Ritu Kinra Tangri
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Homeopathy works by stimulating our immune system. I have been practising Homeopathy for more than 23 years. Authored books for homeopathic students and have written articles for health magazines. I regularly provide tips on my Facebook page- Ritushomeopathy101
Ritu Tangri Homeopath
Servicing area
Providing Online consults and Face to face consults when required.Focus areas
Homeopathic Physician
About me
Do you believe in the magic of homeopathy:)
I am a passionate Homeopath with a special interest in female issues, teenage issues including colic, irregular periods, allergies and childhood complaints such as bed-wetting, eczema, allergies, asthma and ear infections, migraines and many more.
Homeopathy does not treat conditions or disease, but rather stimulates the individual's immune system to heal itself. My favourite modality of treatment is the Eizyaga method. This includes remedies to tackle the lesion layer (current issues), organopathic (to stimulate a weak organ); miasmatic layer (removing obstacles to cure) and fundamental or constitutional layer to boost immunity
I have 22 years experience in treating patients of all ages for acute and chronic diseases. I have authored books on homeopathic medicines as well as written articles on natural health.
Homeopathy works on the principle that natural substances are capable of curing same symptoms they cause. for e.g. common onion when sliced causes watery, burning eyes, runny nose and sneezing. People who suffer from flu or hay fever have similar symptoms and find a great relief from remedy derived from onion (Allium Cepa).
The medicines are derived from plants, minerals and animal products.
Consultation process
The initial consultation is usually long where details of medical history, emotional and mental state, appetite, likes/dislikes, reaction to temperature etc are taken into account to understand the constitution. Follow up consultations are usually shorter. The patients usually start feeling healthier and stronger after the medication rather than feeling run down.
Personally, I can delve for hours reading about homeopathic literature and new research. I am also a big fan of Reiki and Meditation although that is just for personal growth and calmness. I love music and like to hum along.
My journey of practice started in India in 1999, where I would see at least 30-40 patients in 2 hours each day. This experience was very enriching. I had various mentors who guided me through the way to whom I am every gratefull for.
Have had great results with teenage issues like colics which could be hormonal, worms, mesenteric adenitis, period pains, irregular periods
I have had some excellent results in treating child hood issues like recurrent tonsillitis, ear infections, asthma, allergies, developmental delays.
I also have special interest in women’s ailments like recurrent migraines, hormonal issues, PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, irregular periods, etc.
Case 1- ASTHMA
Lately I had a case of a teenage boy who was suffering from asthma and congested lungs. Exercise was impossible as he would get breathless and had to be constantly protected from allergens. This was a premature baby as mother had issues during pregnancy. Following the Eizyaga method, my lesional remedy for him was Arsenic Album, Miasmatic was Tuberculinum, Fundamental remedy was Silicea. Over the the course of 3 months this lovely boy improved drsastically. I then gave him Amniotic fluid and later Placenta as a remedy. Over all the parents were very pleased with his improvement over such a short period of time.
Another case of a lady in her early 30s feeling quite low, with history of PCOS and irregular menses. After taking the history, the lesion remedy that worked for her was Fraxinus 3x followed by other organipathic medicines, Miasmatic- Medorrhinum, Fundamental remedy was Natrum mur. PCOS takes time to resolve as there are deeper underlying issues. The patient started feeling symptomatically much better in 3 months’ time while the treatment carried on.
Another lady with bone spur and Achilles tendonitis with years of pain radiating up the right leg is feeling 80% relieved only after 1 month of treatment
Some of the conditions treated are:
- Children's Health - Tonsillitis, ENT problems, diarrhoea, teething difficulties, asthma, digestive problems, eczema etc
- Teenage- Menstrual problems, PMT, stomachaches, acne
- Women's ailments - polycystic ovarian disease, endometriosis, period pain, migraine, fatigue disorders, anxiety, migraine etc
- Digestive disorders - acid reflux, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel, bloating and indigestion, crowns disease, piles etc
- Respiratory disorders - asthma, hay fever, sinusitis, adenoids, chronic cough, tonsilitis etc
- Musculoskeletal problems - sprains, strains, arthritis , cervical spondylitis, lumbar spondylitis, sciatica etc
- Pre and post surgical healing
Homeopathy successfully treats at the above and many more problems.
I was suffering from hay fever and allergies for last 5 years. I have had runny nose and watery eyes, incessant sneezing which debiliate me especially during spring. Within 2 months of treatment, I have been feeling much better and did not require any antihistamines. I would highly recommend Ritu
My 6-year-old son had frequent episodes of tonsillitis, ear infections and was regularly snoring at night. After consulting Ritu Tangri, we gave him homeopathic medication for 3 months. Since then, he has not had any episodes of tonsillitis. The snoring has completely disappeared as well. I am grateful to Ritu for treating my son.
My 5 year old son was born premature. Could not play outside and would develop wheezing, cough and asthma which would get worse during winters and damp weather. We tried everything prescribed by the doctors but nothing helped. Treatment with Ritu and regular folllow ups helped us uproot the issue. We still continue to see Ritu for any acute issues with our son and in our family
My 13 yo daughter had been diagnosed with mesentric adenitis and had acute episodes of colic and nausea. She was asked to take panadol and antiinflammatories. Homeopathy rocks and she has felt so much better since treatment with Ritu
Cant believe but I am so much better. I had been bleeding profusely and have had irregular menses for a couple of years. Have been under treatment for 6 months. Feeling so much better including my mood.
Thanks to Ritu for really helping me to feel so much better about myself after so many years. I have had various issues including low mood, lack of motivation, liver spots, irregular and heavy
I have had a long history of painful, bleeding piles for years. I had been advised surgery by the doctor. A colleague referred me to Ritu. Her medicines very effective in addressing my issue. I do take precautions with constipation now. But I have mostly recovered from my problem.
I have a medical history of cervical spondylitis, I believe, this is due to a stressful job environment. I have spent years using allopathic medicines to relieve myself temporarily. I have been taking medicines for a few weeks now and feel 80% relieved. Its great to visit Ritu as she has a warm and pleasing personality and a great homeopath. Thanks Ritu.
My 8-month-old baby had been having patches of eczema that were oozing sticky substance. We had been in great distress because of this. After a detailed clinical history, Ritu prescribed a few doses of homeopathic remedy. Within a month the eczema completely cleared up. It has been 3 years now and my son has never had any patches.
I have had a bad history of herpes genitalis. Had been given a few courses of antibiotics and steriods. have had to skip work and use ice packs to even get through the day. 2 weeks of treatment and i have totally forgotten about all the pain and suffering. Thank you Ritu
After recently moving from US to Australia, my daughter had been having constant dry cough without any other symptom. The doctors had prescribed her Salbutamol, Steroid inhalers, and a nasal spray. Nothing helped but we continued with the medication.
Having been referred by a friend, I visited Ritu. After 3 consultations, my daughter has recovered completely. We do have other family members lined up for treatment now.
I have been a migraine patient for a long time. I saw Ritu a few months ago. She prescribed a constitutional remedy for me. I am almost out of the problem now.
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Homeopathic Consultation
1hrChronic cases- $ 150 plus medication Follow up for chronic cases- $110 plus medication Acute cases- $80 plus medication (problem for less than 2 weeks)
- Postgraduate Diploma In Homeopathy
- Bachelor In Homeopathic Medicine
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