Ruth-Helen Camden
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At times, it can be difficult to move on from something. Maybe a painful memory is still present in your life. Perhaps you don't even know what's holding you back. I can help you explore and uncover those inner causes. Give me a call to chat about how I can help.
Psychologist & IST Practitioner
Servicing area
Drummoyne, Blue MountainsFocus areas
I have been as a psychologist since 2006. Before that I was a naturopath and homeopath, and although I no longer practise these modalities, I still use the solid foundation they have given me to work with issues at many levels, from the physical, to the subtle energetic and spiritual aspects.
My primary focus has always been Inner Space Techniques (IST) which I have been practising since 1990.
People are endlessly fascinating. Every person is a treasure to be discovered and a mystery to understand.
Through working on the issues that are troubling you, I help you discover the best of yourself and bring to life the qualities and strengths that lie within you.
Services Offered
Inner Space Techniques
IST is a set of healing techniques based on the internalised state of consciousness, similar to the space of meditation.
Even though the inner space is like meditation, it serves a different purpose and has a different outcome.
In meditation, you let things come up like thoughts, emotions, ideas, fidgets, discomfort and then let them go.
If something comes up in IST, you dive deeper into it. You want to figure out what they are and how they came about.
You carry samskaras or emotional imprints in the depths of your mind. They condition your emotions, attitudes, and behaviours.
IST deals directly with negative imprints by resolving them to the source. They do not solve the issue exactly, but it disappears because the root cause has been removed.
Even though early childhood and past lives are often experienced, the essence and purpose of IST remain firmly rooted in the present. Revisiting the past should sort things out in the present, not delve into ancient history.
Healing and Clearing
Blockages on an emotional and energetic level often cause health problems. In such cases, your life force needs to shift at a subtler level.
More than simply dealing with the emotional or physical symptoms, this produces a lasting effect. This is a common occurrence during IST.
Therefore, IST works well with therapies such as acupuncture or homeopathy in treating physical symptoms caused by emotional or energetic factors.
What happens in an IST session?
After a short, informal conversation about your background and the reason for your visit, I will ask you to lie down on a mattress while she sits next to you.
As she guides you into an inner space of awareness, your mind becomes quiet and the subconscious parts that are normally hidden come to the surface easily.
Unlike trance or hypnosis, being in the inner space is when you are aware of everything around you, as well as being in touch with a deeper part of yourself.
At this point, you are more engaged in feelings and impressions than you are in thinking.
During this process, the experience unfolds in the interaction between you and your practitioner, both through dialogue and shared experience and through the internalising power of the space.
The essence of IST is the inner space, which gives you new perspectives on things.
To learn more about IST and how it can benefit you, book an appointment with Ruth today!
- Postgraduate Diploma In Psychology
- Inner Space Techniques Practitioner
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