Red Door Feng Shui
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Balance and Harmony
Red Door Feng Shui
Servicing area
VictoriaFocus areas
Space clearing
Crystal Therapy - Feng Shui - Spiritual Healing
Our Services
Feng Shui
What is Feng Shui?
Feng Shui is a 5,000 year old Chinese system blending practical common sense with oriental wisdom, enabling your environment to become balanced and harmonised along timeless universal guidelines.
What is Earth-Healing
Earth Healing involves locating and correcting any harmful effects from subterranean features, and also electro-magnetic fields.
What is ghost-building?
During Ghost-Busting/Space Clearing psychic and other energetic obstructions are permanently removed leaving your home or business feeling clearer, roomier and more comfortable to live and work in.
What is tien-ti blessing?
A Tien-Ti Blessing is a very beautiful form of Ghost-Busting that leaves your home or business feeling peaceful and calm just like living inside a sacred temple.
A Feng Shui consultation
My first consultation may take between three or more hours. I take a compass direction at your front door, and discuss with you any problems you are experiencing. Usually I will Ghost-Bust your property, and dowse for earth-energy lines within your boundaries. I take extensive notes of the many matters that may need a remedy or adjusting. You kindly provide a floor plan of your home within your property lines on an A4 page of paper for me to take away with me to apply my various templates to it.
My second consultation involves me discussing my Report with you, especially my analysis, recommendations, and Shopping List of remedies. This may last an hour or so depending on your questions.
My third consultation involves me checking the Four Harmonious Squaring Remedies and the eight Eight-House-Bagua Remedies, then commissioning them into action. Plus, of course, answering any further questions you might have.
Benefits of a Feng Shui consultation
Maximise Happiness. Enhance Health. Energise Success. Magnify Wealth.
Balance and harmony in every aspect of your home, environment, and life. Feeling your home, clinic, or business is the serene sanctuary you, your family, staff and clients love to spend time in.
Improved health, finances, relationships, friendships, projects, knowledge, renown and career prospects.
Costs of services
A Ghost-Busting/Space Clearing or Tien-Ti Blessing on its own costs $250.00.
An average home Feng Shui Consultation costs $450.00, and usually includes a FREE Ghost-Busting/Space Clearing or Tien-Ti Blessing as part of the package, depending on what is most needed at the time.
A small clinic or small business costs $480.00 (plus) depending on how many staff or therapists are employed and some other factors.
Crystal Dreaming™ Synopsis
A safe shamanic journey into your full potential.
By placing crystals around your body in a unique mandala, it is possible to trigger a shift in your consciousness into an ‘altered state’ where a shamanic journey or Crystal Dreaming™ occurs. In this expanded state of awareness, after clearing negative energy and some self-healing, it is possible to experience a state of absolute bliss, where profound emotional, physical and spiritual healing may also occur.
On this journey as a trained practitioner I will assist with the release of all blockages, including the release of cellular memory, emotional blockages, past or present life trauma, negative energy, various entities and interference from other sources. These techniques open all channels to the spirit world and beyond, facilitating inter-dimensional travel whilst remaining fully conscious (bi-location). In this state, profound, positive and immediate life changes often occur.
For those who are challenged by ill health, which refuses conventional treatment, whether it be created in this life, previous lives or other realities, I will locate, diagnose and treat the cause of any imbalance or energy blockage. Results of your Crystal Dreaming™ are immediate and permanent and have to be experienced to be believed.
Several sessions are usually required. These advanced techniques enable you to reconnect in full consciousness with your spiritual entourage or ‘Spirit Guides’. With their assistance you may explore any aspect of reality, you may discover your life's purpose by integrating with your Higher Self, or you may interact with other more evolved beings of light and unconditional love. You may meet with your Guardian Angel, Spiritual Teacher or the Ascended Master closest to your heart.
Crystal Dreaming™ will bring a clarity of purpose to your life and frequently leads to a blissful reconnection with the Divine, including presenting you with a golden opportunity to consciously activate and align with your life-plan or ‘blueprint’ in service to the Divine and in a state of perfect harmony with all of creation.
Client Comments
“The staffing problems settled down within three weeks of the consultation” (Jeanine, Hairdressing Salon, Malvern).
“Our home feels so much more welcoming and comfortable than it ever has before” (Verna and Glen, Brisbane).
“This house sold at auction a week after being Space Cleared for several thousand more than the local real estate agents expected” (Susan and Andrew, Brunswick).
“I walk around my property with this big, silly grin on my face that just won’t go away” (Frank, rural Gippsland).
“Now that I’ve re-arranged my study I find it easier to complete my essays and assignments” (Leonie, Glen Iris).
“We didn’t want to end up being divorced like the previous three owners” (Karen and Tony, atop a hill in Coldstream).
Our Services
- Feng Shui consultations
- Tien Ti Blessings
- Earth Healing
- (Western Geomancy), and
- Ghost Busting
- (Space Clearing), to
- Homes, Shops, Clinics, and Small Business.
Feng Shui
What is Feng Shui?
Feng Shui is a 5,000 year old Chinese system blending practical common sense with oriental wisdom, enabling your environment to become balanced and harmonised along timeless universal guidelines.
What is Earth-Healing
Earth Healing involves locating and correcting any harmful effects from subterranean features, and also electro-magnetic fields.
What is ghost-building?
During Ghost-Busting/Space Clearing psychic and other energetic obstructions are permanently removed leaving your home or business feeling clearer, roomier and more comfortable to live and work in.
What is tien-ti blessing?
A Tien-Ti Blessing is a very beautiful form of Ghost-Busting that leaves your home or business feeling peaceful and calm just like living inside a sacred temple.
A Feng Shui consultation
My first consultation may take between three or more hours. I take a compass direction at your front door, and discuss with you any problems you are experiencing. Usually I will Ghost-Bust your property, and dowse for earth-energy lines within your boundaries. I take extensive notes of the many matters that may need a remedy or adjusting. You kindly provide a floor plan of your home within your property lines on an A4 page of paper for me to take away with me to apply my various templates to it.
My second consultation involves me discussing my Report with you, especially my analysis, recommendations, and Shopping List of remedies. This may last an hour or so depending on your questions.
My third consultation involves me checking the Four Harmonious Squaring Remedies and the eight Eight-House-Bagua Remedies, then commissioning them into action. Plus, of course, answering any further questions you might have.
Benefits of a Feng Shui consultation
Maximise Happiness. Enhance Health. Energise Success. Magnify Wealth.
Balance and harmony in every aspect of your home, environment, and life. Feeling your home, clinic, or business is the serene sanctuary you, your family, staff and clients love to spend time in.
Improved health, finances, relationships, friendships, projects, knowledge, renown and career prospects.
Costs of services
A Ghost-Busting/Space Clearing or Tien-Ti Blessing on its own costs $250.00.
An average home Feng Shui Consultation costs $450.00, and usually includes a FREE Ghost-Busting/Space Clearing or Tien-Ti Blessing as part of the package, depending on what is most needed at the time.
A small clinic or small business costs $480.00 (plus) depending on how many staff or therapists are employed and some other factors.
Crystal Dreaming™ Synopsis
A safe shamanic journey into your full potential.
By placing crystals around your body in a unique mandala, it is possible to trigger a shift in your consciousness into an ‘altered state’ where a shamanic journey or Crystal Dreaming™ occurs. In this expanded state of awareness, after clearing negative energy and some self-healing, it is possible to experience a state of absolute bliss, where profound emotional, physical and spiritual healing may also occur.
On this journey as a trained practitioner I will assist with the release of all blockages, including the release of cellular memory, emotional blockages, past or present life trauma, negative energy, various entities and interference from other sources. These techniques open all channels to the spirit world and beyond, facilitating inter-dimensional travel whilst remaining fully conscious (bi-location). In this state, profound, positive and immediate life changes often occur.
For those who are challenged by ill health, which refuses conventional treatment, whether it be created in this life, previous lives or other realities, I will locate, diagnose and treat the cause of any imbalance or energy blockage. Results of your Crystal Dreaming™ are immediate and permanent and have to be experienced to be believed.
Several sessions are usually required. These advanced techniques enable you to reconnect in full consciousness with your spiritual entourage or ‘Spirit Guides’. With their assistance you may explore any aspect of reality, you may discover your life's purpose by integrating with your Higher Self, or you may interact with other more evolved beings of light and unconditional love. You may meet with your Guardian Angel, Spiritual Teacher or the Ascended Master closest to your heart.
Crystal Dreaming™ will bring a clarity of purpose to your life and frequently leads to a blissful reconnection with the Divine, including presenting you with a golden opportunity to consciously activate and align with your life-plan or ‘blueprint’ in service to the Divine and in a state of perfect harmony with all of creation.
Client Comments
“The staffing problems settled down within three weeks of the consultation” (Jeanine, Hairdressing Salon, Malvern).
“Our home feels so much more welcoming and comfortable than it ever has before” (Verna and Glen, Brisbane).
“This house sold at auction a week after being Space Cleared for several thousand more than the local real estate agents expected” (Susan and Andrew, Brunswick).
“I walk around my property with this big, silly grin on my face that just won’t go away” (Frank, rural Gippsland).
“Now that I’ve re-arranged my study I find it easier to complete my essays and assignments” (Leonie, Glen Iris).
“We didn’t want to end up being divorced like the previous three owners” (Karen and Tony, atop a hill in Coldstream).
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