Emily Kisvarda therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2009

Emily Kisvarda

Phoenix Gateway

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Life is full of challenges. To be open to change is to accept that life has imperfections but as we deal with these, the beauty of these imperfections are gifted to us in ways we couldn't see at the time. About Us || Gridding & Essences || Crystals & Minerals || Energy Healing Meditations || Testimonials

Phoenix Gateway - Healing - Crystals - Jewellery

Servicing area

Glen Iris, Victoria

Focus areas

Purpose Fears Growth Gratitude Grief Stress Management

Like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, we can be reborn in a way that will create more wholeness, personal satisfaction and gratitude in our life, allowing us to rise and transform to a whole new level.

About us

Phoenix Gateway has been birthed after years of personal hardships, learning and growth. Since 2004, after the death of my husband from cancer, I have been bringing up four beautiful, yet challenging children as a single parent. Through this time I believe a door was unlocked for me, into which I found the spirit realm. I delved into my new found belief and started on a course of self learning and alternative modalities. It has helped me deal with my grief and give me strength to bring up four beautiful children and create healing along the way.

I have a passion for crystals and what they represent on all levels. I use them within my healing practice and I also sell them in jewellery. How better to work with them and absorb their energies and vibrations whilst they are worn with beauty around the body. I believe that life is a journey and not a destination. Life deals us certain situations for our own life lessons and purpose. How we choose to deal with them will depend on our openness to learn. Lessons come and go and we find that how we dealt with a situation the first time, will depend on how we deal with it on another level at a later time. Tools I use in my life on a daily basis are crystals. I wear them, place them and make essences from them. My passion is crystals, followed by a love of using them in beautiful jewellery and as a tool within my healing modalities.

I am still on my journey of learning, self discovery and healing, but with the precious gift I was shown with crystals and healing, I am able to continue on my path to create a better life for myself and in the process I ultimately will help others along the way.

    Bachelor of Nursing (Degree)
    Reiki I, II, IIIA
    Certificate in Advanced Crystal Healing
    Intuitive/Energetic Healing Practitioner
    Crystal Light Healing Practitioner

Bookings / Fees
  • Initial consultation: $85
  • 1 Hour: $70
  • Ear candling: $45
  • Essences 30ml bottle: $25
  • Personalised grid and essence $99

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Gridding & Essences

I am passionate about gridding and essence making. The same effects are reached gridding from a distance as they would be if I was to physically work on you and with you. Working by distance, for me, allows me to have no restrictions to time, place or energy. When starting a grid, normally all I need is a name and if you want to work on a specific issue , you can give some details. I work intuitively so I am able to attune to your higher self and your energy. From this I then will give a write up and a list of crystals I will use and for most, the reason to why. Again, the length of time a grid stands, depends on the individual and the guidance I am given. The essence is made using the vibration of the grid which penetrates the water. It is bottled up with a small amount of brandy so it keeps.

When I gift grids, the only information I have is the clients name.

The reason we can work distantly, is because energy and intention is not contained to one space. The nature of the healing that takes place, is not actually on the physical body, but the outer layers or auric field ( you may be aware of the term aura). Before dis-ease as we know it enters the body, it works through these outer layers, that make up 7 in all to work with. It is normally an emotional or mental issue that festers and if not dealt with can lead to physical illness.

In saying this, you may want a grid to help you connect more with the physical world we live in or increase psychic awareness, remove blocks and the list is endless. We can grid anything and anyone as well. Whether it be for a pet, your home, child, partner etc.

In this instance, this grid is for you and depending on why and the outcome, may also affect those around you, more so for the healing and changes you create.

Of late I have channelled some grids which I have started working with, as well as essences I create from the information I am given.

The essence you will receive is considered the mother tincture. It is strong and potent. This is the way I love to work, but as it is the mother tincture, you can always make it last by, diluting again into another dropper bottle. No client has done that yet when it comes to this.

The essence, once received, will be taken until finished or until you feel intuitively that you no longer need it.

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Crystals & Minerals

Crystals have been around for millions of years and many have been formed deep within the earth’s surface under great pressure or in chambers deep down.

Crystals come in many different shapes, sizes and forms. Some even grow together. The major shapes these crystals are found are hexagonal, square, triangle, rhomboid, trapezium, rectangle, circle and as a parallelogram. Some crystals are found still attached to the bedrock in which they formed and this bedrock is called a matrix.

Each crystal/mineral has its own metaphysical properties. This means they can work on the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual aspects of our being. As every living thing is made up of energy and work at a specific vibration, so do the crystals. The more open and aware we are of their functions and ability to help on a healing level, the more effective they will work for you.

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What is Energy Healing

Everything in the universe is moving, living energy which vibrates to a certain frequency be it plant, animal, human or gemstone. When we are healthy the relationship of our energy systems is balanced. If the relationship between the mind, body and soul breaks down, an imbalance occurs, which will eventually lead to energy becoming stagnant and create dis-ease within the body.

Energetic healing is any form of healing modality that works on restoring and rebalancing the ‘energy circuits’ within the physical and subtle bodies. Some examples of these modalities are Reiki, crystal healing, flower essences and chakra balancing just to name a few.

Energetic healers normally have skills in a number of different modalities and incorporate a few into your healing session.

One example is Reiki which is the ‘universal life force’. It is the energy of love and light. Reiki is a method of healing that allows us to use the universal energy of love and light to assist healing in ourselves and others.

Ultimately all forms of energy healing tap into the same source and are all valid methods of healing and none being more powerful than the other.

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Meditation is the ability to be able to get yourself to a space of total calm and relaxation. Allowing yourself to calm your mind and use your breath to centre yourself. Meditation is fantastic when feeling stressed, needing to unwind after a busy day or even to help you start your day to feel refreshed and aligned. Maybe you just need to go within for clarity and to reach a higher vibrational state.

Whatever the reason, this page will be dedicated to meditations that you can use on a daily basis. Some I will have written, others I will post from other sources.


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Thank you so much for the beautiful "Super Moon Essence for stability, balance, love & allaying fear". It truly has transformed me. Your product works on such a high vibration, you truly have created a gem. Look forward to doing more soulful business in the future. In love & light! X

Talia Ward

Thank you Emily for your amazing healing/massage yesterday! I feel so much better today ~ u are a truly gifted healer ~ will be booking in again when ur up next! ♥

Megan Twidle

Many Thanks for your crystal essence. If you do not have one on order for this coming moon transition please make me another. The impact and support from the essence and ultimately your intuition/connection has been remarkable, from its amazing arrival/events to now - quite amazing. Thank u.

Horse Instincts - Transformative Programs Using Horse Wisdom

I wanted to let you all know how wonderful Emily from Phoenix Gateway - Healing, Crystals & Jewellery is. I have been struggling physically after the birth of my son, 19 weeks ago and something prompted me to ask Emily if she did up medicine bags for my infection. I am so glad I did! She opened her arms, heart, time and energy to me and has supported me so much this week. Going above and beyond to help pick the right crystals for me, doing me an amazing grid and also my first ever essence. She has offered words of guidance, encouragement and love. I am so looking forward to my very
special package arriving. And to a long friendship with Emily ♥

Fiona Gardner

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