Ann Pallis
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Are you ready to take control of your GUT Health? Acid reflux, bloating, indigestion, and/or low energy? Ann is able to assist you with a personalized 8-week program that is tailored to help you improve your eating habits or lifestyle based on Ayurveda principles. If you require further clarification, I am able to HELP you. Mention the Natural Therapy Page for a quick chat. Consultation can be offered online
8-week Lifestyle Program for Gut Health
Servicing area
Lifestyle coachingFocus areas
SERVICE: 8-week Ayurvedic Lifestyle Program
DAY 1 - $90
DAY 2 & FINAL DAY - $90
The prices include a consultation; two support days and weekly buddy support. As detailed below.
This program is useful and one of a kind.
Book your personalised session today!
The Ayurvedic Lifestyle program is offered face-to-face or/and online. The process involves comprehensive consultation to find the root cause of a dis-ease. Here the purpose is to help you raise awareness of your natural being and assist with managing the symptoms or side effects and regaining wellness based on simple Ayurveda principles. The gut is our second brain....when the gut is clean and happy so is one's overall health. This program is mainly to educate a person on the right eating habits, lifestyle, and mindset.
It is important to remember with Ayurveda there is no quick fix as everything takes time…time is the essence of healing. The duration of time and results for everyone will differ, but patience and perseverance will be your tools for success. Remember Ann will be there with you during this whole process and you are not alone in this journey.
This program includes:
- Day 1 (60 minutes)
Ann will conduct an assessment/consultation that involves ten methods of examination via questions followed by observation, and the use of the touch sensor to feel the pulse if needed. The ten methods of examination will assist in summarizing one’s physical and mental constitution, vital essences, and the digestive fire and undigested waste product. Hence, on Day 1 is extremely important to gather as much information as possible. Then, work out a personalized plan based on a thorough analysis of the above assessment results.
- Day 2 (30 minutes)
Ann will plan and recommend food and eating habits, lifestyle, yoga, exercise, meditation, breathing practices, and other health improvement therapies or massages, as appropriate for the client. The plan must be realistic for the client so he/she can implement it for the next 8 weeks and beyond that.
- Ongoing support
Ann will provide weekly 15-minute email buddy support for 8 weeks at no charge to check the client’s progress and support you through this journey. You are not alone!
- Final day (30 minutes)
After 8 weeks, Ann will review and discuss the overall outcome of the whole process with you.
REMINDER: These are not a substitute for medical care and do not include medical diagnosis or medical treatment. Results from consultations given cannot be guaranteed as they will differ from person to person; more than one session may be required; depending on the length of time an issue has been present.
Full Body Massage + Steam sauna
1hr 15minWarm herbal oil is used over the entire body and massaged through the body using specific strokes, and ends with Swedana (steam sauna in a sauna tent excluding the head).
Full body & Head massage & Steam Sauna
1hr 30minFull-body massage, the head, neck, and shoulders are massaged with herbal oil. And swedana (steam sauna in a sauna tent excluding the head).
Business Hours
We're open 6 days.
Monday |
10:30 am | To | 2:30 pm |
Tuesday |
10:00 am | To | 4:00 pm |
Wednesday |
10:00 am | To | 4:00 pm |
Thursday |
12:00 pm | To | 7:00 pm |
Friday |
12:00 pm | To | 7:00 pm |
Saturday |
2:30 pm | To | 6:00 pm |
- Certified Reiki Practitioner
- Master In Medical Science
- Diploma In Ayurveda
Professional Membership
- IICT - International Institute For Complementary Therapists
- AAA - Australasian Association of Ayurveda
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