Sally Freestun
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Re-Balance For Optimal Health with Reconnective Healer Sally Freestun
Sally Freestun
Servicing area
Hobart, TasmaniaFocus areas
Are you in pain? Suffering from physical discomfort or emotional distress? Are you seeking balance and wellness in your life from a physical and emotional perspective?
Maybe youve watched "The Secret" and understand a little about raising your vibration but how does your vibration and the frequency youre working with affect your physical and emotional health every day?
Qualified Reconnective Healer Sally Freestun uses frequency to restore balance to the internal and external lives of both people and animals to assist them in achieving optimum health.
According to Sally: Quantum scientists tell us that everything vibrates even the things which to our naked eyes appear to be solid. If everything holds its own vibration colours, words, people, places, foods, attitudes it follows that when your frequency is adjusted you can change your vibration and in doing so, change your world.
We are aware of the plethora of radio stations available to us each and every day, but unless we have the radio on and tuned in we are unable to hear whats on them. The internet and mobile phones services also operate on frequency, and amazingly so do our bodies.
When you think of your body how are you vibrating? Are you tuned into your vibration? Is your vibration strong and robust or are there parts that are spluttering no matter how many medical treatments you seek or alternative therapies you try?
The use of ECGs to test our heart function and MRIs to read our brain confirms that our bodies are electronic systems. When we actively work with frequency we can bring about systematic change within. Whether we can see it or not, when we are in tune with our innate frequency balance occurs, allowing our body to reorder our system, promoting realignment and optimum health.
Given the vast array of personal issues we each manage, every Reconnective Healing session is unique to each individual.
Through Sally's Reconnective Healing people have reported the substantial reduction, through to the elimination of, chronic pain, depression, illness, stress and more, as well as achieving a stronger spiritual connection and a more blissful, energetic state of being.
They have also reported physical recovery and behaviour change in their pets and animals.
A Reconnective Healing Session is not a process like a massage, it is an experience that is different for each person and each session provides a different experience.
Proximity to a practitioner is not required for Reconnective Healing, which is quite remarkable but quantum mechanics explains that forces actually become stronger with distance.
The sessions run for 45 mins to an hour and all healing is hands off and non-touch. You will be effortlessly assisted into a state of deep relaxation, yet remaining alert, conscious, aware and awake the entire time.
The Reconnection must be experienced in person with Sally. It is a process utilising frequency and during this experience, the healer brings a clear reminder of what it is to feel absolutely fabulous health and asks us to re-engage vibrating at that level.
The Reconnection is needed only once in an entire lifetime. It is a two-part process done on two separate days for the purpose of Personal and Spiritual Evolution and Advancement.
The two sessions are held on consecutive days. Each session lasts approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour with time allotted at the end of it to discuss your experience.
Hi Sally, What you're doing with your Reconnective Healing is fascinating and quite remarkable. I love it!! I sincerely appreciate the work you did on my broken toe, as its pain free and heaps better after you worked your magic. Thank you so much for the gift of you Sally and for your time yesterday. Warmest wishes, Karen
"I have to thank Sally Freestun and Reconnective Healing for changing my life. After just a few short minutes on the massage table during a demonstration of Reconnective Healing, I was healed of a chronic condition that had been with me for over 2 years. This condition had baffled Doctors, gynaecologists, acupuncturists, homeopaths and a number of other therapists. You see, at age 28 I was unable to conceive a child which for me was devastating. Since the healing my life has taken me an amazing journey and thanks to Sally I have been able to fully enjoy all life has to offer." Paige- Paige has recently given birth to her first child.
I was experiencing extreme anger towards my family. After three sessions with Sally, I realised not only was I calmer, but I was actively sending my family love instead. Youre amazing! Rachel
We were desperate to find a solution to our Snoops distress. A 2 year old great dane x mastiff, the vet had indicated he was suffering from double dysplasia of his hips causing massive pain. A special member of our family, it seemed the solution would be a long and expensive series of operations with no guaranteed outcome. After just one session, we were astounded at the difference. He was visually stronger and happier. The crying had stopped. We were further amazed after the second session.Joining his brother and our human family for 5km walks is now a normal occurrence previously he couldnt even manage a walk around the block! Sally you have a gift that is truly amazing.Thank you! Paul
Qualified Reconnective Healer and NLP Master
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- Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
- Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Online
- Reconnective Healing
- Reconnective Healing Online
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