Pamella Harries
Pam's Place
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We are all born with various lessons in life and challanges to overcome.
The correct diet, positive thoughts and loving emotions are the essential ingredients to to a life of vitality and longevity
About Me
Servicing area
Tallebudgera Valley, QueenslandFocus areas
Lower back pain
Frozen shoulder
Pam has been a Registered Nurse for 38 years and sucessfully integrates multiple forms of Natural Medicine, including:
- ESTeck Scan
- Integrated Iridology
- Herbal Medicine
- Homeopathy
- Nutrition
- Bowen Therapy
- Bush Flower Essences
How many supplements do you take? Are they all really necessary?
With Natural Medicine it is easy to slip into the same habit of Orthodox Medicine, merely dispensing with the annoying symptoms of disease, by using supplements instead of pharmaceuticals. True healing occurs by preventing these symptoms occuring in the first place. To do this you need to understand how your body works ... your unique strengths & unique weakness.
Initial Natropathic Appointments
- Initial appoinments take between 60 - 90 mins
- The first consult involves establishing your concerns & goals
- A full medical history is then taken an Iridology assessment is made and diet & lifestyle assessed
- As necessary there are various in-house further tests available such as the ESTeck system, Live Blood Analysis, Urinalysis, Blood pressue, blood glucose levels, Zinc levels, candida, coeliac, heavy metals & allergy testing
During the consultation with Pam you can learn if you are suffering from:
- Cardiovascular disease
- Diabetes Risk
- Brain Dysfunction
- Hormone Imbalances
- Intestinal Malabsorbtion
- Digestive Allergies
- Nutritional Deficiencies
Monitoring Changes
The ESTecks Systems greatest strength is its ability to acuratley measure changes from one assessment to the next. This allows the trained practitioner to accuratley monitor how the chosen treatment is working. Changes can be observed before symptoms alter. What this means to you the client is faster more effective results.
Appointments available at Burleigh Heads: Tues - Thurs 9am - 6pm
- Initial Natropathic Consults 90 mins $150
- Repeat Natropathic Consults $75
- Initial Bowen Treatment $75
- Repeat Bowen Treatments $60
For more information about the best services for your needs or to organise an appointment - just give us a call!