Tim Rogan therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2017

Tim Rogan

Restore Health

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We are a friendly team with highly trained practitioners with over 10 years of combined experience to care for you and your family.

Restore Health

Focus areas

Wellness Disc related pain Pregnancy support WorkCover Sciatica Nervous system


Our Chiropractor, Dr Orly Zuker is qualified to take care of families and people of all ages. She has a specialty focus in paediatric care, pregnancy. and breastfeeding. In addition, neck pain, headaches, back pain/sciatica, disc injuries and repetitive/postural strain injuries are common ailments that Dr Orly treats, based on scientific research. Standard visits are 15min and treatment is always individualised to address a person's musculoskeletal complaints.

Our Myotherapist, Tim Rogan is a highly trained Musculoskeletal Therapist who studied a Bachelor Health Science to gain his qualification. He is passionate and interested in treating people with sports injuries, repetitive strain (office/work related) injuries, neck injuries and headaches. In his 45min treatments he uses evidance based therapies such as; deep tissue remedial massage techniques, TENS, cupping, dry needling/acupuncture, therapeutic stretching, exercise prescription and joint mobilisation.

Both of our practitioners are health fund registered. Making rebates available on-the-spot..

Our Chiropractor is registered with DVA, TAC, Medicare and Workcover.


Choosing The Right Care For You..

Relief or Crisis Care: Many patients begin Chiropractic care as a result of some sort of symptom. Once symptoms subside many people chose to continue their care as a preventative health approach. When a person has an acute problem, the primary objective is relief. After a thorough history and exam, a treatment plan is customised in order to allow a condition to heal properly. Visits at this time may be more frequent and each visit builds on the next as your body repairs.

Some typical conditions that Chiropractic may be effective in helping include:

  • Neck & Back Pain

  • Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist Problems

  • Knee, Hip & Foot Problems

  • Work or Traffic Related Injuries

  • Jaw/ TMJ Dysfunction

  • Headaches

  • Disc Injuries

  • Postural Correction

  • Sports Injuries, Prevention & Performance Optimisation

Corrective Care: After your symptoms have subsided or improved, this type of care helps you achieve increased function and mobility. At this stage there is a focus on strengthening the spinal joints and muscles.

Wellness Care: Many people choose to invest in their health when they have achieved a level of optimal health by continuing Chiropractic care on a wellness basis. These patients have regular spinal check-ups or 'tune-ups'. This type of care can benefit people of all ages.

Chiropractic Adjustment

A Chiropractic adjustment is the art of using a specific gentle force in a precise direction, applied to a joint that is "restricted" or not moving properly. The adjustment restores movement to the joints allowing them to regain normal function. The ultimate purpose of this safe procedure is to improve spinal and nervous system function thereby improving your overall health.

There are many ways to adjust the spine. We use our hands, and some other gentle adjusting tools called 'blocks, the 'activator' instrument and SOT techniques. After many years of study and clinical experience, Dr Orly Zuker is highly skilled and here to help you and your family.

Myotherapy & Remedial Massage

Myotherapy (Musculoskeletal Therapy) is the assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal conditions that involve pain and dysfunction. The aim of Myotherapy is to improve muscular function (strength & flexibility) and to decrease pain. At Restore Health in Frankston, we specialise in the treatment of sports and repetitive strain injuries to accelerate healing and prevent further injury or dysfunction.

Our Myotherapist Tim Rogan holds a Bachelor degree in Health Science: Myotherapy. He is equipped with skills and experience gained from a variety of sporting events such as; Melbourne marathon, enduro-mountain biking, amateur football, NPL soccer, gymnastics and triathletes. He is also trained to treat workplace injuries and injuries that result of daily life activities.

In your initial consultation, a comprehensive assessment of your posture and body mechanics will take place to allow for a holistic approach to helping you. Our Myotherapist, Tim Rogan is registered with HICAPS making appointments claimable on-the-spot with most health funds.

What does a Myotherapist /Remedial Massage Therapist do?

Treatment sessions can be either 30 or 45 minutes. At Restore Health in Frankston, our experienced therapist uses a range of techniques to achieve maximum results. These include:

  • Deep Tissue massage

  • Dry Needling

  • Vacuum Cupping

  • TENS

  • Assisted Stretches

  • Sports Taping and Postural Taping

When should I see a Myotherapist?

At Restore Health in Frankston, most of our patients seek Myotherapy treatment when suffering from aches, pains and injuries.

You should see a Myotherapist when your pain lasts longer than a few days or when you are suffering from restricted movement. Many people also seek Myotherapy treatment in the rehabilitation of injuries to help strengthen the affected areas

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