Rosie Pratt therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2009

Rosie Pratt

Rosie Pratt

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Naturopathy is a health profession which approaches health problems in a wholistic way without the use of conventional drugs.

Rosie Pratt - Children's Health

Focus areas

Emotional wellbeing Blood analysis Joy Hormones Reproductive health Lifestyle


Rosie Pratt loves working with children and has enjoyed improving children’s health. Rosie has a keen interest in treating various childhood illnesses such as asthma, eczema, digestive issues, and allergies as well as improving behavioural issues related to concentration, learning and sleep.
Many of Rosie’s young patients start as tired, irritable, itchy, sneezy, congested and bloated and after treatment are bright eyed and bushy tailed! This is what Rosie loves most about working with children, their vitality is amazing, and their response to treatment is usually quite remarkable.


Case Study:

A beautiful 3 year old girl presented with the most severe eczema I’d ever seen. Her skin was falling off in clumps and was bleeding, and the itch was driving her crazy. She was tired and irritable, her bowels were irregular and went from slimy and smelly to hard to pass and like rabbit pellets.
After 2 weeks of dietary changes and children’s herbal supplements her skin had started to heal markedly, her mum said it was the first time in over a year that she didn’t have to change her blood stained sheets! Her bowels were more formed and easier to pass, her mum also commented that the child had been sleeping better and her behaviour had improved and she wasn’t as grumpy. She is continuing with the dietary changes and reduced the dose of the supplement to a maintenance level and is doing really well. She even picked me a flower at her last appointment


Case Study:

A very rambunctious 2 ½ year old boy came to see me. He was very mucusy and not settling at night, it was taking hours for mum to get him to sleep and most nights he would be so riled up that he would cry, scream and vomit! Although during the day he was well mannered; he was very ‘busy’ and at night he turned into an insomniac. This was causing lots of sleepless nights for poor mum and dad and in turn lots of family stress.

I am very happy to say that after 2 weeks of treatment; this little man was no longer snotty and for the first time in his life he was sleeping by 8pm until 7am. Mum even commented that he seemed more rested during the day and slept like a log at night. She was also close to tears when he was stacking blocks in my office! (He had never had the attention span to stack blocks before).

Call Rosie today to book an appointment!

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