Pamela Frost
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Inspiral Bodywork
Servicing area
Fitzroy North, VictoriaFocus areas
WED-FRI: Elk Wellbeing, 282a Queens Pde Nth Fitzroy 3068
I bring my eighteen years of experience and education in massage and bodywork to provide a place of healing and deep rest, of practiced and intuitive touch and compassionate insight. My style is built on the foundation of Remedial Massage Therapy and incorporates numerous other techniques such as Craniosacral Therapy, Myofascial Release, Positional Release and Lymphatic Drainage. It has evolved and is evolving as an integrated bodywork, providing deep relaxation, relief from many musculoskeletal pain conditions, and an improvement in the structural integration and movement of the body.
I enjoy the variety of experience which bodywork offers, from the treatment of musculoskeletal pain, sports injuries and headaches, to the restorative benefits of relaxation massage. I believe in a holistic approach to massage, and its unique ability to provide the recipient with a deeper connection between mind and body, allowing the body to heal itself. Allowing yourself the time for a treatment is the first, important step in self-care. Now, let me nurture you with intuitive, caring touch.
What to expect from a treatment: A typical session in an hour in duration, but 90, 45 and 30 minute sessions are also available. Our session will commence with a thorough discussion of your health and wellbeing status and what you wish to achieve. Depending on the presentation, I will often perform an assessment of posture and range of movement to identify areas which need attention, and recommend the style of treatment best for you. I will usually ask you to partially undress, though this may not be necessary for Craniosacral Therapy treatment. Stretches or remedial exercises may be recommended.
Conditions which benefit: Musculoskeletal pain and injury, headaches, jaw pain and dysfunction, postural imbalances, scoliosis, repetitive strain injury, post-traumatic injury recovery, scarring, anxiety, exhaustion
Techniques integral to Inspiral Bodywork:
Remedial Massage encompasses a broad range of techniques, and traditionally includes deep muscle stripping, trigger point therapy, mobilisation and stretch therapy. I also include where appropriate two techniques from Traditional Chinese Medicine: Cupping and Gua Sha (spooning).
Myofascial Release is a slow release technique, often used in conjunction with massage, and also with Craniosacral Therapy, to maximise results. It works on the fascia of the body; the web-like connective tissue which envelopes and connects every structure of the body, from the bones right down to the microscopic layers of the muscle, around the organs and nerves and under the skin. Fascia becomes dysfunctional when it is overused, tight, and dehydrated, and as it provides a sheath around all other structures of the body it can affect movement and general function too. Myofascial Release identifies the structures that need releasing, engages them with a gentle pressure and then slowly stretches them away from each other. Best results are achieved when at least 2-4 minutes are allowed for each release, to allow the many layers of fascia to relax completely. It is generally painless and deeply relaxing. It may also result in Myofascial Unwiding (see below).
Craniosacral Therapy is an adaptation of Cranial Osteopathy, and focuses on gently engaging and freeing the bones and tissues of the craniosacral system: the spine and skull, the layers of connective tissue around the spinal cord, and the spinal fluid. The theory of Craniosacral Therapy centres on this spinal fluid, which is produced in the ventricles of the brain and moves in a specific circulatory flow around the head and spine, the rhythm of which can be palpated as a ‘pulse’ or a ‘wave’ at various places in the body. This is the deepest rhythm of the body; it begins in utero before any other of the body’s many rhythms and is the last to stop after we die. When there are disruptions to this wave because of imbalance or dysfunction, it has potentially profound effects on general health. Craniosacral Therapy identifies, engages and gently releases these patterns of dysfunction, allowing the body to self-correct and restore a harmonious pattern to the spinal fluid circulation. It is similar to and in some ways continuous with Myofascial Release in its gentle and relaxing nature, with each technique performed for a minimum of 3-5 minutes. It often results in Myofascial Unwinding (see below).
What is Myofascial Unwinding? This term describes both the techniques that the therapist perform and what can happen to the body as a result. During treatment the client can enter a very deep space of relaxation. The craniosacral wave may slow or stop, reaching a ‘still point’ which allows it to reset in a better rhythm. The myofascial tissues soften and lengthen, which often provokes releases in other tissues that are not directly targeted. Sometimes there may be spontaneous body movements as these releases occur. These can be small or large, from a subtle twitching of a nostril to a large arm movement or a turning of the neck and head to one side. Sometimes the client may feel the need to completely change position on the table. As the ‘emotional memory’ of the body engages, memories and emotions may surface into consciousness and can be addressed and processed. Most clients report an experience of deep rest, release and even insight. To allow for a satisfying treatment experience it is important to simply let any movements, thoughts or emotions that arise simply happen, without attempting to control or censor.
Relaxation Massage aims to promote a general feeling of well-being, as well as providing physical benefits common to all massage techniques such as increased circulation, pain relief, lowered blood pressure and increased lymphatic functioning. Traditional Swedish massage techniques are used, with pressure firm or gentle as required to create a feeling of bliss.
Pregnancy Massage can be performed in the second and third trimester (and the first trimester if there are no complications), and combines Swedish relaxation massage with specialised remedial techniques as required. It helps to alleviate common ailments of pregnancy such as fatigue, fluid retention and lower back pain. To avoid extra stress on the lower back I perform this massage with the client in the side-lying position, with special pillows to provide comfort and support. A wonderful way to get more in touch with yourself and your baby during this special time!
Please note: Pregnancy Massage is available only for 45/60 min
Manual Lymphatic Drainage specifically addresses the lymphatic system, which filters and removes waste products from the body’s tissues. This very gentle, relaxing, full-body technique stimulates the immune system and helps detoxify the body. It can be beneficial in complementing a detox program and boosting immunity in times of exhaustion or chronic illness. It is also excellent before and after surgery to promote healing. Some Lymphatic Drainage can be combined with other techniques for swelling or illness, but for the best results it is performed as a stand-alone treatment.
Please note: as a stand-alone treatment, available only for 60/90 min
Phone: 0407352660
Email: pfrost@inspiralbodywork.com.au
Elk Wellbeing is a multidisciplinary allied health clinic, a peaceful cocoon in the busy shopping strip of Clifton Hill. There is ample parking in the surrounding streets, and the clinic is accessible by the 86 tram and from Clifton Hill station (10 min walk).
Wednesday: 11.15-7.30pm
Thursday: 11am-7.30pm
Friday: 1pm-6:30pm
30 mins: $65
45 mins: $85
60 mins: $100
90 mins: $135
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