Douglas Mizzi
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Specialising in Bio Dermal Food Intolerance Testing, for Women, Children & Men. Offering Effective & Proven Recovery & Treatments Plans since 1990. No Needles, 100% Safe . Highly Experienced. Using the latest Fully Computerised Bio Dermal Testing Facility helping identify correctly food & environmental triggers in conjunction with specialised immune support to effect a long and lasting recovery without the use of drugs*. Servicing Medical Doctors and allied health care practitioners including naturopaths, nutritionists, psycologists, chiropractors etc. No Referral Required, All general enquiries welcomed . Offering individually tailored treatments to suit You. Contact us for a friendly chat to discuss your symptoms and condition to see if we can help - no obligation. Suitable for all ages. Make the Call & Change YOUR Life..
Food Intolerance Testing - 100% Safe - No Needles
Servicing area
Mooloolaba and surrounding areasFocus areas
Do you Suffer with..
Asthma, Eczema, Hayfever, Sinus, Rashes, Hives, Psoroasis, Arthritis, Conjunctivitis, Migraines, Hyperactivity, Bedwetting, Acne, Infections or a Weak Immune System ?
Do you Feel..
Tired, Bloated, Bellyaches Irritable, Moody, Poor-Memory, Lack of Concentration, Diarrhoea, Constipation, P.M.T., Headaches, Sugar / Bread or Alcohol Cravings, Anxiety and Chronic Fatigue etc.
If the Answer is YES then you must read on....
Click here to view our Allergy Testing Clinic Locations
My Profile
Douglas Mizzi runs several busy clinics as a professional nutritionist & healthcare provider specialising in helping to identify and treat Allergy and Environmental Irritant's and associated health conditions. A current member of the ATMS (Australian Traditional Medicine Society) many tests are conducted under referral by medical doctors from as far south as Tasmania to Victoria and Queensland since opening clinics in Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast.
Douglas still maintains regular monthly visits to Melbourne, servicing 5 surburbs covering all major surburban localities one week per month. In addition to this Douglas has several busy Brisbane and Sunshine Coast localities from which he runs his practice. Douglas services and conducts all testing and treatments personally. Make sure you drop us an email to identify a clinic close to you. Please be aware that there are very few clinic environments which specifically tend towards allergy assessment and treatments as their main recovery program. Always make sure you deal with a practitioner or clinic that specialises in this area as their main modality to assure a confident result.
Servicing The Following Regions
- Brisbane.
- Sunshine Coast (Queensland).
- Melbourne.
Call direct on 0433 121 736 to make and appointment or simply make an enquiry at our "Enquiry Link" at the top left hand side of our page under "Contact Information".
Health Issues
Please note that although we specialise in WOMENS & CHILDRENS HEALTH, we also deal with a large percentage of Male issues relating to allergies and general wellbeing.
Since 1990 Douglas has personally tested and treated over 40,000 clients of all ages for inflammatory, allergic and allergy related symptom such as those listed below.
- Asthma, Hayfever, Eczema, Sinus,
- Rashes, Hives, Psoriasis, Arthritis,
- Conjunctivitis, Migraines, Headaches,
- Hyperactivity, ADD, ADHD, Bedwetting, Acne,
- Weak Immunity, Infections, Tinea,
- Candida, Jock-Itch, Thrush, Diarrhea, Constipation,
- Burnout, Fatigue, Sugar/Bread Cravings,
- Unstable Blood Sugars, Hypoglycemia,
- Irritability, Mood swings, PMT, Poor-memory,
- Lack of Concentration, Anxiety,
- Nervousness,
- Auto immune conditions such as...
- Rhumatoid Arthritis,
- Fibromyalgia,
- Systemic Lupus,
- Polymyalgic Rhumatica,
- Colds, Coughs, Infections,
- Chronic Fatigue associated with Viral Triggers such as...
- Epstein Bar Virus, Cytomeglovirus, Ross River Fever etc.
Incidently if you are suffering with many of these symptoms, then you really should consider an appointment, as they often indicate a more involved condition associated with the immune system and should not be treated just from a symptom only perspective.
Allergy Testing
The clinics that I conduct tests from and which I have set up practice at, have risen from strength to strength over the past years as a result of diligent testing and customized dietary management programs specifically suited to the patients requirements. We customize dietary programs to suit clients, we do not change clients to suit dietary programs. This point is fundamental to our success as so many food plans are set up out there to suit the general public, the trouble is that the general public varies so greatly in their requirements no single static set of rules will suit everyone.
The procedure utilises a fully computerised testing device, which has shown to be more effective than scratch and blood testing and matches closely to the results seen in a an elimination diet, albeit without the six months of hard work !!.
For conditions that require medical observation and advice Douglas works with several great forward thinking medical doctors across Melbourne and SE QLD, that have a keen understanding and interest in nutrition, allergies and complimentary medicine. This allows you if required to gain advice and tests that a normal GP may be unaware of.
The testing procedure does not use needles, offers a high accuracy rate and is regarding as non invasive, 100% safe and suitable for all ages.
Womens Health
Womens health issues are a huge and diverse array of symptoms and conditions covering all three areas of primary health, Mind Body and Spirit. Like all things they need to be in balance. It is interesting that as women you have your own "health catagory " showing the importance that as women you place on recovery, health and wellbeing. What we find more than anything with female clients is how little attention has been paid to understanding and analysing their diets, stress, trauma recovery and lifestyle. All too often we find that there has been so much emphasis on symptom recovery and managment, that as soon as these modalities are stopped, the original symptoms return. By paying attention to detail with understanding the immune system and the effects that dietary and environmental toxicity has on female health, many of the significant and common causes for visiting alternative practitioners are eliminated.
Everytime I have a patient that tells me they have been diagnosed with breast cancer or some auto immune condition, the first response that I have is "No one developes this condition without first being under immense stress and trauma - causing a breakdown in the immune response, thefore leading to the condition". If you want to fix the problem repair the damage and offset the stress. This can be significantly more effective once a correct dietary evaluation has been made.
75% of my clientel are women, 20% are children (nearly always accompanied by women) with a mere 5% accounting for a few switched on Men. Everyting from Poly cystic ovaries, candida to breast cancer and auto immune conditions can be helped with identifying specific inflammatory and allergy responses associated with food and environmental toxicity. Make the right choice and start with what goes in, after all we are what we eat.
Childrens Health
We are very experienced in childrens health relating to allergies, and hypersensitivity. We approach infants and toddlers sligtly differently to children over 2-3 years of age. We understand that children are different to adults and present with different problems that may not always be so common in mature age clients.Years of experience in this field has led us to confidently deal with children as young as 6-8 months. We always take control of the consultation in such a fashion that the child feels comfortable and safe. However some kids always seem to test mum, especially at sleep times, in these cases we normally conduct the test in as quick a fashion as we can, never however at the expense of accuracy. Although the test does not hurt, some kids do not like to be kept still for too long or just have a fear of offices. We might in this case put on a cartoon show for the kids and in 95% of cases this will again settle them down. In the odd case that we have a constant cryer, with the parents permission we will just continue through. Parents may ask "does the crying affect my concentration ?", the answer is no. I understand the importance of your time and the importance of getting the test done and that's what we do, staying focused until the test is finished. I speak to other practitioners about this and they generally conclude that they often won't take on toddlers as clients due to the stress of crying children.
We work with many types of childrens problems. A list of the symptoms that we often treat, which respond successfully to treatment include
- Infantile Eczema.
- Infantile Reflux .
- Infantile Sleeplessness.
- Infantile Constant Recurring Infections.
- Breast Feeding Related Allergies.
- Thrush.
- Toddler Eczema.
- Toddler Asthma.
- Toddler Hayfever.
- Glue Ear.
- Constant Runny Nose and Sinus Congestion.
- Hives and Rashes.
- Tummy aches, Diarrhoea and Constipation.
- Constant Recurring Ear, Nose and Throat Infections.
- Anti-Biotic Overload.
- Childhood Inflammatory and Auto Immune Conditions such as...
- Childhhod Rhumatoid Arthritis.
- Childhood Polymyalgia Rhumatica.
Trusting your children to a practitioner is something that we take especially seriously, which is why we try so hard to spend the time with you that you need to understand your childs condition. However common sense should and must prevail above all. Always make sure that you are under the supervision of a Pediactric Specialist with any condition that you regard as serious relating to your childs health. Being a parent with two children, understanding your own childrens health problems with focus and compassion is something that we pride ourselves in. Having faith in my own protocols is something that was tested when my own daughter Zoe was diagnsed with cancer at 6 years of age. 26 months of chemotherapy, folowing our recovery and dietary protocols and she did not develop one infection.
Please check out our daughters story and recovery...Click here
Teenage Health
Teenage health is something that requires somewhat of a tactful approach. Assuming that the teenager recocnises that they have a problem we can initiate a correct and full recovery program. Areas of consideration for teenage health include.
- Acne
- Eczema
- Asthma
- Hayfever
- Concentration issues
- ADD / ADHD and behavioural issues
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Epstein Bar Virus and Glandular Fever
- General Health especially approaching Year 12
Bring your teenager for a test, should be done with the approval of your teenager, as it is hard to push water uphill if they don't want to get better, irrespective of your views for recovery.
Working with weight loss can often be a hard goal to achieve.
For years we have been unhappy with the quality of program around until now. Finally we have found an eating plan for weight loss and management that follows off the back of our allergy program.
You see after 15 years and tens of thousands of clients we noticed constantly that those over weight patients who were never able to lose weight lost it. Why ??, the answer was simple, we finally had produced a foundation of health so solid that they were able to work from it and after they had fixed up their allergies, repaired their gut function, initiated a correct liver detox and embarked on a correct eating plan, they were now able to be slowly eased into a weight management program. The problem was however that up until now we were unhappy with many of the programs on the market as they were either still loaded with sugars, consisted of no fibre or carbs which led to carbohydrate addiction, or that they relied on toxic shakes, meal replacements or weight loss supplements that had high doses of caffeine in them.
We now support a lifestyle eating plan which we implement only after we have achieved these fundamental foundations in health.
It allows us to follow a fair and achievable low GI eating plan based on the clients original anti allergy program. A truely customised program designed to suit you and only you.
More information can be found at our website.
Choosing a Clinic
It is most important when making a decision about recieving advice regarding allergies and partaking in a testing procedure, that you visit a clinic that does this as their main modality. The experience in testing and achieving the correct results can have some affect depending on how the technician operates the equipment. Much like a dentist as experince increases the use of their tools become an extension of their hands. Using super sensitive equipment such as used in our clinics can have slightly differing results if the technician is not experienced in taking skin resistence readings. These may include not taking into account the moisture levels of the skin being tested (usually the fingers), not taking into account perhaps the age of the clients skin and condition of the skin, even whether the client is wearing hand cream. An experienced technician will take all these items and more into account to attain reproducable and accurate results time after time, patient after patient.
In addition to the testing results, professional and easy to understand instructions need to be incorporated along with a practical and realistic approach to immune support and recovery. Any practice which purely does a test and does not offer any other advice regarding recovery (including hospitals and medical clinics) may not be offering the patient the best possible chances of recovery.
When looking at choosing a practitioner to help you with allergy treatment and recovery always make sure that they incorporate these simple procedures and that they are extremely experienced in treating both many clients (thousands are better than a few hundred) and that they have treated a wide variety of symptoms and are able to treat several major health conditions at once. ie maybe Hives + Candida + Diabetes + Hayfever etc . This is imporant as it shows practitioner competence and experience.
We have built our practice on these very foundations of experience, attention to detail and modern computerised testing facilities.
More information can be found by clicking onto our website where you will find our clinics available, general information about allergies, treatment protocols, equipment specifications and details etc.
Click here to view our Allergy Testing Clinic Locations
Please check out our main website ...Click here
The system that we use at the practice is an MSA-PRO bio-dermal screening procedure used by Medical Doctors and Healthcare professionals all over the world. The following link is a promotional training and sales video for the MSA Pro which is what we use in our clinic. Although the clip talks about points testing for overall health evauluation, it shows the level of medical invovement with this technology. Sensitivity testing and allergy testing is another major area for which this system specialises in. We generally undertake an evaluation in addition to the sensitivity test as shown in the clip if required, as determined in the consultation. However the Allergy Test is always performed in the first consultation with a full report and recovery program initiated to allow for a rapid recovery response.
For more Information please check out our information video on this system...Just click here
* Although we do not use drugs in our treatment protocols, do not stop any drugs that will have an impact on your symptoms managment without discussing the effects with your doctor.
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