Sharon Moloney, PhD
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Miraculous Moments Hypnotherapy
Focus areas
Welcome to Miraculous Moments Hypnotherapy
As a women's health practitioner for the past 20 years, I have been privileged with intimate involvement in the reproductive lives of many women and couples. Frequently in my professional work, I have been touched by the sacred power of fertility, pregnancy and birth. As a mother myself, the everyday miracles of conceiving, growing, birthing and breastfeeding a baby from my own body have been sources of wonder and deep transformation for me. These personal and professional experiences inspired me to undertake my PhD research which explored women's experiences of menstruation and birth as spiritual phenomena.
For Clients:
I provide holistic fertility therapy, birth preparation and soul-centred counselling and hypnotherapy. My approach is to guide and support clients to access their own inner wisdom and healing, whether they want to conceive a baby, are preparing to give birth, need to debrief from a traumatic event or are searching to connect with their soul. My philosophy is based on the science of mind-body medicine, as well as my own study and research.
For Health Professionals:
In addition to my client practice, I provide debriefing and support for midwives and other health professionals. I offer seminars, workshops and small group information sessions for midwives and student midwives.
About Sharon
For as long as I can remember, spirituality has been the central focus of my life. By spirituality, I simply mean the awareness of something greater than self which exists both within and around us. For me, that ‘something’ is a Loving Presence which desires our flourishing and has created within us an innate impulse towards healing and wholeness.
My long-standing fascination with spirituality led me to train and study in the areas I felt most passionate about – women’s health, fertility, childbirth, spirituality, healing, energy medicine and hypnotherapy. As I did so, I discovered that I want to devote my life to supporting other people's spiritual growth and healing.
My PhD research enabled me to explore in detail the spirituality that many women experience through their body processes and how the science of energy medicine provides a framework for understanding and working with that bio-spirituality. Although my focus was on femaleness, I have a deep respect for the masculine. I have always included men as integral to fertility and birthing. Some schools of thought maintain that men are traumatised by witnessing their partners give birth. Yet I have found that when men are clear about their own role and have the knowledge and practical skills to stand beside their partner in birthing, they emerge from the experience wonderfully empowered and hands-on with their babies.
Along my path with heart, I developed an appreciation for the power of our mind to shape and co-create our reality. Like Candace Pert, I believe our body is our subconscious mind and that harnessing the power of our subconscious is what enables us to actualise our potential. It is a joy to be able to teach these processes to others - whether it be to conceive a baby, create an optimal birth experience, access inner healing or activate dormant potentials.
Holistic Fertility Therapy
Are you longing for a baby and its just not happening? Tried IVF and it didn't work? Let me show you how using deep relaxation and mind-body techniques can enhance your chances ofconception by up to 50%.
Birth Preparation
Are you frightened of giving birth? Had a traumatic first birth and looking for something better this time? Look no further! My birth preparation for couples is individually tailored to enable you to create the birth of your dreams.
Are you suffering with birth trauma? Grief after miscarriage or stillbirth? Enduring post-natal depression or attachment problems with your baby? I can help. I've supported many mothers (and sometimes fathers) to come out the other side of these experiences. I also provide hypnotherapy for anxiety, stress, phobias, smoking, weight issues, self-esteem and spirituality.
Professional Midwifery Support
As a midwife, do you need a chance to debrief, unburden and be supported? That's what I do - support midwives to be 'with woman' in a sustainable way.
If you would like to enquire further about any of the above, please contact us today.
- Phd Women's Health and Spirituality
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