Rob Rich therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2016

Rob Rich

Rob Rich Ortho-Bionomy

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Ortho-Bionomy developed out of Osteopathy in the mid 1970'sOtho-Bionomy is fundamentally different in how it approaches the body to a majority of other bodywork modalities. Ortho-Bionomy treats the body as an intelligent system, therefore we work with the nervous system to release muscles,realign bones and create more stability at the joints.

About Rob Rich Ortho-Bionomy

Focus areas

Bursitis Wellbeing Sciatica Nervous system Aches & pains Muscle tension

Welcome to Rob Rich Ortho-Bionomy

Here’s what our clients have to say about Ortho-bionomy treatments and how it has helped them!

Acute long term shoulder pain

Approximately 16 years ago I received an injury to my right shoulder from an awkward landing playing touch football. I was immediately referred to a physiotherapist for treatment which lasted several months, on and off with little improvement. As I rely on my shoulder heavily to carry out my job as a carpenter, I was advised the only real solution to the pain and discomfort was surgery. This was not an option in my eyes. So I learnt to live and deal with it for 15 long years. The last 12 months prior to receiving treatment from Rob was almost unbearable. Even to sleep on my shoulder for more than 15 minutes would cause excruciating pain and freezing up of the shoulder joint.

Upon receiving my first one hour treatment from Rob, I noticed a massive difference in pain, discomfort and range of movement – almost a numbing, buzzing feeling had taken over my shoulder. With two more sessions and some simple exercise the pain had reduced from a constant 7/10 to zero pain within a few weeks.
It has now been around 10 months since receiving treatment from Rob and my shoulder has still zero pain. It truly is an amazing, gentle, relaxing treatment that Rob practices and I have no hesitation in recommending him to anyone.

He has truly changed my life. Thanks Rob.

Larry Thompson (Hervey Bay)


Severe Back Pain

This letter is to confirm that Mr Rich has been treating a patient of mine who was experiencing severe disabling pain from degenerative spinal and facet joint disease. She was managing poorly with multiple analgesic medications. She had attended physiotherapy with little improvement. She had three sessions of treatment with Mr Rich.

On review today she is remarkably improved. She is generally pain free. She does not require any analgesic medication and her mobility has improved.

On the basis of her history and examination today I would certainly feel that Mr Rich’s treatment has been significantly beneficial to her health and wellbeing. I would certainly recommend his treatment to other patients with similar problems.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Kylie Francis M.B.R.S. (Ex Vanderlin Drive Medical Centre (NT) Currently Central Medical, Mackay QLD)


Rotator cuff Injury

I pulled my rotator cuff in December 2013 and have been seeing the physio for 2 months every week with no real results. My ROM was very limited and had a lot of pain. After the first treatment with Rob I had half my range of motion back and after the second I was doing full push ups again. Thank you so much for giving me my shoulder back.

Jo Lamond (Personal Trainer, Bundaberg)

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