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Specialising in low force, safe and effective Chiropractic suitable for all ages including infants, with over 31 years experience collectively.
Frequently Asked Questions
Focus areas
Veterans affairs
Care plans
Stress Management
How much are the consultations?
Non-concession rates: $78 initial consult; $48 thereafter
Concession: $62 initial consult; $42 thereafter
How will Chiropractic help my pain, for example, in my lower back?
Your Chiropractor is trained to detect and correct nerve irritations, called vertebral subluxations.
Subluxations can be present if you have experienced physical, emotional or chemical stress.
A subluxation adversely affects your spinal discs, nerves, ligaments, muscles and ultimately the entire body.
Subluxations can result in reduced client flexibility, as well as varying degrees of pain or discomfort.
Your Chiropractor will use specific adjustments to correct these subluxations, thus restoring optimal joint function and health, and the alleviation of nerve irritation and painful symptomolgy.
Will I receive an adjustment on the first consult?
Usually yes, unless it is deemed that X-rays are required prior to an adjustment, or a referral is necessary.
Will I need more than one adjustment?
It is in our experience that the best results from Chiropractic are obtained when a client follows a specific treatment plan to facilitate the healing process and alleviate symptoms. The specific subluxations present in the spine may have been present for a significant time, and can therefore require some time and repeated adjustments to return to optimal function.
Each client is unique, and treatment plans created will aim to obtain the best results in the smallest time frames.
How often will I need to be adjusted?
Frequency of adjustments is largely dependent on the individual client and their presenting condition and symptomology, and a specific care plan will be created which will outline how many adjustments will be needed in a certain time period.
The frequency of the adjustments will decrease as the client’s spinal health and symptomology improves.
Are the Treatment Plans Flexible?
Yes they are. Although we recommend close adherence to specific care plans to obtain the best results from your Chirpractic adjustments, changes can be made to the plan at any time if deemed necessary or beneficial for the client.
How Long are the Consults?
The initial consult is usually 40 minutes, and subsequent consults are usually 10 minutes.
When can I expect relief from my symptomology?
Relief from symptomology is expected usually within the first month, but very often occurs significantly sooner.
Obviously this variable is dependent on many factors such as age, previous trauma, previous treatments and particular occupations just to name a few.
The specific treatment plans created for you aim to obtain the best results in the smallest time frames.
Will I need X rays taken?
This is dependent on your presenting condition.
It is not our policy to X–ray every new client.
Is it safe to have my children and baby adjusted?
Definitely yes, and also highly recommended!
Children may also experience some physical, emotional or chemical stress resulting in vertebral subluxations.
Your Chiropractor will utilise very low force adjusting techniques to gently and safely correct any nerve irritations (vertebral subluxations) in your child.
In our experience, children respond very positively and quickly from Chiropractic care, and often babies sleep through their entire adjustments!
Will I be locked into a contact?
There are no contracts at our practice.
Can I use my health fund card?
Yes, there are HICAPS and Eftpos facilities at the practice for your convenience.
Do you have concession rates?
Yes we do. Children, students, pensioners and health care card holders can enjoy our reduced concession rates.
Do you have discounted family plans available?
As we strongly believe Chiropractic is important for everyone, this especially includes children and babies.
Our young may also experience physical, emotional or chemical stress, including how they were they born, resulting in nerve irritations called vertebral subluxations.
To support families who would like their children to benefit from Chiropractic, we offer a special reduced rate for the whole family.
*conditions apply, see staff for details.
For more information or to see how we can help you contact us today!!
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