Rita Erba-Cozzi
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Rita is a Naturopath and holds a Master in Public Health from Sydney University and a degree in Health Science majoring in Nutrition and Complementary medicine. Rita began her career gaining nursing qualifications. With more than 3 decades of clinical experience Rita applies her knowledge with a singular focus on achieving the best health outcomes possible for her patients.
Rita Erba-Cozzi and Associates
Servicing area
Sydney CityFocus areas
Health issues
Stress Management
Rita is a renowned Complimentary Health professional with more than 30 years experience in clinical practice and nearly 20 years of community and commercial health experience. She is recognised as an expert in Women’s Health, PMS, Menopause and Beyond, Balancing Ideal Weight, Workplace Stress, Anti-ageing, and Keeping You on the Edge.
Rita is regularly asked to write & comment on these issues in the media, ABC & SBS television and for corporate health programs. She has been a contributing author to “City Caveman Diet”, by Mike Jarosky a must read for all those males struggling to get fit, lose weight and gain some insight to their own wellbeing.
It is now being recognised more and more that the health of executives & employees are important not only for the bottom line but for better workplace relations and productivity in general. Rita has developed a comprehensive series of programs which address key health issues that effect workplace performance. She is in constant demand from organisations in both the private and public sector to provide solutions for improving employee health and performance.
Maintaining her private practice has been a key aspect to the work she does. It is this clinical expertise which provides a “real life” understanding of the pressures and strains so many people operate under that influences her whole of life approach to good health and wellbeing.
Life is not standardised and nor are the solutions Rita provides to maintaining personal/workplace balance. For many women the crisis of hormone imbalance is one that permeates the home and workplace.
Trained in both traditional orthodox medical disciplines and complimentary protocols Rita offers practical, personal solutions which focus on what is best for the patient regardless of whether the solution be orthodox, complementary or a combination.
Empowering people has always come naturally for Rita who is passionate about her work.
Rita is a renowned Complimentary Health professional with more than 30 years experience in clinical practice and nearly 20 years of community and commercial health experience. She is recognised as an expert in Women’s Health, PMS, Menopause and Beyond, Balancing Ideal Weight, Workplace Stress, Anti-ageing, and Keeping You on the Edge.
Rita is regularly asked to write & comment on these issues in the media, ABC & SBS television and for corporate health programs. She has been a contributing author to “City Caveman Diet”, by Mike Jarosky a must read for all those males struggling to get fit, lose weight and gain some insight to their own wellbeing.
It is now being recognised more and more that the health of executives & employees are important not only for the bottom line but for better workplace relations and productivity in general. Rita has developed a comprehensive series of programs which address key health issues that effect workplace performance. She is in constant demand from organisations in both the private and public sector to provide solutions for improving employee health and performance.
Maintaining her private practice has been a key aspect to the work she does. It is this clinical expertise which provides a “real life” understanding of the pressures and strains so many people operate under that influences her whole of life approach to good health and wellbeing.
Life is not standardised and nor are the solutions Rita provides to maintaining personal/workplace balance. For many women the crisis of hormone imbalance is one that permeates the home and workplace.
Trained in both traditional orthodox medical disciplines and complimentary protocols Rita offers practical, personal solutions which focus on what is best for the patient regardless of whether the solution be orthodox, complementary or a combination.
Empowering people has always come naturally for Rita who is passionate about her work.
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