Patricia Wilcox
Patsy Wilcox
Patsy Wilcox
Servicing area
Ferny Hills, QueenslandFocus areas
Patsy's background as a clinical neuroscientist gives her insight on how the mind and body fully integrate. She has been running the Ashi Centre since 1987, and over this time, has accumulated a wealth of experience.
PATSY treats on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
morning into the evening: 8 am until 6:30 pm
It is better to phone me to make an appointment (0403-711-103), I do not read my emails every day.
Acupuncture Treatment cost: $80 (conc. $65 for those pensioners without private health cover) duration 1 hour
This is NOT just about about inserting needles. Each treatment is fine tuned to meet your needs, utilizing a combination of acupuncture, massage, moxa, cupping, stretches, meditation or qigong techniques. No two treatments are alike because each time you come, the state of your body and mind are different. Advice will also be offered in relation to diet and lifestyle.
Qigong is an ancient Chinese group of exercises to help get you in touch with yourself.
Patsy teaches the most in-depth and clinically effective method available and it is easy to learn. Qigong charges up your body with vitality. You learn to use your mind and body together. Integrating mind and body has significant physiological effects: opening blood circulation, activating neural pathways, regulating hormone secretions and activating organ function. These actions promote good health.
The Qigong forms we practise:
Waking the Dragon (self massage)
Empowering the Dragon (Yi Jin Jing)
Taiji Qigong Shi Ba Shi, 1 & 2
Lift Qi Up and Pour Qi Down
Xiao Luo Han Gong
As well, we play around with a short segment of Tai Chi (Taiji) Beijing Simplified ... just for fun.
(note: always check there is no change to class times by phoning 0403-711-103)
Every Tuesday morning at 8am
Every Thursday morning at 11:30am
at St Matthews Church Hall, Church Rd, Grovely (Mitchelton) $15per class
Please check the timetable with me if you have not been to class for a while in-case times have changed.
The curriculum is not linear, so you are start any time. Learning is in the form of "absorbing" in a natural way. Don't be in a hurry. You will walk away from class with a little more learned each time.
All evening classes have been cancelled. Only the morning classes will continue.
Proud supporter of House Call Doctor Brisbane local access program.