Lyn Guy therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2017

Lyn Guy

Regain Living Hypnotherapy & NLP

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Welcome to a natural drug free path to positive change.

Regain Living Hypnotherapy & NLP

Focus areas

Relaxation Fears Chronic skin conditions Growth Anxiety Quit smoking


At times we all experience negative thoughts, feel stressed with the living of everyday life and experience fears that can cripple us. Our problems have varying effects on our lives, ranging from a niggly annoyance to utmost devastation of our mind, body and souls. Some of us will experiences episodes of panic attacks, anxiety and Depression. Some of our needs are specific such as "I just want to lose weight"; "I want to quit smoking". Others want to deal with unexplained phobias, skin conditions and problems that manifest as physical problems in our bodies. Procrastination demotivation, low levels of confidence and poor self-esteem can make our lives miserable.

I am particularly interested and specialise in the following areas:

  • Alcohol and Drug Misuse

  • Body Health – Weight control

  • Cessation of smoking

  • Depression

  • Stress and anxiety, Panic attacks

  • Confidence building

  • Phobias

  • General Well being

You can be assured that I will treat you with respect and empathy.  All sessions are carried in strict confidence and are a combined effort between practitioner and client.

About Regain Living

My name is Lyn Guy and I am a practicing Master Hypnotherapist and NLP Practitioner. I operate from my office at Maroochydore on the Sunshine Coast and from Mount Gravatt in Brisbane. I have a diverse background working as a Nurse for many years in the Intensive Care unit and Female surgical wards of a large regional hospital. In this capacity I witnessed  much suffering. Hand in hand with that amazing healing miracles happen and combined with the incredible courage of the human spirit, all created by the immense power of love and determination we can manifest.

I then ventured into the hospitality industry for sixteen years. Owning and managing several restaurants in NSW and the ACT. I learned that fun and relaxation are just as crucial to the complete picture of health and happiness as a hospital ward is to healing our severe injuries. In addition, several years spent in the tough and sometimes unforgiving world of business, working as a marketing Manager taught me that sometimes when we aim for material gains only, without spending quality time with our selves, family and friends, the results can leave us flat and without real joy and appreciation.

To this end I have become impassioned with the world of hypnotherapy as a means to realign ourselves for our higher good. I have personally experienced positive growth in my own life through hypnotic experience. Like everyone else sometimes I struggle, but now I can always see a way out and the road to happiness is always visible, if sometimes a little blurry, as long as I want and am prepared to make the changes. Without my complete involvement I cannot make change and neither can you.

I am particularly interested and specialise in the following areas:

  • Alcohol and Drug Misuse Body Health

  • Weight control

  • Cessation of smoking

  • Depression

  • Stress and anxiety

  • Panic attacks

  • Confidence building

  • Phobias

  • General Well being

You can be assured that I will treat you with respect and empathy.

Contact us today for more information.

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