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Holistic Kinesiology & Energy Medicine
Sherin Nijar
Focus areas
Complementary medicine
Stress Management
Completing he Health Science diploma at the College of Complementary Medicine, as well as studying under the world renowned Donna Eden in Arizona, Sherin has brought her passion for the two powerful modalities of Holistic Kinesiology and Energy Medicine together at Chirosports Health Partners.
Eden Energy Medicine Heals the body by activating its natural healing energies, and by restoring energies that have become weak, disturbed or out of balance. Kinesiology encompasses Counselling, Acupressure, Nutrition, Traditional Chinese Medicine and much more.
Sherin is able to help her clients fully realise a personal vision of wellness, and assist with overcoming physical and mental obstacles that prevent people from living the life they deserve.
The main purpose of these modalities is to find stressess and underlying patterns, then bring harmony and balance to the body, mind and spirit. A typical session may last between 60-90 minutes. Sherin evaluates abd corrects energy imbalances and further empowers her clients through education and participation where you will always benefit from greater vitality.
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Muscle pain
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Business financial stress
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