Verity Wilson therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2019

Verity Wilson

Rise & Flow Coaching Mind Therapy

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Search for practitioners in PORT LINCOLN
Decide exactly how you want to show-up in life. Be the change required to get you there.

Hypnotherapist | Coach | NLP Practitioner

Servicing area

Servicing the Eyre Peninsula | Port Lincoln, Whyalla, Port Augusta and surrounding areas. Yorke Peninsula, Adelaide Hills and surrounding areas.

Focus areas

Mind therapies Fears Values Inner conflict Love Coaching program

Work with Verity Wilson....

Verity offers an integrative approach to coaching and mind therapy combining hypnotherapy and neuro-linguisitic programming with coaching to create rapid and lasting change. 

Release the things that hold you back and keep you stuck and step into your authentic self.


What is the Shift?

A signature 12-week personal coaching program designed to create lasting change through

  • Awareness

  • Acceptance
  • Alignment

  • Authenticity
  • Action


Asses all areas of life including identified 'problem areas'

  • assess your true value system

  • identify goals over the program and beyond

  • ensure that there is alignment with values and goals

  • shift any goals or values to avoid inner conflict and self sabotage


Work through the things that keep you 'stuck' by releasing

  • limiting decisions

  • limiting beliefs

  • fears

  • strategies that no longer serve you


Create strategies designed to get you where you want to be going and keep you on track for success. 

Recieve an online success planner which is used to plan, track and measure outcomes and progress throughout the program.

Become part of a small private online group where you have access to additional reading, resources and video content to keep you going.


The program includes:

  • 6 x 1:1 sessions (90mins approx) over 12 weeks

    to personally work with and assist you to create change in any problem areas of life whilst maintaining balance.

  • Personal Success Planner to plan, track and measure progress and keep you on track

  • Bi-weekly tasking to start taking action to get you results

This program has specifically been designed to create real, long lasting change.

The program is delivered online via video conferencing. Mind therapies and coaching are tailored to your personal requirements. Times can be scheduled to suit you in the comfort of your own environment.


"In order to create real change,

we need a new level of thinking to get us there."

Who makes the Shift?

This program is only for people committed to creating real change in their life and are prepared to do the work required to get them there.


ready to Shift?

If you are ready to create real change, we would love to be apart of your journey.

Get in touch to start the conversation



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