the consultation your complete medicinal case history will be taken as well as a food assessment.
Treatment plans aims to provide a sound dietary and lifestyle plan to address nutritional deficiencies and improve energy levels. This can be is ideal for anyone who has a short or long term health goal.
In a CORRECTIVE CARE consultation we delve into the underlying causes of ongoing ill health and put in place measures to correct them. In the consult various comprehensive screening tools will be used to help recognise how different signs and symptoms you experience may relate to your health.
These tools can take into account your digestion, sensitivities, oxidative damage of your cells, dehydration, liver stress, fat metabolism issues, inflammation levels and your overall immunity. This I find gives me extraordinary information to work from as well as being wonderfully interesting and very compelling. The assessments allow me to tailor a more effective health strategy for you.
This consultation will take between 1 hour and1.5 hours and costs $200 (rebates may apply depending on the fund and level of cover)
Sunsequent consultations last for up to an hour and cost $120
There are 6 week programs that will have a specific focus for your health.
We can decide if these programs are right for you right now in your initial consultation.
DETOX this 6- week program will look at reinvigorating your health from the inside out. It involves cleaning up your diet as well supporting your detoxification channels in your body.
SHAKE IT this is a 6- week weight loss. This successful weight loss program ensures fat loss and not precious muscle mass and addresses excessive fluid levels with a Cellar Health Analysis.
Making a regular remedial massage appointment can also help with your overall health. It can be effective to bring relief to tired sore muscles, that can create postural problems, contribute to repetitive strain and headaches. Regular massage helps stimulate the immune system and aid lymphatic drainage and fluid retention. It is also very relaxing and can calm an overwrought nervous system.
Remedial massage for 1 hour costs $95 long Remedical massage - 1.5 hours costs $142
What areas can be addressed?
Simply anything where you feel under par.
Areas I see a lot of are digestive disturbances, bloating, reflux, flatulence, candida overgrowths, constipation and / or diarrhoea, irritable bowel.
Lowered energy levels that occur at the beginning, middle or end of the day along with sleep disturbances (either getting to sleep or staying asleep) can be addressed.
Stress would have to be one of the most common features with all its many faces. Anxiety, depression, mood swings / disorders can all manifest out of stressful situations of short or long standing.
Cardiovascular health can be significantly improved, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol even when medication has been prescribed to assist.
Immunity issues, either lowered general immunity or auto immune conditions can be improved.
Menstrual problems whether they be painful, heavy or non existent can all be balanced as well as any menopausal problems and other significant issues like osteopenia and osteoporosis.
Weight loss is certainly something I see a lot of and can monitor very successfully with Cellular Health Analysis.
Putting in place eating plans that support weight loss, food sensitivities and general good health are also crucial for long term balance of all conditions.
I see people too who just want to improve their already good health and perhaps are training for or full marathons or triathlons as well as those who would like to under take a yearly detoxification program. Wonderful health improvements can be made too with pre conceptive care for partners, this helps with fertility and a healthier pregnancy and birth.
We can see functional imbalances which are precursors to disease so with early detection and early intervention good health can be restored.
This is a unique and compelling way of viewing your health and with this procedure we test and measure to ensure we are moving toward the health goals we set. See your blood improve right before your eyes.
Just remember, if you dont change direction youll end up where youre headed!
Initial Nutrition Consultation
1hr 30minAn initial consultation addresses many aspects of health including diet. We create a comprehensive, balanced program of nutrition through whole foods and nutritional supplements to regain and maintain health.
Nutrition Consultation
1hrFollow-up consultations are used to monitor changes and review progress
- Diploma In Naturopathy
- Advanced Diploma In Herbal Medicine
- Master of Health Sciences In Human Nutrition
- Graduate Certificate In Learning and Teaching
- Bachelor of Medicine Management In Complementary Medicine (Professional Honours)
Professional Membership
- ATMS - Australian Traditional Medicine Society
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