Pamela McDowell
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Energetic Bodywork with Pamela McDowell
Focus areas
These are tools that have been so effective for me in discovering magic in my life and the joy that my body can actually be. For years I've muddled through life with stress, aches and pains and the wonder of what life is all about. I have come a long way since stepping into a yoga studio 1990s as a stressed-out engineer, and I'd love to share with you tools that can help transform your life, too.
Services - classes & workshops
These are some of the more popular classes....
Access Bars® Classes
The Bars® Class is a full-day, hands-on class. You will learn Access Consciousness Bars, running two full Bars sessions and receiving two sessions. This is a certified practitioner course.
Access Body Process Classes
2-4 hours
The Access Consciousness® Body Processes unlock your body's healing potential - often with amazing results for you & your body. The hands-on body process classes are certified practitioner courses.
The Foundation
4 day class
The Foundation classes are designed to empower you to change anything and everything you’d like to change in your life.
Services - private sessions
30, 60 or 90 minutes; in-person or online
What would you like to change? What do you know is possible? Gain clarity, ease and a greater sense of possibilities.
Access Bars® Sessions
30, 60 or 90 minutes; in-person only; 20-minute taster sessions are available
What would you like to change? What do you know is possible?
At worst you will feel like you have just had a phenomenal massage. At best your whole life can change. Gentle technique touching and holding specific points on your head.
Energetic Facelift
1 hour or 90 minutes
Pamper yourself with an energetic facelift - no creams, peels, knives or chemicals, just your body revealing the magic it truly be.
Access Body Processes
Duration varies - typically 45 to 90 minutes
Gentle hands-on sessions unlock your body from limitations. Discover more energy, better health and much greater possibilities for your body and your life.
Symphony of Possibilities
in-person or online
Magical energetic contributions
Relaxation & Awareness sessions
in-person or online
Energetic exploration of space and possibilities. Pamela's signature service.
Contact us today for more information.
- Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator
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