Rose Banham
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Counselling - Hypnotherapy - Reiki 'Create the consciousness you need to heal your past, enjoy your present, create your future'. Call Rose to get help today
How Can Rose Help You?
Servicing area
Crows Nest, Lower North Shore & Virtual ConsultationsFocus areas
Introduction I provide one-on-one private consultations in a safe, quiet and nurturing space. I keep a safe practice and have a certificate for Infection Control Training - Covid 19.
Virtual consultations are also available using video conferencing one-on-one.
I am a registered counsellor and qualified clinical hypnotherapist, with a background in healthcare with nursing in psychiatric and general units. I am also a practitioner of energetic healing/reiki.
My philosophy is to respect and work with your beliefs and culture.
My goal is to support you to be well equipped in your life, to access inner wisdom and be your potential.
I work in conjunction with and respect other health practitioners such as your GP, nutritionist, physiotherapist, osteopath, psychologist, psychiatrist.
My training is in Transpersonal Counselling which combines analytical psychology, humanistic psychology, Jungian psychology, Eastern spiritual practices and shamanic practice. Transpersonal looks beyond the personality and supports the spiritual or transcendent self. I value it's emphasis on creative expression such as drawing, story, ritual and offer these tools in my practice.
I have done shamanic studies and this love of earth and nature influences my life and work. I am qualified in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Ego State Therapy taught by Dr Gordon Emmerson.
As well as traditional Counselling, I offer specialised services of hypnotherapy and reiki
Hypnotherapy Counselling Reiki
I specialise in supporting you to:
- Change your thinking to create the life you want
- Change your habits now to support the rest of your life
- Strenthen your esteem go beyond doubts and insecurities
- Understand and change negative emotional reactions
- Heal past hurts
- Embrace change and grow
- Create a connection with your deeper self
- Explore your dreams for awareness and healing
- Access information held in your physical body
- Use this knowledge to make wise decisions, attitudes and choices
- Create a state of balance to make your day-to-day life the best it can be.
How can I benefit from having counselling?
- Alleviate your Stress
- Build your confidence
- Strengthen your esteem
- Successfully move through major life transitions
- Achieve your goals
- Realise your potential
- Heal difficult relaltionships
- Heal past hurts
- Understand and change negative emotional reactions
- Release negative conditioning
- Alleviate anxiety and depression
- Eliminate unwanted habits
- Heal from grief and loss
- Recuperate following emotional shock / sickness
- Find deeper meaning and purpose in your life
- Learn meditation and deep relaxation
- Understand and use your dreams
What are Life Transitions?
Life transitions are major events in your life which bring a lot of change, and can cause fear and anxiety.
Counselling will support you and give you skills to feel stronger, to make the changes you need so you can move forward. To reap the rewards of the new phase in your life.
Examples of life transitions are: new partners, marriage, birth of a child, relationship break up, divorce, career change, redundancy, moving house, living in a new country, children leaving home, illness, big birthdays 30, 40, 50, 60, retirement.
What is Ego State Therapy and how can it help me?
Ego State Therapy is a powerful and brief therapy based on the premise that personality is made up of separate parts, rather than being a homogeneous whole. These parts (which everyone has) are called ego states.
I work directly with your ego state that can best benefit from change, rather than merely working with your intellectual, talkative state.
We are each made up of a number of different states; each has its own feeling of power, weakness, emotion, logic, or other personal traits. When we say "Part of me wants to" we are talking about an ego state.
When we say, "I feel at peace with myself on this issue," we are talking about our ego states agreeing, not having an internal struggle. Our various states help to make our lives rich, productive, and enjoyable.
A state harboring pain can cause unrest and unwanted emotional reactions.
Ego State Therapy helps me to:
- Locate ego states harboring pain, trauma, anger, frustration and to facilitate expression, release, comfort, and empowerment.
It is unresolved states that come out and make me feel out of control. They are my internal tender spots.
- Facilitate good communication among my ego states.
The statement "I hate myself when I am like that" indicates two states lacking in proper communication and appreciation.
- Learn about my ego states so they may be better used to my benefit.
For example, at one time I can be open and gentle to enjoy emotional experiences.
At another time I choose to be assertive and express myself when challenged.
How many counselling sessions will I need?
The number of sessions for counselling is unique for each individual. Your committment = results. It is beneficial to have a minimum of 4 - 6 sessions to do substantial work and grow.
You will feel supported straight away in your first Counselling session.
Call Rose today to discuss your needs and make an appointment 0412 888 861
Tax Deductible.
Sessions for work issues may be tax deductible
Suite 2, 35 Hume Street
Crows Nest NSW 2065
Public Transport
Buses are 3 minutes walk from the clinic. St Leonards Train Station is a 15 minute walk from the clinic.
There is metered parking on the street right by the clinic. North Sydney Council Hume Street car park is 2 minutes walk, entrance is in Pole Lane.
What is Hypnotherapy and how does it work?
Tired of having an intention and not seeing it thru?
Hypnotherapy is a tool to help you do what you want to do.
To do what you intend.
Hypnotherapy is is a tool to help you manage your mind and body.
In the first part of the session we will talk about your issue and together create your unique suggestions to affect the change you want. I guide you to a mental state where you are open and receptive to these suggestions.
The brain has a critical factor, a mechanism to protect us from doing anything that could cause harm or go against our moral beliefs. While in hypnosis, you will reject anything that your conscious mind thinks is ridiculous or untrue.
Hypnosis is a highly focused state where the subconscious mind is in the foreground. All of our thoughts, memories and emotions are stored in the subconscious. Habits, hurts and conditioning formed from our life history are held here. During hypnosis the subconscious is in a receptive state, and new information (positive suggestions) are offered.
The positive suggestions are heard by your subconscious mind and become part of your thinking, in turn influencing future thoughts, feelings and behaviour. This makes it possible to break old habits and create new desirable habits.
How will it feel to be hypnotised?
You are in control while in hypnosis, with your mind being super alert, and your body comfortably relaxed. You are aware of your external surroundings, at the same time being acutely focused on your emotions and thoughts. It is a pleasant, deeply relaxing state. You can be either lying down or comfortably sitting. You are able to interact with me throughout the whole process.
How can Hypnotherapy help me?
- Change your Habits to support the rest of your life - Break old habits and create new habits to give you optimal health.
- Lose Weight - Gain weight
- Adhere to the Eating Plan you really want - Stop eating foods that are harmful to you.
Change any negative thinking & emotions about eating so you can enjoy your food and create an ongoing healthy relationship with your food.
- Quit Smoking
- Moderate or Stop Drinking
- Exercise Regularly - Create the thinking to support and motivate regular exercise.
- Reduce your Stress - The trance state creates deep relaxation. The state of hypnosis works in a similar way to meditation to effectively reduce stress hormones in your bloodstream to improve your immunity and help alleviate high blood pressure and cholesterol.
- Stop Nail Biting
- Stop Grinding your Teeth
- Strengthen your Esteem - by changing habitual thinking patterns of how you perceive yourself.
- Build your Confidence
- Achieve your Goals
- Alleviate Depression - Understand the emotional states that cause your depression. Change the underlying thinking patterns which are linked to emotional habits.
- Alleviate Insomnia - Investigate what is causing your insomnia then create and apply the suggestions specific to your situation. You can also learn self hypnosis to use at home to induce sleep - both on retiring to bed and if awakening during the night.
How many sessions will I need?
The number of sessions for hypnotherapy varies from person to person, many issues can be taken care of in 3 to 6 sessions.
What is Reiki & how does it work?
I am a practitioner of Radiance Technique, The Authentic Reiki. Radiance Technique from Japan is a vibrational energy science accessing universal energy. It is a precise technique for balancing the whole person in body, emotions, mind and spirit.
Reiki works on the chakras, also known as energy wheels of the body. The treatment follows a traditional pattern of hand positions, resting without pressure on or above the body, above the chakras.
The treatment refreshes and balances the energy of each chakra affecting the organs and emotions that relate to each. Reiki is pure energy, and brings about deep relaxation and healing.
How can Reiki help me?
Healing with Reiki Reduce Stress Now
Similar to having a massage, reiki is a fast way to de-stress, you will feel the good effects with just one session. You will benefit from regular sessions if you lead a busy lifestyle and would like to have a stress management program. Reiki reduces your stress and calms you down straight away.
- Reiki creates a calm mind and removes tension in the body when you are stressed
- Reiki rejuvinates your spirits and emotions when exhausted
- Reiki allows your life force to be free flowing in the body releasing blockages
- Reiki gives you immediate support following emotional shock
- Reiki nurtures and promotes well-being in illness
- Reiki promotes healing following surgery and child birth
- Reiki raises your consciousness allowing you a higher view of your life
- Diploma of Counselling
Professional Membership
- ACA - Australian Counselling Association
- ASCH - The Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists
- Australian Counselling Association (ACA)
- Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia
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