Kami Rooks therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2015

Kami Rooks

Reconnective Healing Practitioner

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Experience healing beyond anything you’ve read about, thought about, dreamed about. Release your expectations….experience yourself.

Reconnect with Kami

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Focus areas

Energy Transformation Distance healing Purpose Life purpose Reconnection


I first experienced the Reconnective Healing frequency through a friend and after just one session became intrigued by this modality of healing. I knew that this was something profound after experiencing the changes that were occurring with me on all levels. I felt a calmness which was lacking for a long time, had such clarity of mind and a sense of well-being.

I have personally experienced and witnessed Reconnective Healing ‘miracles’ to mind , body and spirit as well as the accelerated appreciation of a true life purpose brought about by The Reconnection experience.

I am in awe of the many expressions of healing which unfold from the Universe and feel so blessed to be invited to share in someone’s healing experience.

I offer personal sessions of Reconnective Healing , Distance Healing and The Reconnection


It is a return to an optimal state of balance.

Distinguishing between “healing” and “curing”
Reconnective Healing completely transcends traditional energy healing techniques and brings you into a state of balance. It is in that state of balance that our imbalances, our health challenges, vibrate out of our system according to what is most appropriate for us on our individual life path. Reconnective Healing is neither a therapy nor a treatment, as it does not address mere symptoms. It is something much, much more……

Unlike a cure, a healing is not a result- oriented experience. Instead, it is an opening to transformation on the mental, spiritual, emotional and/or physical levels.

For Healing Stories Click Here

“Reconnective Healing is absolutely different to other healing modalities. From the experiments we have reached a very important conclusion. When we do Reconnective Healing we tremendously change the environment.”
- Dr Konstantin Korotkov


Distance Reconnective Healing® sessions have been offered to clients across Australia and to locations around the world It is a perfect option for anyone who is unable to travel or in hospital. Reconnective Healing frequencies are Light and Information without having the constraint by or limiting concepts of time and space and as we are interconnected through subatomic particles, which means that a healing can take place whether the person or pet is across the room, in a different state or a different country.

Distance Healing is just as effective as In-person sessions attaining the same results without any diminishing effect and can be given with or without the recipient's knowledge.

If you would like to arrange a session for yourself or others, please contact me by phone or email and we can arrange a convenient time.


The Reconnection® is an accelerated exchange of energy, light and information found in the Reconnective Healing frequencies. It is a focused formation to connect three systems, the ley lines of our planet, the meridian lines of the human body and the universal energy grid. Through the Reconnection®, the energy lines (meridians) of our body become reconnected to the ley lines of the earth and the universe. In ancient times these lines were all connected, but in the course of time they became disconnected. When the connections are renewed, the actual Reconnection, one can make a kind of super leap on their life path.

Each of our bodies contain its own set of energetic lines and points and although only remnants of what they once were, these lines and points continue to serve as out interface with the Universe.

The Reconnection brings in “new” axiatonal lines that reconnect us on a more powerful and evolved level than ever before. The lines are part of a timeless network of intelligence, a parallel-dimensional system that draws the basic energy for the renewal functions of the human body.

What is the Super Leap?

The Reconnection® causes a ‘total upgrade’. By reconnecting all energy lines, great progress can occur in the total existence of the human being. For example, certain important matters of life can be resolved. One can gain more control and guidance of their own life path and special abilities can develop rapidly. These things can manifest within just a few days even though this normally takes a long time and requires a lot of hard work.

Some people feel like a ‘new human being’ or ‘finding themselves again’ Of course every experience is unique, but it is often defined as being ‘yourself’ again.

Further information can be found on the Website

You can watch Reconnective TV on Youtube

By Appointments Only
Call Kami on 0412 227 026 for an appointment or click on the 'Make An Enquiry' button below.

Disclaimer: Kami Rooks and anyone associated with this work, inclusive of, but not limited to Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection, make no claims, promises or guarantees and are neither diagnosing nor treating specific health challenges. You are solely responsible for seeing to and continuing with your own medical treatment and care.

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