Michele Tardini
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The original balancing European Protocal & EMF Safe Solutions
Recharge Life-Original Resonance
Servicing area
St kildaFocus areas
The 3 Tiers
of Health
Healthy Living Program
St Kilda
(By Appointment Only)
Phone: 0402 303 899
19,000 highly qualified medical practitioners and therapists use the this protocol worldwide.
Over 2,000, 000 patients have used this method and we are excited that we are able to offer the method here in Australia. 500 childrens hospitals in China use this simple method.
Call Recharge Life FREE 15 min phone call to see if our service fits your health destination Mob: 0402 303899 |
Mind • Body • Environment
We are motivated to help you step over the line towards health and over come your out of balance mind, body and environmental issues.
Our 3 Tier Healthy Living Program is the answer as becoming balanced and happy.
We approach your current health in a different way to help you reach your goals.
Many people are eating what they consider healthy foods and doing what they think is an ok habit but their health is suffering, why? We are interested in cause and affect.
Our 3 Tier Approach
Mind Balance - Combining emotional release methods
We use the latest method to unlock your emotional blockages that have been trapped and stopping you from moving toward health.
Are you carrying inherited emotional family issues/trauma?
We help with lifestyle changes to reduce your strained emotional reactions and people triggers which change your mood and create inflammation and illness symptoms like allergies. Our method is simple.
Body Balance - Using world researched and tested methods that we invented decaded ago which have been copied world wide
The European energy balancing solutions can unblock years of overburden in your body called Toxic Body Load which can create strains in your body. By unlocking the strains like how accupunture works means the body can heal itself, it is called "self regulation". This self regulation is often blocked and this method creates a pathway to rebalance the dis harmonious energy which can create blockages, inflammation and various symptoms or illness.
We combine the method with special take home recipes from qualified practitioners from the registered Botanica Medicines. The full dispensary only stocks the highest grade products and skin care products. When the inside body is balanced the external responds and we can work on your anti aging facial skin care as well.
Environmental Balance - Combining testing and solutions for your work and home using technical scientific devices.
We discuss your living conditioins and lifestyle and if any part of your house is causing a disturbance to your balance or electro-sensitivity then we can suggest changes or solutions.
If required an assessment of EMFs, water, mould or air pollution testing to access your home/ environment for environmental stressors can be done. All tests are through certified labs and qualified remedial assessors.
Our Eco Health Architect and our Eco Builder and Green Electrician can help you create a healing house if required. E.g an electrial plug may be near your head while sleeping.
Not every person needs a house reno, but some people may need to change where their bed is located or even what it is made or feather pillows need to be changed yearly.
One simple change was obvious when a lady called about terrible headaches after regular intervention and blood tests revealed nothing. We assessed her house and her bed was centimeters from the electrical box and she was sleeping on a memory foam mattress which was giving her allergy reactions due to the chemicals it was made from.
Most people do not really think about the fact that a foam mattress is made of petrochemicals. Eight hours of breathing in off gassing can create a reaction for a person with a toxic body load already and then the mattress purchase tips them over the edge
What toxins are in your environment, what are you willing to change for your health? That same women refused to move the bed from that location, whereas another customer Sarah can testify that moving her bed changed her health with an immediate reaction. She thought she would have to move house but she just needed to move her bed to the opposite wall. Simple solutions create huge outcomes. Then the 1st lady above refused to move the bed due to the room would not look as good, so she continued to suffer.
Call today for a free 15 min consult
Fee Schedule Adult
(Payment at the time of appointment)
- Initial consult for Body/mind $180 (2 hours)
- 2nd consult $150
- All other consults $97
Mebourne the Allergic capitol of the world and here is a quote to prove it.
“Unfortunately Australia does appear to be the food allergy capital of the world with Melbourne leading the way,” explains Professor Katie Allen, of the Murdoch Children's Research Institute in Victoria.
Sick Building Syndrome
House Test:
Within 20km of CBD
Water Testing (heavy metals) available POA
Soil testing for Vegg garden POA
EMF Testing only POA
Full House Testing for Sick Building Syndrome from POA (Melb Metro)
Tesla Gold EMF Harmonisers does 30 metres
EMF Shielding for: New Builds, renos, geopathic stress, inverters and smart meter advice.
Michele Tardini
BA Comm/ Psych RMIT (1983)
BRT Certified Adelaide (2007)
Colour light emotional healing (2008)
Committee member of :
Australia Institute of Building Biology
Michele has trained in many areas of mind, body and environmental balancing which identifies strains to the body which could manifest into symptoms.
In Europe the negative man made frequencies going on in your home or work place could affect certain people.This method of evaluating and testing the environment is called Building Biology from Germany. How can you not take this into consideration?
Getting back to basics Michele encourages people to research the affects of man toxins in food, chemical clothing, toxic houses. She was a senior committee member of www.ihempvictoria.org.au for 6 years to promote healthy living and to replace plastics in our daily lives and living in toxic free homes.This is nothing to do with smoking or canabis.
Books on caring for your liver, kidney spleen, gall bladder by Sandra Cabot are basic and simple to understand and keep you on track as the liver has 500 jobs to do in the body.
Michele advises on your daily habits and tests houses and work places for the overload of EMFs surrounding electricity lines microwave frequencies, low frequencies from your white goods, smart metres & new technologies from Mobile phones.
She has been guiding people in areas of wellness and life changing habits for the past 25 years and testing the Building Biology and environment. It has been shown negative frequencies may cause disharmony from Sick Building Syndrome or Geomancy. E.G The ABC building in Melbourne which had a cancer cluster or the kinder in NSW under power lines causing sickness.
Other tests include assessing houses for inappropriate placement of emfs in houses, new builds and the geopathic stress.(natural underground issues)
Michele's interest in non toxic living has her promoting her protocols and guests appearances at many expos, seminars and workshops.
BUILDING BIOlOGY ( Sick Building Syndrome)
We have Building Biologists around Australia to help you with testing your living and working conditions.
We can help you in the followimg areas to help to improve your health.
- How to build a healthy home or reno
- Geopathic & EMF Testing
- Building Biology home testing.
- www.buildingbiology.org.au
- Evaluating your body for sensitivity
- Ba Communications/ Psychology Rmit 1983
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