Signs of Abundance
Past Life Regression, Quantum Healing Hypnosis
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Our successful quality 4 TO 5 hour hypnotherapy session is face to face and based in Palm Cove, Cairns. Tara is a qualified and experienced leader in the hypnosis industry and a Clinical Hypnotherapy Specialist as well as using Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Level 2 Practitioner, Energy Healing, Chakra Balancing and Meditation techniques, Tara will target your blocks, limiting beliefs and restrictions, the root cause of any fears, problems and issues. Tara is an experienced professional with many 5 star ratings on her website, and can even custom make a hypnosis recording targeting your issues that you can take home and listen to any time. This is key to healing as research shows it takes the subconscious mind at least 28 times to absorb new information. PalmCoveCairnsHypnotherapy.com.au and some are also included below. This style of hypnotherapy and healing is not only effective for quitting smoking, but all bad behaviours can be eliminated using this type of past life therapy, such as drugs, nail biting, alcohol and these therapies will release the blocks and put you right back on track to good health, self-esteem, positivity, positive thinking, confidence free from limiting beliefs and restrictions that cause depression, anxiety, stress and other low vibrations such as grief, anger, jealousy and sadness.
Why does Past Life Regression Hypnosis work to eliminate issues and blocks?
If we had no blocks that held us back, we all would be Buddhist monks meditating twenty-four seven, to release them. As a Buddhist monk meditates to release, they generally do not have any issues or problems at soul level. However, the western society does not usually meditate to claim that vital force energy directly and tends to get energy from others whether it be in conversation or their thought patterns. As a result, many of our issues and problems flare up when we are at low vibrational levels of fears such as stress, anger, worry, sadness and depression, making it worse. By regressing into a past life and then into my type of healing in the theta brainwave, you are opening yourself up to reveal where the issue started.
For more information on this amazing regression therapy, pick up the phone and call Tara today for a free chat on how she can help you move forward on your path. Call 0481 33 6666 today and don’t put it off any longer.
Tara.J. Clarke is an experienced hypnotherapist in a clinical setting as well as using time regression techniques in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique QHHT where Tara was trained by Delores Cannon. Shared with energy healing, meridian tapping on acupressure points, affirmation and meditation and mindfulness, this is a influential program for anyone wishing to kick the negative limiting beliefs and fears which hold you back and start living a long and healthy life. The program is based on each and every individual person depending on your limiting belief patterns.
Getting to the ‘Root’ cause of why you smoke…
This therapy targets not only your motivation to change, but therapies to find out the true authentic reasoning as to why you have your current limiting beliefs and issues in the first place. We do not put the band aid on as this only indorses starting another habit. People come to me after going to other hypnotherapists that have only tried to re-program the clients mind, without finding out the actual cause of their issues. In my session, you will find out why you truly started smoking, by going back in time using hypnotic techniques and using those reasons to re-program your subconscious mind to start adopting positive habits and releasing and clearing the negative habits such as self-worth, confidence, self-esteem, anxiety, depression, grief, sadness, anger and stress management.
You may have already tried ways to clear out your pathway to depression, anxiety and loss, yet the real reason you cannot give up the fears or negative thinking patterns is hidden deep within your mind’s subconscious. That is the part of your mind that knows everything about you, every lesson you have learned, every negative belief you hold onto, every determination you have served and every emotion and feeling you have experienced. I am a very experienced clinical hypnotherapist with also a spiritual background. I will not only use my hypnosis techniques learned but also my spiritual background to assist you in receiving the information that we need in order to eliminate your issues for good and start moving forward with more clarity now.
All sessions of hypnosis are recorded and it is part of your therapy to take the recording home, listen to it, take notes and start implementing your own advice into your everyday life.
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a very safe process and a natural state that a human goes into, in the mind. We naturally go into hypnosis just before we go to sleep and again, just before we wake up. Imagine driving down the highway and the hands-free rings, you are now talking to the person on the phone, we are consciously aware of that person, talking to that person.
However subconsciously who is driving the car? Well, you are in the subconscious. Your subconscious mind is that powerful part of your mind that takes over to drive the car for you, automatically, like there is a part of your mind on autopilot, always. This is the powerful part of your mind that we access in hypnosis, the subconscious. To the point where the critical factor of your mind gets pushed aside allowing Mr subconscious through, that part of you that holds all of the knowledge about everything you have done, everywhere you have been, every limiting belief you hold, and every block, fear and restriction you are holding and how you adopted your fears. When you go to sleep every night, you pass through the hypnotic state, when you wake up, you again, move into the hypnosis pathway in order to reawaken. It is this theta brain wave state where you start to see the pictures in your dreams, where you will journey with me in this valuable, quality session that opens up doors of information that is valuable to you in the now. This is the part of the mind that we go to, in hypnosis. It is a very safe, natural way of finding out a lot of things about yourself in order to heal and move forward back on your path. In order to find out more about your true authentic self. Know that you are 100% safe as in my sessions we always go to a place of ‘love’ which is a vibration completely opposite to your fears. So, if you are holding onto any fears around hypnosis, this is your subconscious holding onto a limiting belief which is not at all healthy, because it is a fear. Trust the process, believe in yourself and you will easily go into hypnosis and know that you are always in control. I am just the guide taking you through a beautiful journey to reveal your limiting belief patterns, in order to heal you, to heal your life. It is also very important to do this kind of therapy if you truly want to quit smoking. Do not try this type of therapy is someone else is sending you to quit. You need to want to do the work yourself and only yourself, not anyone else.
Why should I choose Past Life Regression Therapy?
Hypnotherapy is a natural state, like a memory bank hidden deep within our very inner mind. Everything you have done, everywhere you have been, every lesson you have learned, every decision you have made, every life you have lived, every person you have met, all of these are hidden deep within your subconscious mind. It is used to get to the true source of your issues by finding the reasons why you do what you do, why we keep repeating negative patterns over and over. We do this because a negative belief or limiting confidence we have about ourselves is programmed into our subconscious, deeper mind from the past. Most of the time, it was originally put there in a past life and sometimes from childhood and trauma. The amazing and awesome attraction about hypnosis is that we can regress back in time a time and place that is relevant to our lives today. So, you will generally go into a past life that has answers to what is affecting you today. Answers to the life lessons you have learned, need to learn and also your life purpose.
Using hypnosis, hypnotherapy and all of these other modalities mentioned makes up the program which will assist in uncovering your problems and then we release them in the session. This is all done in one 4 – 5 hours session. It truly is amazing. Once you leave you can then start your path to being the most authentic version of yourself that you came here to be. Because we are all here to find out who we truly are, that is our soul purpose.
It is also that part of us that is connected to something deeper, that is connected to source or god. Whatever you wish to call it. But know that using this technique only takes us to a place of 100% love which is far away from the fears you may be holding onto around hypnosis and hypnotherapy. You do not need to be a spiritual person to have success in this program, just have belief and trust in yourself and you want to quit.
How would hypnotherapy or hypnosis work with me?
It is important to keep an open mind and come in with belief, trust in yourself and believe and trust in the system. Belief and trust in yourself and leaving any fears behind is valuable in having past life regression hypnosis therapy. Come in positive with a happy attitude and leave your limiting beliefs that it might not work behind. It is important to be ready to release all negativity and blocks out of your system and be ready to start moving forward, to start releasing the shackles that hold you back from being the most prosper, abundant, authentic version of yourself that you can be. You will get what you think about, so if you come in hesitant thinking it might not work, then it probably won’t. I you come in really wanting to be healed, then you will heal. And please do not come in if someone else has sent you. It is 100% important that you come for you, because you need to be healed. Its that easy, just like the ‘Law of Attraction’ where like attracts like. If you think positive, then you will attract positive into your life. If you keep thinking negative then you will go around and around in circles without removing those limited beliefs that cause you to think negative. So, come in with a positive attitude, know that you can do it, trust and believe in yourself and start the path forward today and being free from the shackles of what holds you back, today. Whether it be your confidence, self-esteem, anger or any other fear you wish to release, this kind of therapy works.
How does it work?
A session will go from 9am through to around 2pm in the afternoon. Sometimes I have later sessions, subject to availability. Generally, your session will start in the morning. It is at least a 4 hour session and usually will go to 5 hours subject to how many issues you have. Many of us have many issues to clear in the one session. For example, self-esteem and anger problems. It involves me checking your chakra energy centres for blocks and restrictions, checking your energy field also for limiting beliefs, blocks and restrictions. Then we have a chat and I get to know you a little in order to find the answers to the questions you may have about your health, love life, relationships, past lives, career, money matters or finances and any other questions you have. Most questions you come in with will be answered in your session. Then we start the hypnotic process which also may involve energy healing techniques throughout the session in order to release your blocks, restrictions and limiting beliefs. Then at the end, I check your energy to make sure that you are cleared. Your session is also recorded and listening back to your session is part of the special healing process. It is important to take notes on your recording and start implementing the answers into your new healthy life regime.
Past Life Regression Therapy session with examples of how it can heal you.
This therapy takes you back in time to a time and place that you need to go in order to heal, in order to remove your blocks and limitations that hold you back from your highest good, that reasoning as to why you started smoking (or the bad habit) in the first place. Not everyone goes into a past life, and yet some people will go into two or three past lives in one session. Your subconscious mind will take you to where you need to go, to a time and place that has answers about your bad habits. It may be your childhood or it may be a past life or it may even be more than one past life, going into past lives. The session will reveal information about your issues and the negative belief patterns you hold which makes you feel unhappy, sad, angry or whatever the negative vibration is that you hold. We are all different. Some of us happier than others, some have more problems that hold us down like shackles and these issues need to be cleared, so that we start to feel energetically lighter. Here are some examples of interesting past life cases I have had.
Anxiety, A man came in with a blocked throat chakra and fear of authority figures. He regressed back into a life where he was an army pilot in 1939 Arizona, went down in a B25Mitchell Bomber Plane and died. He carried the fear of authority figures as the commanding officer in charge forced him to fly the plane when he knew there was something wrong mechanically with the plane. He was holding onto a negative belief of ‘I will not speak up for myself because they never listen to me anyway’. Just having this knowing of where the fear came from healed his throat chakra and he is much more confident in standing up for himself, especially to the boss at work. He actually found his street in Boise, Idaho where he lived, it was an amazing session.
A lady came to me holding onto a lot of anger in the belly with no particular idea why. She was always angry and feeling ashamed. She found out that she was sexually abused by a male figure that she was enslaved and married to in a past life. She was constantly abused and also lost a baby in the past life which deeply affected her at soul level. In this life, she always thought that she did not want children however it was the situation in this past life that was stopping her from opening up to having children. Her deep subconscious mind was holding a hidden negative belief that ‘having children is bad’. She is now in a happy, loving relationship and openly thinking of having children.
A man in Egypt was stolen as a young boy to be a slave for the king that was in reign at the time. He worked very hard every day, long hours and they were told by the king to work hard, do your job, build this temple and when it is finished you will be rewarded with your freedom. At the age of late thirties, he was finally finished building and rewarded with freedom. He has adopted the attitude from this today to work hard and keep working hard and there will be rewards. He is a very hard worker in this lifetime and he realises now that although it is a good trait to have, it too is important to live in the now, slow down and enjoy life too, enjoy your freedom.
A man that was drinking way too much water every day. It was becoming a health issue. He was regressed back to a live also in Egypt where he died in a sand storm. He had dehydrated with nothing to drink. As a result, he adopted a negative belief of ‘You see water, you drink it’. This is what he was doing in this lifetime, drinking too much water. Just having the awareness of this habit now is enough to help him realise that a few litres of water a day is plenty!
Fears: As well as the past life regression session, many fears can be removed and it is impossible to put all of them on one page. Smoking is actually a fear because there is a fear behind the reason why someone smokes. Marijuana too and other alcohol, binge drinking, drugs, ice, cocaine or other addictions are all related to fears. Nail biting, fear of flying, water, ocean, fear of the unknown, fear of failing, these are all serious fears that many of us hold which need to be eliminated in order for you to start moving forward on your path to abundance and being the best possible version of yourself that you can be. Most of these fears are past life related, sometimes it’s your childhood too, but the ‘root’ cause of these fears will usually go beyond the current life we are living. Don’t be afraid of it though, we are only accessing that memory bank hidden deep within your subconscious mind in order to get the full story, because once we get the full picture, we can acknowledge it, accept it and release it.
These above mentioned are just some reasons, there are many reasons as to why we hold onto so much negativity. We do this kind of therapy to remove the limiting beliefs and restrictions, not necessarily to see your past life. Although I have had clients that just want to know about their past lives. This is great however the reason we do it is much deeper. You will find out a lot about yourself, your true authentic self that you did not know. When you start to know more about who you truly are, why you do things, why you like particular things, places you have been to, you start to really be able to turn inward with your intuition and know yourself inside. You start to be able to make more decisions more easily using your intuition and inner psychic abilities.
I was trained in this Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique way of hypnotherapy by Delores Cannon. I use her skills and my own in order to make this session work. Techniques such as Chakra Balancing, Energy Healing and Meditation are also brought into this session if required. Every person is different with a different story. Duration is approximately 5 hours.
About Tara J Clarke
- Specialist in Hypnotherapy with a Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy
- Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (Q.H.H.T) trained by Delores Cannon, Level 2 Practitioner
- Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher
- Energy Healer and Chakra Balancing Specialist
- Past Life Psychic for Readings to remove blocks and restrictions
- Past Life Psychic for Soul Realignment (Accessing Akashic Records, Soul Realignment)
My background
I have experienced physical abuse, sexual abuse from childhood, many anxieties and fears, poverty, as well as been a very heavy smoker and drinker. To the point where in my early twenties, I actually fell from two storeys and only managed to break my right wrist. I am obviously blessed with angel guidance as I am still here to tell the tale. I have also always had intuitive abilities from a young age. I no longer inflict negative things into my world, as I learned my lessons when I was going through traumatic times in my childhood and twenties. As a result, I now know that I chose those negative experiences in order to help others today. This is my true career path, using my skills and instinctual abilities to help others be the best version of themselves that they can be. Because if you have not done it, or experienced it, you are more than likely not as capable of helping others through their problems as someone that has experienced the exact issues that you are helping your clients with. I am no saint or Buddhist Monk, I still hold onto fears of my own that I am aware of and I am still working on every day. (It is a little hard for me to hypnotise myself however I have dealt with my own issues through many years of meditation and energy work). I am a Past Life Psychic Healer, Energy Healer, Chakra Healing Specialist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Past Life Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Practitioner Level 2, Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher to. I have awakened my experience to a Kundalini Awakening which brought me closer to my own spiritual awareness and psychic abilities that I have today. I am fortunate to have the abilities of a balanced left and right brain. The right being my very spiritual and creative side and he left, being analytical – I am a former Travel Agent, Tax Accountant and Financial Planner /Accountant too, where I used these careers which I studied very hard to achieve and have no regrets in dismissing. It is my studies at university in business and accounting that gave me the confidence to a whole new career change that I love today. I started a powerful spiritual journey into my thirties, where I learned to always listen to my intuition, to start making choices in my life that help myself and others. Since being on this amazing learning experience of reading many books, doing many courses, I have hit the ground running with a career on my spiritual path. I no longer stress or worry about what others think of me as my only concern is helping others. And this is what I am proud to be doing. I do not judge anyone that comes into my door and you can tell me anything and everything that you tell me is 100% confidential. I also understand the importance of being your true authentic self, and my combination of therapies help people every day get through their blocks, restrictions and negative limiting beliefs so they can start really turning inward, loving themselves more, focusing on what they have achieved, accomplished, what they are proud of, and what they are here on this earth to do, to live a long, healthy and abundant rest of their life. If you wish to know more about me or my qualifications on paper, go to my website: www.signsofabundance.com.au
So please pick up the phone and call me, I am more than happy to have a free chat with you on how this kind of therapy will suit you. Call Tara. J. Clarke today on 0418 33 6666 and start feeling more alive, positive and vibrant today on your new pathway to quitting the bad habits for good, with more focus and clarity of thoughts and on a more intuitive path to the true authentic self. Whether it be smoking, drinking, drugs, anxiety, depression, self worth issues, stress management, jealousy, anger, grief, intolerance, insomnia, low self esteem, marijuana, binge drinking, cocaine, ice habit, nail biting, hair pulling, bed wetting, other fears, learning difficulties, loss of concentration, lack of confidence or any other issue or bad habit, I am here to help you get back on track to healing yourself to an abundant, happy and positive lifestyle change. All sessions are 100% in confidence.
Tara. J. Clarke
- Clinical Hypnotherapist
- Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) Level 2 Practitioner
- Past Life Psychic Reader / Soul Realignment Therapy (Akashic Records)
- Energy Healing Specialist
- Chakra Balancing Specialist
- E.F.T. Emotional Freedom Technique, Meridian Tapping
- Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher
Tara is also a meditation and mindfulness teacher and has mediation downloads available for sale to get you started on your track/path to recovery. Check out our mediation downloads for anxiety, depression, chakra balancing, the sacral chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the throat chakra, the heart chakra, the base chakra for grounding, learning meditation, grounding and white light healing meditation too, which are on sale now at: signsofabundance.com.au/collections/guided-meditation-hypnosis-downloads-a-healthy-mindset
Reviews and Testimonials for Hypnotherapy and Healing, face to face sessions
Fantastic adventure, highly recommended! I had the fantastic adventure of a past life regression with the lovely Tara Clarke. It opened up a whole new world for me to learn from. Her dedication and knowledge enabled me to quickly regress to a past time and learn from that experience long forgotten. Highly recommended!
***** Steve. S.
Wow is all I can say! I’ve been to a number of hypnotherapists and wellness coaches in my life and being a coach myself, I am truly grateful to have crossed paths with Tara as she is an amazing healer! Very intuitive, precise, and brings forth amazing results. Thank you so much Tara for your dedication, insight and heart xxx
***** D. Morris
Amazing experience! Came away feeling positive, energised, inspired and motivated. Thank you, Tara.
***** C. Syrie
Tara has a different type of spiritual awareness that is harmony with her desire to improve one’s journey to a better life style. With knowledge from her previous qualifications and combining this with a pat that Tara is following at this time in her own journey, I found she was able to stop my busy mind (monkey mind) and to really hear and focus on her words and requests. Tara is a wonderful person, right from the time that I entered into her practicing clinic, the clearings, follow up information, my journey and departure was nothing but professional and a credit to her.
***** L. Mihaere
My first experience of hypnosis has been more than I ever thought it could be. Tara is incredible, I couldn’t recommend her enough. Tara lead me through a past life regression, she was delicate, gentle and persistent. I had an amazing result, it was an experience I will never forget. I will definitely do it again.
***** A. Luff
Tara is a very thorough, practical and compassionate practitioner. She is very keen to assister her clients in the best way possible for them to get the most out of their session. I recommend Tara to anyone who is looking for a positive and uplifting experience which will help put their life back on track.
***** Joe. P.
I have recently had a past life regression session with Tara. Even though I have had many similar sessions before, Tara prepared me for hers very professionally. In an introductory email, Tara explained that she would be using Dolores Cannon’s method of guidance to access my Akashic Records where my previous lives are archived. She included a link to Delores information about this method. Tara then advised me to think of a possible life that I would like to review and to prepare questions that I would like answered. As well as making a practical suggestion not to drink much before the session so it could be completed without physical interruptions. Tara made me very welcome before the session, she clarified my questions and put me at complete ease before starting regression. As a result, I was able to access a relevant past life quickly and with great clarity. After the session, I was able to confirm through the internet the two places I had lived in during that particular life. It gives me great pleasure to recommend Tara as a very competent and empathetic hypnotherapist that helped me to receive answers and guidance to my questions pertaining to this life.
***** Mira. M.
I highly recommend Tara, she is not only very skilful and knowledgeable but she makes you feel so comfortable before the session which for me was very important!
***** Mitch
My past life experience with Tara was amazing and inspiring. I had a feeling of total peace and awakening of spiritual enlightenment. I had visions of being an angel dressed in white, feeling so peaceful, without any material attachments. Ironically, this was my reasoning for coming to do the regression and all of my questions were answered. My loneliness healed as now I know that I am not alone. Tara managed to put me in touch with my parents who had passed over a few years ago, my parents were present with a total love of spirit. Thank you, Tara, for letting me go there, love and light.
***** Cherie. W.
I am not so much a spiritual person. This is not the kind of thing I would normally go for however I was holding back for one reason or another and Tara came highly recommended by a friend. I not only had all of my questions answered but I no longer have anxiety around people in authority, thanks to Tara’s amazing regression session. I certainly feel more at peace with myself, with my life lessons and it feels like a weight has been lifted. Thanks for an insightful experience, Tara you are amazing beyond any words.
***** Lincoln. T
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