Raw Synergy Healing
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Raw Synergy Healing
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About Me
Five years ago, after a wake up call with a literal nasty knock to the head and profound spiritual experience my life changed dramatically. New thoughts, experiences and doors opening led me on a path of wonderment and discovery. I was just a regular Joe then life was tipped on its head, all for the better. My aim now is to help and support fellow beings to better there lives and see what is truly possible. I wish to support people who have lost there way or received a wake up call as I did and need a guiding hand. I love what I do and I wish for everyone to feel the passion, joy and zest that this life and world can bring.
What is Kinesiology?
Kinesiology has a short history taking its origins within modern western culture though it is rapidly expanding to include a wide range of ancient eastern healing philosophies and techniques. Kinesiology is a non-invasive energetic holistic science that helps restore balance to the body. It identifies elements which inhibit the body’s natural internal energies and uncovers the causes of stress within the client.
Our body is designed to selfheal and at times we lose our homeostasis, the natural ability to stay within a set of limits in order to maintain optimum function, thus we lose our efficiency and our ability to naturally self-correct. Kinesiology can assist by listening to the deeper needs of the body to unblock the natural innate mechanisms that allow the body to self-organise. This is done through the central nervous system, the highest level of organisation in the body.
Information is gathered from the body through a gentle non-invasive technique called muscle monitoring. Muscle monitoring, through this neurological feedback, listens to the complex needs of each individual and determines what is causing unbalance and blocking the body’s ability to selfheal.
The body will naturally supply information that is beneficial to the overall wellbeing of the client. This information is diverse in that it covers such topics as muscle and structural health, organ and gland health, nutritional health, emotional, mental and spiritual health. When we view the inner workings of the human body we are witnessing some 6 trillion chemical reactions happening in each second. Each of these reactions is synchronized and coordinated with each and every reaction, without conscious awareness. This process is happening continuously and it is this subconscious, innate awareness that we engage and communicate with in Kinesiology. In this sense a doctor uses his intelligence and taught knowledge where Kinesiology communicates with the body’s intelligence for what it needs.
Kinesiology, unlike conventional forms of medicine, enhances a client’s self-healing, rather than being an external fix. Generally it is recognised that the extent of information produced from a Kinesiology balance is potentially limitless. There is a huge array of potential benefits to a Kinesiology client.
We need to be sustainable with our health. It takes decades of compensation and stress to create disease or illness. Kinesiology is about helping a client to move blockages, look at solutions, challenge and take responsibility for one’s own physical, spiritual and mental health. Each element within our being has an effect on another, nothing works in isolation. Benefits from Kinesiology are vast but also unique to an individual. Kinesiology helps us become aware of the underlying factors causing stress, illness and help to take positive actions to increase wellness in one’s own life. When we resolve we evolve.
Contact us today for more information.
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